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論文名稱(外文):Integrated Circuit Design of Biopotential Amplifier
指導教授:吳 建 平
指導教授(外文):CHIEN-PING WU
外文關鍵詞:low-frequency noiseoffset voltagechopper-stabilizedresidual offset
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In the thesis, biopotential amplifier was designed for measurement of biopotential signals. Biopotential signals usually have very low low-frequency and very small amplitude. Hence, this biopotential amplifier must have very low low-frequency noise. Because CMOS transistors have much higher low-frequency noise than BJT and JFET, and the low-frequency noise must be reduced through circuit techniques. Besides, the offset voltage of the CMOS transistor has to be reduced.
The biopotential amplifier designed in this research used the chopper-stabilized technique to achieve low low-frequency noise and low DC offset voltage. A second-order bandpass filter was used to filter the residual offset induced by chopper-stabilized switches. Besides, CMOS transistors provide high input impedance. The biopotential amplifier has been designed, simulated, and the layout has been implemented successfully. Finally, it was proved that this biopotential amplifier completely matched the requirements for biopotential signals measurements.
第一章 緒論
1- 1 研究動機與目的………………………………1
1- 2 本論文的架構……………………………… 3
第二章 理論背景
2- 1 基本生醫訊號放大器之需求…………………5
2- 2 半導體元件的雜訊分析………………………7
2- 3 低雜訊技術……………………………………11
2- 4 低殘餘偏移(Residual Offset)技術………… 16
第三章 電路設計
3- 1 電路設計流程…………………………………21
3- 2 整體電路架構…………………………………22
3- 3 截波穩定(Chopper-Stabilized)電路技術……23
3- 4 前置放大器之設計……………………………26
3- 5 二階帶通濾波器之設計……..……………… 31
3- 6 偏壓電路之設計………………………………36
3- 7 非重疊時脈產生電路之設計..……………… 38
第四章 模擬結果與晶片佈局
4- 1 簡介……………………………………………40
4- 2 前置放大器的模擬結果………………………40
4- 3 二階帶通濾波器的模擬結果…………………45
4- 4 偏壓電路的模擬結果…………………………50
4- 5 非重疊時脈產生電路的模擬結果……………51
4- 6 整體電路的模擬結果…………………………52
4- 7 晶片佈局考量…………………………………54
4- 8 晶片佈局圖……………………………………56
第五章 結論
5- 1 總結……………………………………………61
5- 2 未來研究方向…………………………………62
參考文獻………………………………………… 63
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