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論文名稱(外文):Humic acid induces the production of ox-LDL receptor through activation of PPARgamma
指導教授(外文):Lu F J
外文關鍵詞:scavenger receptor of oxLDL CD36human leukemia cell lineoxidized low density lipoproteinperoxisome proliferator activated receptorgammaHumic acid
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本研究在說明腐植酸與烏腳病動脈粥狀硬化的關係,利用西方點墨法,證明了腐植酸可以增加血球前驅細胞 (HL-60) 脂肪過氧化體增生活化受體 (PPAR gamma) 的產生,此為一個與脂肪的代謝有關的轉錄因子,其在血球細胞的表現一般認為與血球細胞的分化有關。尤其在吞噬細胞的大量表現,可以誘導氧化型低密度脂蛋白受體(scavenger receptor CD36)的表現,使吞噬細胞成功的分化成泡沫細胞、與動脈硬化的病理機轉可以說密不可分,實驗中顯示不論是高濃度的腐植酸(0.1-0.4mg/ml)或低濃度的腐植酸(0.02-0.05mg/ml)均可單獨誘導血球前驅細胞PPARgamma的產生,且與PMA結合使用,也可加強PPARgamma的誘導作用,可見腐植酸在血球前驅細胞可作為一個PPARgamma的誘導劑。

Black-foot disease is a chronic peripheral vascular disease prevalent in the western-southern Taiwan. Epidemiological studies have shown that there is a high correlation between this disease and humic acid, a fluorescent, deep brown organic acid which is easily found in various waters . Humic acid has been implicated as an etiological factor of the thromboangitic and atherothrombotic vasculopathy of the disease.
Clinical studies and microscopy examinations reveal that the signs and symptoms of Black-foot disease are similar to that of atherosclerosis , which is the progressive accumulation of smooth muscle cells and lipids with in the arterial intima. The insulation of plasma lipid into intima cells occurred by direct passage of simple lipid molecules across the endothelium and via macrophage that engulfs ox-LDL (low density lipoprotein ) in the blood or in the intima .Therefore , macrophage uptakes of ox LDL is thought to play a central role in the foam cell formation and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and Black-foot disease.
PPARgamma (peroxisome proliferatior-activated receptor-g ) is a nuclear receptor that forms a heterodimeric DNA binding complex with the retinoic acid receptor a (RXRa) , and serves as a transcription regulator of gene involved in adipocyte lipid metabolism. PPARgamma has been reported to be expressed in several myeloid leukemia cell lines. Recently , PPARgamma has been found expressed at high level in the foam cells of atherosclerotic lesion. Ligand activation of PPARg:RXRa heterodimer in myelocytic cell line induces change of characteristic of monocytic differentiation and promotes the uptake of ox LDL by regulating the expression of the scavenger receptor, CD36.PPARgamma and its congers may play an unexpected role in Black-foot disease.
We have found that humic acid can induce PPARgamma production in pre-adipocyte. The finding led us to search for its induction of PPARgamma in blood cells.Western Blotting result reveals the ability of humic acid induction of PPARgamma in promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) .HL-60 cells were treated for 24 hours with 0.020-0.4 mg/ml humic acid , and the induced amount of PPARgamma is dependent on the concentration of humic acid .
The expression of CD36 on the surface of humic acid treated with HL-60 cells was examined by flow cytometry using a monoclonal antibody to CD36.The amount of immunoreactive CD36 on HL-60 was significantly increased when cells were treated with 20mg/ml of humic acid. A strong induction of surface CD36 expression was observed following the treatment of the combination of humic acid and phorbol ester.
The above data strongly suggest that the ability of humic acid to induce formation of foam cell, and HA plays an important role in atheroscelostic pathogenesis of Black-foot disease .

第一章、 導論 5
第一節、 PPAR轉錄因子 22
第二節、 氧化型低密度脂蛋白受體CD36 25
第二章 研究目的 27
第三章 材料與方法 28
第一節、材料 28
第二節、方法 30
第三節、 數據的整理35
第四章 結果43
第一節 、藥物(PMA與腐植酸)對細胞的毒性測試43
第五章 討論58
第一節、 腐植酸濃度的範圍使用是否具生理意義?58
是否有其它因子參與? 60

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