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研究生(外文):Meng-che Wu
論文名稱(外文):Dual-Polarization Frequency Reuse with Frequency Shifting
指導教授(外文):Jingshown Wu
外文關鍵詞:frequency reusedual polarizationorthogonal frequency allocation
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In this thesis, the performance of dual-polarized signals transmitted in the terrestrial radio links is discussed. Because of the imperfection of the terrestrial transmission channel, the dual-polarized signals can be interfered more easily. It's necessary to design a new scheme to improve system performance to resist the channel interference. We apply the concept of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. By using the frequency shifting and frequency allocation between two different polarized signals, there is one more orthogonal dimension existing in the system. And the system performance is improved. In the thesis, we analyze both the original system (without pulse shaping) and the pulse shaped system, and we prove that the proposed system scheme improves the transmission performance significantly.

1 Introduction............................................................................................................1
2 Survey of Dual-Polarization Frequency Reuse Systems........................................4
2.1 Polarization ......................................................................................................4
2.2 Polarization Rotation (Faraday Rotation)...........................................................7
2.3 Depolarization ..................................................................................................9
2.4 GEO Satellites versus Terrestrial Links...........................................................11
3 The Discussions of OFDM and Its Merits............................................................14
3.1 OFDM History................................................................................................15
3.2 Basic Principles of OFDM...............................................................................15
3.2-1 Parallel Data Transmission and Multiple Carriers.....................................15
3.2-2 Signal Representation of OFDM...............................................................17
3.2-3 Guard Interval and Its Implementation......................................................19
3.2-4 Some System Parameters..........................................................................21
3.2-5 Coded OFDM............................................................................................22
3.3 COFDM Performance Expectation....................................................................23
3.3-1 Channel Model ..........................................................................................23
3.3-2 Multipath/Fading.........................................................................................23
3.3-3 Frequency Offset.........................................................................................24
3.3-4 Carrier Recovery/Equalization.......................................................................24
4 Dual-Polarization Frequency Reuse System with Spectrum
Allocation of OFDM...............................................................................................26
4.1 System Structure ..............................................................................................27
4.2 Channel Model...................................................................................................29
4.3 System Analysis ..............................................................................................30
4.4 Simulation Result and Discussion......................................................................32
5 Dual-Polarization Frequency Reuse System with Pulse
Shaped Spectrum Allocation of OFDM....................................................................37
5.1 System Structure and Channel Model................................................................37
5.1-1 System Structure Description .....................................................................37
5.1-2 Channel Model............................................................................................41
5.2 System Analysis ................................................................................................41
5.2-1 Dependent Amplitude Coefficients..............................................................45
5.2-2 Independent Amplitude Coefficients............................................................46
5.3 System Performance and Discussion......................................................................47
6 Conclusions................................................................................................................55
Appendix I.....................................................................................................................57
Appendix II ..................................................................................................................59
Appendix III..................................................................................................................60
Reference ......................................................................................................................62

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