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論文名稱(外文):Design of CPW-Fed Slot Array Antenna
指導教授(外文):Powen Hsu
外文關鍵詞:slot array antenna
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The demand for wireless communication is experiencing unprece- dented growth. Smart antennas generally consist of an antenna array combined with signal processing and are used mainly for high-performance wireless system. So the design of the antenna array is more and more important.
The purpose of this study is to design a cpw-fed slot antenna array with a large number of elements. A carefully synthesized large array can suppress the side lobes of its radiating pattern. In our design, we analyze the self- and mutual- admittances of the slots in the array first. Then the transmission line theory is used to calculate the input impedance of the array, and an iterative process is employed to obtain a matched design and the required sizes of the slots for a desired slot voltage distribution.
Arrays with various number of elements are designed using this procedure at 7GHz, 14GHz and 22GHz. In all the cases, test pieces are carefully fabricated and measured to verify our design.

第一章 簡介
1.1開槽天線簡介 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3各章節內容概述 4
附圖 5
第二章  理論分析
PARTⅠ 陣列天線總輸入阻抗 10
2.1 單一開槽天線之導納 11
2.1.1 等效原理 12
2.1.2 邊界條件 13
2.1.3 動差法 13
2.2 開槽天線間之互導納 16
2.3 傳輸線理論21
PART II 遠場輻射場型分析23
2.4 泰勒合成法24
第三章 設計流程
3.1 陣列天線結構 37
3.2 設計考量 38
3.2.1 共面波導特徵阻抗值之選取 38
3.2.2 表格的建立 39
3.2.3 ll值的設定 42
3.2.4 電壓分佈的設定 43
3.3遞迴程序 44
附圖 48
第四章 設計結果
4.1 7GHz四元件開槽陣列天線設計 51
4.2 14GHz十一元件開槽陣列天線設計 56
4.3 22GHz開槽陣列天線設計 59
4.3.1五元件開槽陣列天線設計 59
4.3.2十七元件開槽陣列天線設計 61
第五章 實驗製作及結果
5.1實驗製作 62
5.2實驗與理論結果比較 64
5.2.1 7GHz四元件開槽陣列天線之結果 64
5.2.2 14GHz 十一元件開槽陣列天線之結果 65
5.2.3 22GHz 五元件開槽陣列天線之結果 66
5.2.4 22GHz 十七元件開槽陣列天線之結果 67
5.2.5 實驗與理論差異之原因 69
附圖 71
第六章 結論 79
附錄A 81

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