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研究生(外文):Che-Li Lin
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on Fiber-Optic CDMA Technology
指導教授(外文):Jingshown Wu
外文關鍵詞:fiber-opticcommunicationspread spctrumcode division multiple accessprime codeoptical orthogonal code
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在本論文中我們提出了多種新式光纖分碼多工擷取系統的架構。為了改善同步式系統的效能,我們提出了一個包含適應性硬式光箝制器(adaptive optical hardlimiter)的接收機架構。藉由偵測一個位元週期中的光能量值以評估系統同時使用者人數,並進而正確地設定適應性硬式光箝制器的門檻值。此外,我們亦提出了隨機曼徹司特(Manchester)碼以增進同步式及非同步式光纖分碼多工擷取系統的誤碼率。雖然這種採用隨機曼徹司特碼的系統無法像採用適應性硬式光箝制器的系統那樣有效地改善系統效能,但它對系統複雜度也幾乎沒什麼影響。在分析誤碼率時,我們除了考慮多工擷取干擾外,並加入了熱雜訊、光二極體的散彈雜訊及暗電流雜訊。結果顯示,在相同系統複雜度及誤碼率的條件下,我們所提出的系統能讓較多的使用者同時擷取資訊。
In this thesis, several different fiber-optic code division
multiple access (CDMA) schemes are proposed. To improve the performance of synchronous systems, we propose a new receiver architecture using adaptive optical hardlimiter. By estimating the optical power in one bit duration, we obtain the side information to adjust the threshold value of the adaptive optical hardlimiter appropriately. Another system using random Manchester codes (RMC) to improve the bit error probability in both synchronous and asynchronous fiber-optic CDMA systems is also proposed. Though the RMC scheme can not improve the performance as effectively as the system using adaptive optical hardlimiter, the RMC scheme incurs little increment of system complexity. Thermal noise, shot noise, and dark current noise of the photodetector are taken into consideration in the bit error probability analyses. The results show that the proposed systems can support a larger number of simultaneous users than other systems with similar system complexity at the same bit-error probability.
A new family of three dimensional codes and the corresponding asynchronous fiber-optic CDMA network architecture are presented. The proposed temporal/spatial /wavelength (TSW) codes have out-of-phase autocorrelation and cross correlation equal to zero and one, respectively. The spectral slicing technology is utilized to achieve wavelength encoding and decoding. Compared with other one or two dimensional codes, the proposed codes can afford shorter temporal length under the same number of simultaneous users and bit error probability. If the system parameters are properly set, the number of simultaneous users can be the same as the number of available codes with bit error probability smaller than $10^{-9}$. Finally, we propose a new fiber-optic network architecture which combines wavelength division multiple access
(WDMA) and CDMA techniques to provide large system capacity.
The variable rate coding techniques to further increase the
network utilization is employed. The novel and simple design of
all-optical encoder and decoder is also presented. We also propose a fully distributed reservation protocol to improve the throughput and blocking probability significantly.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Basic CDMA Concepts
1.2 Review of Fiber-Optic CDMA Technology
1.3 Organization of The Thesis
2 A Synchronous Fiber-Optic CDMA System Using Adaptive Optical Hardlimiter
2.1 Introduction
2.2 System Description
2.3 System Performance
2.4 Alternative Receiver Structure Using A TOA
2.4.1 Receiver Description
2.4.2 Bit-Error Rate Performance
2.5 Numerical Results and Discussions
2.6 Effect of Chip Misalignment
2.7 Summary
3 Channel Interference Reduction Using Random Manchester Codes for Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Fiber-Optic CDMA Systems
3.1 Introduction
3.2 System Description
3.3 System Performance
3.3.1 Synchronous fiber-Optic CDMA Systems
3.3.2 Asynchronous Fiber-Optic CDMA systems
3.4 Numerical Results and Discussions
3.5 Summary
4 Design and Analysis of Three Dimensional Codes for Fiber-Optic CDMA Networks
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Three Dimensional Codes And System Description
4.2.1 Design of Temporal/Spatial/Wavelength Codes
4.2.2 Description of System Architecture
4.3 System Performances Analysis
4.4 Numerical Results And Discussions
4.5 Summary
5 Fiber-Optic WDMA/CDMA Networks with Variable Rate Coding
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Network Architecture
5.3 Variable Rate Spreading Sequences
5.3.1 Theory
5.3.2 Implementation of All-Optical Encoder and Decoder
5.4 Communication Protocol
5.5 Performance Analysis
5.5.1 Theoretical Analysis
5.5.2 Numerical Results
5.6 Summary
6 Conclusion
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