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論文名稱(外文):Effects of Temperature, Shading, Container and Plant Size on Growth and Flowering in Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Leuchtfeuer’
指導教授(外文):Der-Ming Yeh
外文關鍵詞:hydrangeatemperatureshadingcontainer sizeplant sizeflowering
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於台大人工氣候室日/夜溫15/13、20/15、25/20、30/25、35/30℃進行繡球花(Hydrangea macrophylla)花芽形成試驗,以15/13℃及20/15℃處理約20天可進入花芽創始,和同時期在高冷地梅峰農場(平均溫17.5℃)所做試驗結果相似。而25/20℃處理於78天時有20%的植株進入花芽創始,但30/25、35/30℃處理78天後仍為營養生長。20/15和15/13℃處理植株之株高和葉片數,於處理18天後不再增加,以30/25和25/20℃生長最佳,但30/25℃植株因介質易失水且有病蟲害,35/30℃處理容易失水而乾枯。葉片分化速率和平均溫度成直線關係,得到Tb=12.8℃、To=22.3℃和Tm=42.6℃,每分化一片葉片需度積溫(thermal time)為50℃d。
進行六個遮光處理各為遮光0、27、55、63、82和92%,每天平均累積的光積值各為7.3、5.3、3.5、2.8、1.4和0.6MJm-2d-1。遮光55和63%處理65天之植株葉片乾重2.9g、枝梢乾重4.0g、葉片數42片、葉綠素含量及葉綠素a和b的比值皆為最佳。溫室下不遮光處理之植株落葉25.2片,顯著大於其他處理,且葉片具光氧化漂白的現象。遮光92%處理之則光補償點最低約為10μmol m-2s-1,遮光0和27%處理之光補償點為25μmol m-2s-1,不過在光飽和點方面,各處理皆無差異約在140~200μmol m-2s-1。遮光82和92%處理之植株形成花芽比例顯著減少,可能是之前營養生長時遮光造成植株較小所致。
The research investigated the role of temperature in the flower formation for hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Leuchtfeuer’), the chilling requirement and forcing culture, so that the appropriate production schedules were sought to benefit the business of exporting goods of Chinese Lunar New Year in Taiwan. The study also found out the effects of temperature and shading on the flower growth, and testified whether root restriction and plant size were the factors for inhibiting flower formation. In the aspect of plant size, the influence to the flower formation was centered on the number and the location of leaves.
In the phytotron of National Taiwan University, day/night temperatures of 15/13, 20/15, 25/20, 30/25 and 35/30℃ formulated the experiment in the flower formation of hydrangea. Day/night temperatures 15/13 and 20/15℃ for twenty days help the flower initiation; the result was similar to the findings carried out parallel in the Mei-Feng Highland with the average temperature of 17.5℃. Day/night temperature 25/20℃ made 20 percent of the plants with flower initiated, while 35/30 and 30/25℃ for 78 days still in vegetative growth. Day/night temperature 20/15 and 15/13℃ in 18 days were to stop the increasing leaf number and plant height, while 30/25 and 25/20℃ were best. The drying temperature of 30/25℃ was vulnerable to insect damage, and the water-losing temperature was 35/30℃. The rate of leaf initiation was in a linear relationship with the mean temperature and the basal temperature (Tb) = 12.8℃, the optimal temperature (To) = 22.3℃ and the maximal temperature (Tm) = 42.6℃. The thermal time for one-leaf initiation was 50℃d.
In the experiment of plant with flower initiated in the temperature of 0~7℃ and 10, 20℃ separately for 2~10 weeks, 2~7℃ of 4~10 weeks in a dark room made a flower visible after 17~30 planting days, but of 8~10 weeks, the flowering rate was only below 50 percent. Temperature of 10 and 20℃ in a dark room, the internode elongation and flower bud opening were apparent but afterwards, in a natural greenhouse, the buds were blasting seriously with the flowering rate of 20~40%.
The plants with flower buds visible (2~3mm in diameter) were moved to the phytotron with various temperatures and the result shows 30/25℃ was the fastest for budding growth, 30/25℃ of three days made blasting in visibility. The flower bud with diameter 2~3mm was sensitive to high temperature. The sepal with color to show up had its largest radius when the temperature was 20/15 and 25/20℃; 15/13℃ made the color of the sepal and the flower in slow growth and 25~35℃ of higher temperature made the smaller flower and a fading one.
