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研究生(外文):PEI-LING WEI
論文名稱(外文):Study on Forecasting Models for Solid Waste Generation
指導教授(外文):KUNG-CHEH LI
外文關鍵詞:solid waste generationforecasting model
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As the domestic economy grows rapidly, the increase of solid waste generation is predictable. Proper treatment of solid waste is an important task. However, the design and planning of solid waste management system depends on accurate prediction of waste generation. The objective of this research was to find out the relationship between waste generation rate and socioeconomic factors and to establish the solid waste generation forecasting models of 23 counties and cities in Taiwan individually.
The statistic method employed in this research was multiple linear regression analysis. Eight socioeconomic factors included persons per household, education level, personal and family income, industrial index, commercial index, percentage of food consumption expenditure, percentage of urban population and consumer price index. By analysing the influence of independent variables on waste generation rate, the forecasting models of waste generation could be established. The results indicate that three independent variables including education level, income, and commercial index are more important than other socioeconomic factors.
According to the solid waste generation forecasting models established in this research, the waste generation of 23 counties in Taiwan in 2011 is between 1.13 and 1.65 kg/cap/day. Besides, the growth trend of solid waste generation in the next ten years is increasing, but the rate of growth is decreasing gradually. That means the growth rate of waste generation in the next ten years will have a decreasing-rate-of-increase trend. This can be explained that the policies of waste reduction and recycling have shown some effect and will continue to affect waste generation rate in the future.
摘 要.................................................................................................I
目 錄...............................................................................................III
第一章 前言......................................................................................1
1-1 研究緣起與目的.......................................................................1
1-2 研究範圍..................................................................................2
第二章 文獻研討...............................................................................3
2-1 影響垃圾產出量之因素............................................................3
2-2 垃圾產出量預估模式................................................................6
2-2-1 物質流模式(Material Flow Model)..................................6
2-2-2 排放係數模式(Generation Coefficient Model)..................8
2-2-3 時間序列模式(Time Series Model)................................10
2-2-4 利用人口統計及社會經濟變數預測垃圾量......................11
2-3 統計分析方法..........................................................................13
2-4 台灣地區垃圾產出量之歷年成長趨勢.....................................15
第三章 研究方法..............................................................................19
3-1 研究流程與架構......................................................................19
3-2 統計分析方法論之確定...........................................................22
3-2-1 時間序列模式(Time Series Model)................................22
3-2-2 計量經濟模式(Econometric Model)...............................24
3-2-3 多元線性迴歸模式 (Multiple Linear Regression Model).......25
3-2-4 綜合比較...........................................................................31
3-3 模式中之參數..........................................................................33
3-4 統計分析..................................................................................36
3-5 未來垃圾產出量之預測...........................................................37
3-5-1 自變數之預估...................................................................37
3-5-2 人口數之預測...................................................................38
第四章 結果與討論..........................................................................41
4-1 模式之建立..............................................................................41
4-1-1 縣行政區垃圾產出量預估模式之推演.............................41
4-1-2 省轄市行政區垃圾產出量預估模式之推演......................54
4-1-3 直轄市行政區垃圾產出量預估模式之推演......................65
4-1-3-1 台北市垃圾產出量預估模式之推演...........................65
4-1-3-2 高雄市垃圾產出量預估模式之推演...........................76
4-2 台灣地區二十三縣市垃圾產出量之預估模式..........................87
4-3 社經因子對垃圾量之影響........................................................98
4-3-1 每戶人口數.......................................................................98
4-3-2 教育程度.........................................................................100
4-3-3 國民所得.........................................................................100
4-3-4 工業性指標.....................................................................101
4-3-5 商業性指標.....................................................................101
4-3-6 總支出中食品所佔百分比...............................................102
4-3-7 都市計畫區內人口佔總人口百分比................................102
4-3-8 消費者物價指數..............................................................103
4-3-9 社經因子對台灣地區二十三縣市垃圾產出量之影響重..103
4-3-10 城鄉發展相關社經因子與垃圾產出量之關係...............107
4-3-11 環保行政建制對垃圾產出量之影響..............................110
4-4 垃圾產出量預估模式之應用..................................................112
第五章 結論與建議.........................................................................116
5-1 結論........................................................................................116
5-2 建議........................................................................................123
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