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研究生(外文):Chung-Hsien Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Development of Distributed Component Based Manufacturing System Framework
指導教授(外文):Han-Pang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Distributed ComponentsObject-OrientedDistributed Colored Timed Petri NetManufacturing System FrameworkComputer Integrated ManufacturingWeighted Performance IndexDistributed Component Object Model
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近年來,由於客製化導向生產模式、快速產品變遷和市場便化,使得製造系統面臨強大的競爭壓力。傳統的集中式系統模式也因為未能有效處理產品之高混線生產、複雜的製造流程和頻繁的系統重組而較不適應於新世代製造系統。此外,當製造系統之控制和生產資訊過於龐大時,傳統的集中式系統便會因此而失去效率。因此,本論文的目的在於提出一以分散式元件為基礎所建構之製造系統架構,此一架構的設計可以滿足大部份近代製造系統的需求。近代製造系統的需求包括了模組化、可重組性、彈性化、可擴充性、物件導向之模型建立和規劃、分散式、可容錯性、負載平衡化、網路穿透性和新舊系統的整合性。本論文之架構是以分散式物件導向理論和技術為基礎所建構之分散式製造系統架構。此分散式系統之事件同步化可用全域時序標籤 (Global Clock Time Stamp) 和時序差異補償(Clock Drift Compensation) 來達成。本論文中之製造執行系統以微軟的分散式元件物件模型 (Distributed Component Object Model, DCOM) 來建置。如此所發展的製造執行系統伺服器可以在分散式環境中加以新增、移除、取代、執行和釋放。分散式元件物件模型交易管理伺服器 (DCOM Transaction Management Server, DTMS) 則以加權性能指標方法(Weighted Performance Index, WPI) 來達到分散式穿透性、可容錯性和負載平衡化的分散式環境。此外,本文提出了分散式彩色時序裴式圖 (Distributed Colored Timed Petri Net, DCTPN) 的理論。此理論是發展在傳統裴式圖(Petri Net, PN) 理論上,分散式彩色時序裴式圖可以同時考慮系統的時間和屬性問題。此外,本論文也提出分散式彩色時序裴式圖的定義、轉換和定理。由於分散式彩色時序裴式圖是以分散和模組化的建構方式,因此其便可以達成所設計之各種組合架構,並可適用於經常重組之系統。特別的是新提出的元件物件模型的穩態 (COM-Server Place) 可以用來模擬製造執行系統。如此一來,分散式彩色時序裴式圖除了可以橫向地整合生產程序之外,並可以垂直地整合製造執行系統。本文同時開發了DCTPN 推論引擎、分散式統計製程管制和分散式訂單管理系統來展示此一製造系統架構。所有開發之應用系統均需透過 DTMS 來達到分散式穿透性、可容錯性和負載平衡化的分散式環境。最後以 DCTPN 來建構半導體廠之一區和可重組之集結式機台 (Cluster Tool) 的模型。這些模型均可以用不同的派工方法加以測試。值得一提的是本論文中所有應用系統的開發均採用微軟的 Visual C++、ActiveX Document 伺服器和 Active Template Library。
Recently, the manufacturing systems are getting more competitive due to the customized production, rapid product change and market transition. A traditional centralized system may not be adaptive to the next generation manufacturing environment since it cannot efficiently handle the situation of product mixes, complex production routines and frequent reconfigurations. In addition, the centralized system is poor when the control and shop floor messages are huge. Therefore, there is a strong need to develop an architecture that can fit most of the requirements for the modern manufacturing systems. The requirements of the modern manufacturing systems include modularization, reconfiguration, flexibility, extension, object-oriented modeling and programming, distributed configuration, fault tolerance, load balance, transparency and integration of modern and legacy systems. In this thesis, an event-based and distributed object-oriented component-based manufacturing system framework is proposed to model and construct the modern manufacturing systems. The distributed events can be synchronized based on the global clock time stamp and clock drift compensations. In this architecture, the manufacturing execution system (MES) is developed based on the Microsoft distributed component object model (DCOM), and the MES server can be easily adopted, removed, executed and released. A DCOM transaction management server (DTMS) is developed here to implement the weighted performance index (WPI) algorithm that can achieve the transparency, performance balance and fault-tolerance of the distributed objects. Especially, a distributed colored timed Petri net (DCTPN) is developed based on the original Petri net (PN). The structural properties of DCTPN are also developed. The proposed DCTPN can model the color-based manufacturing attributes and time-based properties. In addition, the distributed and modularized models can be integrated into the desired configuration, and hence are beneficial to the frequent process reengineering. The COM (component object model) server place in a DCTPN is used to model the manufacturing execution system (MES). Based on the COM server places, the DCTPN models can integrate not only the shopfloor processes horizontally but also the MES vertically. The distributed component servers of DCTPN inference engine, distributed real-time statistical process control (DSPC) and distributed order release server (DORS) are developed to demonstrate the proposed manufacturing system framework. All applications can be handled by the DTMS to illustrate the capacity of the DCOM-based, distributed transparent, fault tolerant and load balancing manufacturing systems. Finally, an IC fabrication manufacturing system and a reconfigurable cluster tool are modeled using DCTPN. In the constructed models, equipment and wafer based dispatching rules are imbedded in the DCTPN components to emulate the different production polices. Notice that all applications in this work are developed using Microsoft Visual C++, ActiveX Document Server and Active Template Library (ATL).
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Literature Survey
1.3 Thesis Organization
1.4 Contribution
Chapter 2 Modern Manfacturing Systems
2.1 Intermational Standards of the Modem Manufacturing Systems
2.2 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
2.3 Highly Model-Mixed Flexible Assembly Systems
2.4 IC Fabrication Manufacturing Systems
2.5 Reconfigruable Cluster Too;
2.6 Requirements and Techniques of Modem Manufacturing Systems
Chapter 3 Framework of the Distributed Object-Oriented FTLB Manufacturing Systems
3.1 Distributed Manufacturing Systems
3.2 Distributed Component Object Model(DCOM)
3.3 DCOM Transaction Management Server (DTMS)
3.4 Synchronization of Distributed Event-Driven Computing Systems
3.5 Framework of the Distributed Object-Oriented FTLB Manufacturing Systems
Chapter 4 Distributed Colored Timed Petri Net
4.1 DCTPN Introduction
4.2 DCTPN Definition
4.3 DCTPN Net Transformation
4.4 DCTPN Properties and Analysis
4.5 DCTPN Design Concept
Chapter 5 Modeling Manufacturing Systems Using DCTPN
5.1 Process Activity Analysis
5.2 Basic DCTPN Process Activities Models
5.3 Modeling of an IC Fab
5.4 Modeling of a Reconfigurable Cluster Tool
Chapter 6 System Implementations and Performance Evaluation
6.1 Application Architecture
6.2 Integrated and Industry-Based DCTPN Environment
6.3 Development Applications
6.4 Structural Analysis of the DCTPN Models
6.5 Simulatoin Results of the DCTPN Models
Chapter 7 Conclusion
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