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研究生(外文):Yen-Ling, Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Experienced process and coping behaviors of mothers while their prematurely born newborns are hospitalized
指導教授(外文):Yu-Mei , Chao
外文關鍵詞:motherprematurethe period of the hospitalizationexperienced processcoping behavior
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The purpose of the study is devoted to discuss the experienced process and the coping behavior of the women whose prematures were hospitalized. The clinical field research method was adopted in this case. There were four cases involved in this study. The researcher played the role of an observer-as-participant from the birth to the discharge of the prematures.
When the mothers were in the hospital, the researcher offered the necessary nursing care in the morning, and accompanied the mothers to visit their premature baby in NICU. After the mothers were discharged from the hospital, the researcher accompanied them while they visited their premature baby, or informed them of the health of their premature baby by telephone if they can not go to the hospital. The spontaneous verbal and nonverbal language and behavior expressed by the cases were recorded in the form of the process recordings within 12 hours of the cases leave of the hospital. The collected data had been compared and categorized by content analysis until the results became stable and suitable.
The experienced process of the preterm mother could be divided into five categories:1. Suddenly skip over the space and time of the pregnancy. 2. Taste the disappointment and frustration after the preterm labor. 3. Fall into the uncertainty to the health of the premature. 4. Be unable to show the maternal love. 5. Worry about the incapability of playing the role of a of the premature baby.
There are six kinds of the coping behaviors as the following:1.Reconstruct myself. 2.Strongly believe that the premature can safely overcome the crisis. 3.Promote the good feeling between the mother and the premature. 4.Try to experience the reality of being a mother. 5.Strive to learn to be competent for the mother of the premature. 6.Integrate the preterm experience.
The results of this study discover the experienced process and the coping behavior of the preterm mother. It will help the clinical nurses to realize the cases and offer the necessary nursing of the preterm mother.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及重要性1
第二節 研究問題之陳述3
第三節 名詞界定3
第二章 文獻查證4
第一節 早產及早產兒的生理特徵4
第二節 早產對產婦的影響6
第三節 因應行為 8
第三章 研究方法 10
第一節 研究方法論 10
第二節 研究對象 12
第三節 研究情境 13
第四節 資料之收集14
第五節 資料的分析方法21
第六節 資料分析與收集之嚴謹度21
第四章 研究結果與分析24
第一節 研究對象基本資料與其早產兒相關資料分析25
第二節 經驗歷程及因應行為之綱要33
第三節 經驗歷程及因應行為之詳述39
第五章 討論 98
第一節 研究結果之討論98
第二節 研究架構之形成105
第三節 與相關研究之比較107
第六章 結論117
第一節 護理學上的應用118
第二節 研究的限制及對未來研究的建議119
參考資料 120
行為過程實錄與內容分析 125
圖一 研究方法及過程流程圖 20
圖二 A早產兒的體重變化圖 29
圖三 B早產兒的體重變化圖 30
圖四 C早產兒的體重變化圖 31
圖五 D早產兒的體重變化圖 32
圖六 早產產婦之經驗歷程與因應行為之概念架構 106
表一 收集資料的時間流程 19
表二 四位研究對象與其早產兒的基本相關資料 28
表三 與有關足月產婦經驗之研究比較 111
表四 與有關早產產婦經驗之研究其研究方法比較 115
表五 與有關早產產婦經驗之研究其研究結果比較 116
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