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研究生(外文):Chyi-Nan Wu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Integrated Voice and Data Transport Services in Wireless Communication Systems
指導教授(外文):Jin-Fu Chang
外文關鍵詞:Power ControlAdmission ControlChannel AssignmentConcentratorSoft CapacityHandoff CallsBurstinessHeterogeneity
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無線通訊系統中,未來用戶(subscribers)或稱為交通源(traffic sources)傳輸內容將以語音、數據為主,由於兩者特性互異,對於在不同傳輸環境下,應有不同之整合策略,若欲使系統資源作有效率分配且能被分析與計算,目前有關行動式無線電資源管理(radio resource management)方法有:承接控制(admission control)、頻道分配(channel assignment)、功率控制(power control)及交遞機制(handoff algorithm);如何從系統層面考量整合性問題,以達到系統資源有效使用及提昇服務品質為本論文探討重點,共分為四大主題包括:
1. 行動通訊系統使用分時多工存取/阿羅哈規約作語音/數據整合式傳輸。我們提出一套語音/數據整合式傳輸規約適用於蜂巢式行動通訊及低軌道衛星與同步衛星構鏈網路;首先語音與數據交通源進入系統基地台(base station),該基地台功能猶如一集中器(concentrator),對交通源執行各項管制、監控與服務,並針對有即時性之語音交通源採用分時多工存取技術(time division multiple access :TDMA)分配使用不同時槽(slots),另對遺失(loss)較敏感之數據交通源安排至未被使用之時槽,以提昇頻道(channels)或時槽之使用率,所有數據交通源以純阿羅哈(pure ALOHA)方式,競爭成功後才進入集中器,此集中器並備有暫存器(buffer)專供數據交通源使用,我們另採用匹配方法(moment matching)來推演純阿羅哈之輸出程序(output process);本章重點在探討數據交通源在上述條件下之各項行為,諸如數據封包傳輸遺失率(packet loss rate),暫存器內平均封包個數(average buffer occupancy)及每一封包平均等待時間(mean waiting time),並經電腦模擬驗證其精確性。
2. 蜂巢式行動通訊系統在編碼多工存取技術下,以服務品質為基底之排隊模型作語音/數據整合式策略設計與分析。由於CDMA技術具有軟性容量(soft capacity)及共享同一頻譜之特性,在商業性與軍事用途廣被重視;本文運用此特性,針對蜂巢式行動通訊系統提出一種排隊模型,用來描述語音與數據交通源在不同傳輸速率下,進出系統之行為並進一步設計三種通話承接策略(call admission schemes)且比較其優劣。
3. 行動通訊系統以封包為基底之排隊模型作語音/數據整合式效能分析。行動通訊系統其服務內容以語音及低傳輸速率數據為主,在頻道資源分配上採用控制頻道( control channel)來提供交通源取得通話頻道,另外提供交通頻道(traffic channel)來傳送交通源資訊,本文依此通話承接策略另提出兩種方法而且運用同一排隊模型作效能分析;另外交通源採用槽式阿羅哈(slotted ALOHA)規約作資源取得之競爭方式,其輸出程序經模擬驗證可用白努力程序(Bernoulli process)來近似。
4. 整合式通訊系統交通模型建立與集中器效能分析。多媒體通訊系統,例如分封交換(packet switching)、蜂巢式行動及無線非同步傳輸模式(asynchronous transfer mode)系統中,交通源一般具有叢集性(burstiness)及異質性(heterogeneity),本文針對交通源具有之統計特性,提出匹配方法以降低計算複雜度;另考量多工器或集中器之行為以排隊模型作效能分析外,本文又設計兩種快速鏈路承接策略(connection admission schemes)來作為交通源建立新通話需求或交遞發生時進入系統之依據。
Wireless or mobile communication has been the fastest growing field in the electronics and telecommunications industry over the past decade. The demand for mobile and cordless voice and data communication services has been dramatic.
The growing demand will soon fully exhaust the limited resource of frquency bandwidth unless means are designed to improve resource utilization. How to effectively manage and distribute resources according to user needs is an important issue.
Radio resource management issues include admission control, channel assignment, power control, and handoff. Integrated resource management can effectively increase system capacity and yet satisfy quality needs. In this dissertation, we studies integrated voice and data tranport services in wireless communication systems. The main results are summarized as follows.
1. Integrated Voice and Data Transmission Using TDMA/ALOHA Protocol for Mobile Communication Networks
This paper investigates the performance of an integrated voice and data transmission protocol that can be used in mobile communication networks, e.g. mobile cellular and LEO-GEO satellite networks. Voice and data are concentrated at a place such as base station in a cellular network. Time sensitive voices are supported by the concentrator in the manner of TDMA. Loss sensitive data are collected, stored, and transmitted using idle
TDMA slots. Data users transmit data to the concentration point using ALOHA protocol. Characterization of data arrivals to the concentrator is done by the method of moment matching. The emphasis of this study is on the data performance in terms of packet loss rate, average buffer occupancy, and mean packet waiting time. It is demonstrated through numerical examples that a buffer of reasonable size is good enough to offer satisfactory performance. The analysis is also validated by computer simulations.
2. A Quality-Based Birth-and-Death Queueing Model for Evaluating the Performance of an Integrated Voice/Data CDMA Cellular System
CDMA has been proven to be one of the promising mainstream multiaccessing techniques in future cellular mobile communication systems. In this paper a quality-based birth-and-death queueing model is developed for the purpose of evaluating the performance of a CDMA cellular that supports two-rate transmissions. Performance measures obtained include channel utilization and call blocking probability. Based on these results, three call admission schemes are compared.
3. A Packet-Based Queueing Model for Performance Analysis in an Integrated Voice/Data Mobile Communication Systems
The emphasis of this study is to investigate the performance of an integrated voice and data transmission protocol that can be used in mobile communication systems. We propose three call admission schemes and use a packet-based queueing model to analyze and compare their performances. The comparison is conducted in terms of call blocking probability and the mean packet transmission delay.
Voice and data calls follow slotted ALOHA protocol to setup a call. We derive the relationship between the offered traffic load and the mean packet transmission delay. The output process of a slotted ALOHA channel under medium load is understood through simulation and seen to approach a Bernoulli process.
4. Aggregate Traffic Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Concentrator in Integrated Communication Systems
In this study we investigate the performance of a multiplexer/concentrator in an integrated multimedia communication system, e.g., packet switching, mobile cellular and wireless ATM systems. Traffic flows are concentrated at a place such as a base station in a mobile communication system. The concentrator accepts heterogeneous ON-OFF traffic sources and receives service from a single output channel operating synchronously at a constant rate. The concentrator is represented by a queueing model via matching four important statistics.
Performance measures obtained include cell loss probability, average cell buffer occupancy, and mean cell waiting time. We also propose two simple connection admission schemes to establish a connection without degrading system performance during call setup, or call renegotiations phase.
The accuracy of our analysis is supported through computer simulations.
第一章 緒論
第二章 行動通訊系統使用分時多工存取/阿羅哈通訊規約作語音/數據整合式傳輸
第三章 蜂巢式行動通訊系統在編碼多工存取技術下以服務品質為基底之排隊模型作語音/數據整合式策略設計與分析
第四章 行動通訊系統以封包為基底之排隊模型作語音/數據整合式效能分析
第五章 整合式通訊系統交通模型建立與集中器效能分析
第六章 結論與後續工作
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