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研究生(外文):Lee Chen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons induce extracellular calcium influx and nitric oxide formation in ECV304 cells
指導教授(外文):Kang Jaw Jou
外文關鍵詞:polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsendothelialsCa2+NO
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多環芳香烴類為廣泛存在環境污染物不論在水、土壤、沈澱物及植物的表面及城市、鄉村都可偵測到其存在。雖然已有許多報導指出多環芳香烴類對於人體健康的危害例如致癌及免疫毒性但對於其在心血管功能可能產生的影響仍然不是十分明朗。之前,我們實驗室證實數種多環芳香烴類在老鼠胸主動脈上會透過活化內皮細胞內一氧化氮合成而引起一種需內皮細胞存在下才有的血管放鬆作用 ;而最近我們也發現多環芳香烴類在老鼠胸主動脈所造成cGMP上升是需要細胞外鈣離子存在的。因此,為了進一步探討多環芳香烴類在內皮細胞上的直接作用,我們利用人類臍靜脈轉型細胞株(ECV304)來做進一步的實驗。
我們發現多環芳香烴類包括acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, naphthalene,fluorene,fluoranthene都會隨濃度的增加而引起ECV304細胞內鈣離子濃度上升及一氧化氮產生量隨之增加。而外加細胞外鈣離子螯合劑EGTA可抑制多環芳香烴類所引起細胞內鈣離子濃度上升及一氧化氮產生增加的情形;此外,我們利用許多不同鈣離子通道抑制劑來進一步瞭解多環芳香烴類所引起細胞內鈣離子濃度上升由那一個通道進入,由結果得知只有Ni2+ (nonselective calcium channel blocker)及SKF96365 (receptor operator calcium channel blocker)才可抑制而其他如verapamil,dilitiazem (voltage dependent calcium channel blocker),amiloride (Na+-Ca2+ exchange blocker)都沒有抑制作用。而我們也用了細胞色素P450抑制劑econazole,miconazole (P4501A 抑制劑),SKF 525A (nonselective P450抑制劑)去釐清多環芳香烴類所引起細胞內鈣離子濃度上升及一氧化氮產生增加的情形是否需透過細胞色素P450代謝,結果也顯示沒有抑制現象。因此,由本實驗結果所得結論為環境污染物多環芳香烴類可透過細胞外鈣離子內流而活化內皮細胞上的一氧化氮合成而釋放一氧化氮。
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common environmental contaminants which have been detected in surface waters, sediment, soils, plants, and both rural and urban air. Although numerous studies have examined the deleterious health effects of PAHs, their role in the development of cardiovascular disorders remains controversial. Previously, we have shown that several PAHs induced vasorelaxation through activation nitric oxide (NO) synthase in endothelium of rat aorta. In the preliminary study, we have seen that the cGMP contents of rat aorta were elevated upon addition of PAHs in an extracellular calcium dependent manner. The direct effects of PAHs on endothelium were further investigated by using the transformed human endothelial cell, ECV304.
We have found that PAHs, including acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, naphthalene, fluorene, fluoranthene, dose dependently induced the increase of [Ca2+]i and NO formation in ECV304 cells. The increase of [Ca2+]i and NO formation induced by PAHs were inhibited when the extracellular calcium was chelated by EGTA. However, higher concentration of PAHs induced a minor raise of [Ca2+]i even in the absence of extracellular calcium. We have also found that the PAHs induced [Ca2+]i increase and NO formation were inhibited by Ni2+ (nonselective calcium channel blocker) and SKF96365 (receptor-operated calcium channel blocker), but not by the verapamil, diltiazem (voltage-dependent calcium channel blockers) and amiloride (Na+-Ca2+ exchange blocker). In addition, we have found that the effects of PAHs on ECV304 cells were not inhibited by econazole, miconazole (P450 1A inhibitors) and SKF 525A (nonselective P450 inhibitor). The results from this study suggested that PAHs could induce influx of extracellular calcium which further activate the NO synthase of endothelial cell and hence NO formation.
Fig.1 The structure of PAHs which were listed by U.S. EPA of heavy effect on health...............................................................................3
Fig.2 Role of endothelial P2-purinergic receptors in the interaction between platelets and a lesion of the arterial wall.........................8
Fig.3 Endothelium-derived vasoactive substances .................................9
Fig.4 Schematic representation of the interations that NO can undergo and the effects of NO both as a physiological messenger and a cytotoxic agent ............................................................................13
Fig.5 Cytotoxic effect of PAHs in ECV304 cells .................................78
Fig.6 Effect of ATP on [Ca2+]i changes in ECV304 cells ......................79
Fig.7 Naphthalene induced increase of [Ca2+]i in ECV304 cells ..........80
Fig.8 Effect of naphthalene on [Ca2+]i change in ECV304 cells ...........81
Fig.9 Effect of acenaphthylene on [Ca2+]i changes in ECV304 cells ....82
Fig.10 Effect of acenaphthene on [Ca2+]i changes in ECV304 cells .....83
Fig.11 Effect of fluorene on [Ca2+]i changes in ECV304 cells ..............84
Fig.12 The dose-dependent effect of fluoranthene on 45Ca2+-uptake in ECV304 cells ..............................................................................85
Fig.13 The induction of NO production by naphthalene in ECV304 cells .............................................................................................86
Fig.14 The induction of NO production by acenaphthylene in ECV304 cells .............................................................................................87
Fig.15 The induction of NO production by acenaphthene in ECV304 cells .............................................................................................88
Fig.16 The induction of NO production by fluoranthene in ECV304 cells .............................................................................................89
Fig.17 The induction of NO production by fluorene in ECV304 cells .90
Fig.18 The effect of calcium blockers, and P450 inhibitors on 45Ca2+-uptake induced by fluoranthene in ECV304 cells.....................
Table.1 Summary of the characteristics and properties of the different isoforms of nitric oxide synthase(NOS)...............................10
Table.2 Factors affecting the effect of PAHs on the induction of cyclic GMP formation in rat aorta ......................................................23
Table.3 The effect of calcium channel blockers and P450 inhibitors on increases of intracellular calcium induced by PAHs in ECV304 cells............................................................................................92
Table.4 The effect of calcium channel blockers and P450 inhibitor on increase of NO production upon treated by PAHs in ECV304 cells............................................................................................93
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陳瑞明 6-硝基稠二奈之細胞色素P450誘導作用及毒理性質1998,博士論文,國立臺灣大學毒理所。
蕭欣杰 室內環境固相多環芳香烴特性之研究 1997,碩士論文,國立臺灣大學公共衛生學研究所。
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