Six various shading conditions were separately 0, 27, 55, 63, 82 and 92% with accumulated light integrals of 7.3, 5.3, 3.5, 2.8, 1.4 and 0.6 MJm-2d-1. The best growth under shading 55 and 63% conditions for 65 days made leaves dry weight 2.9g, shoot dry weight 4.0g and 42 leaves, total chlorophyll contained and a better ratio value of a and b. Plants under non-shading device had 25.2 shedding leaves and are damaged by photoxidation, obviously more than other alternatives. The 92% shading made the lowest light compensation point in 10μmol m-2s-1, the shadings of 0 and 27% had light compensation point in 10μmol m-2s-1. About the light saturation point, no big difference among various devices existed and the point is around 140~200μmol m-2s-1. The 82 and 92% shading lower down greatly the flowering ratio, possibly due to the shading influence on the smaller plant in the period of vegetative growth.
If the vessel for cuttings had a volume less than 260ml, the root growth will be confined to a lighter root dry weight, less than 2g, along with a confined shoot growth to inhibit flower initiation. Before the flower formation, the three-paired expanded leaves below the terminal bud restrained flower growth due to that the leaves near the bud were the source of apex growth.
If the production schedule was planned to come before Chinese Lunar New Year, the cutting period should start in March until May, from June to August was for transplanting into the highland(13-20℃) to stay two month, four to six weeks in 2-7℃ cooling storage and the flower would be visible by naked eyes after 17 to 30 days with the surrounding temperature below 30℃. The open-market days would be from December to February, two to four month earlier than the time for the natural growth.
第二章前人研究(Literature Review)2
一、繡球花之形態及開花習性(The morphology and flowering habits of hydrangea)2
(一) 原生地(Natural habitat)2
(三)開花習性(Flowering habits)3
二、影響繡球花生長之環境因子(The environmental factors affecting growth of hydrangea)4
(一) 溫度(Temperature)4
三溫度應用於繡球花產期調節之探討(The studies of temperature on manipulation of flowering in hydrangea)6
(一)花芽形成(Flower formation)6
(二)低溫冷藏(Cold storage)7
(三)促成栽培(Forcing culture)9
(四)栽培曆(Production schedules)11
四、容器與植株大小對花芽形成之影響(The effects of plant and container size on flower formation)11
(一) 容器大小(container volume)11
(二)植株大小(Plant size)13
第三章一般材料與方法(General materials and methods)19
一、植物材料(Plant materials)19
二、試驗場地與栽培管理方式(Experimental locations and cultural management)19
三、調查項目(Measurement parameters)20
第四章溫度對繡球花生長及開花之影響(Effects of temperature on growth and flowering in hydrangea)23
四.一、溫度對生長之影響(Effects of temperature on growth)23
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)23
3.Thermal time25
四.二、溫度對花芽形成之影響(Effects of temperature on flower formation)26
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)27
四.三、儲藏溫度與時間對開花之影響(Effects of storage temperature and duration of temperature treatments on flowering)30
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)31
四.四、促成栽培溫度對開花之影響(Effects of forcing temperature on flowering)34
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)34
第五章遮光對繡球花生長與花芽形成之影響(Effects of shading on growth and flower formation in hydrangea)61
五.一、遮光對生長之影響(Effects of shading on growth)61
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)62
五.二、遮光對花芽形成之影響(Effects of shading on flower formation)64
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)65
第六章容器與植株大小對繡球花花芽形成之影響(Effects of container and plant size on flower formation in hydrangea)83
六.一、容器大小對生長與花芽形成之影響(Effects of container size on growth and flower formation)83
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)84
六.二、去葉處理對花芽形成之影響(Effects of defoliation on flower formation)87
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)88
六.三、插穗節數對花芽形成之影響(Effects of node number of cuttings on flower formation)89
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)89
六.四、莖頂分裂(Vegetative splitting)92
(一)材料與方法(Materials and methods)92
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