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研究生(外文):MeiHsuan Lu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a H.323 Multimedia Conferencing System
指導教授(外文):JauHsiung Huang
外文關鍵詞:H.323Multimedia Conferencing SystemMedia Synchronization MechanismCPU Job SchedulerFlow Control ModelInter-session FairnessH.323 Protocol Analyzer
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電子通訊網路的革命,打破了人類溝通上的距離限制,在眾多應用之中,多媒體視訊會議可說是其中最重要的應用之一,為了加速多媒體視訊會議的發展,提供更高品質的多媒體通訊服務,國際組織ITU-T(International Telecommunication Union)制訂了H.323通訊協定,作為分封交換網路上的多媒體通訊標準。在本篇論文中,我們將介紹 H.323的協定架構,並提出了我們實作H.323通訊系統的方法與互通性測試的結果。除此之外,為了使我們的系統能適應目前無服務品質保證的網際網路環境,我們並針對H.323通訊標準中未詳盡定義的部分,包括媒體同步(Media Synchronization)、CPU工作排程(Job Scheduling)、與系統間的流量控制(Flow Control),分別提出有效的控制機制,在與H.323標準相容的條件下,使其具有自我調整(Adaptive)的能力,以提高多媒體通訊的連線播放品質。

The revolutions of electronic data networks have broken the constraint on communication of human beings. Among those applications, multimedia conferencing is the most important one. In order to speed the development of it, and provide better quality of communication service, international organization ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union) issued H.323-seris protocol recommendations as communication standards over packet-based networks.
In this dissertation, we present the protocol stack of H.323, and propose our results on implementing an H.323 conferencing system and interoperability testing. In addition, we design a media synchronization mechanism, a CPU job scheduler, and an adaptive flow control model to make our system more comfort to nowadays non-guaranteed QoS networking environment so that end users can get a better playout quality. These issues are left open in the standards but play an important rule on real-time media playback quality. Most Importantly, they do not affect interoperability but may have a critical impact on performance.

§2.2RAS 11

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[36] ITU-T Recommendation T.120 (1996), Transmission Protocols for Multimedia Data.

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