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研究生(外文):Li-Ya Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Problems and needs experienced by urology nurses on teaching sexual health to patients
指導教授(外文):Shiow-Li Hwang
外文關鍵詞:urology nursessexual health teachingproblemsneeds
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研究採敘述性橫斷式研究調查法,以立意取樣的方式選取北部準醫學或醫學中心工作屆滿三個月的泌尿科女性護理人員共90名,使用結構性問卷『泌尿護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨的問題及需要的協助』進行資料收集,以SPSS for Windows 進行資料處理與統計分析。
Human sexuality is an integral part of health care, nurses consider it as a part of their role as a nurse and integrate sexual health care into the holistic care. Previous research has shown that patients'' sexual health care is frequently neglected of nursing practices. It revels that to investigate the barriers and interference nursing process of patients sexual health care is very important. In past years, either overseas studies or civil studies had focused on nurses'' knowledge of and attitudes towards sexuality and the relationship of these with nursing practice, and never about the urology. This study investigated the problems and needs experienced by urology nurses on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care and related factors, and it could be a basic data and information by further improvement of clinical nursing practice or educational programs, then promote the quality of patients sexual health care.
This study used a cross-section survey method and purposive sampling. A total of 90 urology nurses who worked at a medical center hospital in north Taiwan and had been employed for more then three months were selected. Date was collected by a list of 26 items based on former research, in order to explore the problems and needs experienced by urology nurses'' on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care, which were self-administered by subjects. Date was processed by SPSS for Windows software.
This study reveals the major of urology nurses provided sexual health teaching when patients asked sexual problems. Factor analyses resulted in a 3-factor structure with the problems connotation that experienced by urology nurses on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care, which included three factors were related to patients'' reaction, related to relationship and environment, relation to nurses'' provision. The relationship and environment were the major frequent, disturbance, and needs problems experienced by urology nurses on sexual health teaching. The highest frequently problem was "It is difficult to evaluated or follow up sexual health teaching", the 2nd frequently problem was "Neither the trust relationship between nurses and patients, nor furthermore dissuasion", the 3rd frequently problem was "Patients were hesitated to express their sexual problems";The highest disturbance problem was "It is difficult to evaluated or follow up sexual health teaching", the 2nd disturbance problem was " there was insufficient information for sexual teaching" ,and the 3rd disturbance problem was " lack of quite and privacy site for addressed sexual issues with patients;The highest need of assist to deal with the problem was " there was insufficient information for sexual teaching", the 2nd need of assist to deal with the problem was "Urology nurses perceived that the most sexual problems were too complex to be within the realm of nursing practice", and the 3rd problem need of assist to deal with the problem was "" It is difficult to evaluated or follow up sexual health teaching".
Stepwise multiple regression analyses demonstrated the provision of providing sexual teaching, years of nursing services, and the positive degree of providing, were significant variables related to the frequency of the problems experienced by urology nurses on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care, accounting for 21% of the variance. The provisions of providing sexual teach, was significant variable related to the disturbance degree of experienced by urology nurses on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care, accounting for 6% of the variance. The provision of providing sexual teaching and years of nursing service were related to the needs of assist to deal with problems of experienced by urology nurses on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care, accounting for 11% of the variance.
The result of this study may provide an information for understanding the problems and needs as urology nurses on delivery sexual health teaching of patients care. It is a good prior reference for nursing curriculum or continuous education programs, by further making modification to raise the quality of sexual health care for patients.
Key word:urology nurses, sexual health teaching , problems and
致 謝--------------------------------------------------- Ⅰ
圖表目錄--------------------------------------------------- Ⅳ
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機及目的------------------------------ 2
第二節 研究問題與研究假設----------------------- 4
第三節 名詞界定---------------------------------------- 5
第二章 文獻查證
第一節 人類性學與發展史--------------------------6
第二節 性健康照護的護理發展------------------- 7
第三節 護理人員在病患性健康照護的專業角色 8
第四節 護理人員題翁病患的性健康照護行為與影響因素------11
第五節 護理人員提供性健康照護面臨的問題----------------13
第六節 護理人員提供性健康照護的需求--------------------15
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計----------------------------------------18
第二節 研究對象與場所----------------------------------19
第三節 研究工具----------------------------------------19
第四節 研究工具的信效度檢定---------------------------- 21
第五節 資料收集過程------------------------------------23
第六節 資料處理與統計分析------------------------------24
第七節 倫理考量----------------------------------------25
第四章 研究結果
第一節 護理人員背景資料分佈情形------------------------30
第二節 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨的問題與問題發生的頻率40
第三節 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的困擾程度--------42
第四節 護理人員提供病患性衛教需要協助的程度------------44
第五節 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的發生頻率、困擾程
第五章 討論
第一節 護理人員提供病患性衛教的處理方式----------------61
第二節 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨的問題與需要的協助----64
第三節 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的發生頻率、困擾程
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論--------------------------------------------75
第二節 護理上的應用------------------------------------77
第三節 研究限制與建議----------------------------------78
附錄一 問卷內容效度專家名單----------------------------87
附錄二 致護理人員之書面說明及同意書--------------------88
附錄三 研究問卷----------------------------------------89
圖3-1 研究的概念架構--------------------------------------18
表3-1 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的發生頻率量表之因素分
表3-2 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的困擾程度量表之因素分
表3-3 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題需要協助的程度量表之因
表3-4 研究工具之內在一致性信度與穩定信度------------------29
表4-1-1 護理人員基本屬性分佈--------------------------------34
表4-1-2 護理人員曾經界受過的性學教育課程--------------------35
表4-1-3 不同醫院等級護理人員的基本屬性之差異分析------------36
表4-1-4 護理人員對提供性衛教的觀點--------------------------37
表4-1-5 病患詢問以及護理人員提供的性衛教內容----------------37
表4-1-6 護理人員提供性衛教的執行方式------------------------38
表4-2-1 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨的問題--------------------46
表4-2-2 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的人次排行榜----------47
表4-2-3 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題的發生頻率、困擾程度與
表4-2-4護理人員提供性衛教面臨問題的發生頻率之得分及排行榜--48表4-3-1 護理人員提供性衛教面臨問題的困擾程度之得分及排行榜--49表4-4-1護理人員提供性衛教面臨問題需要協助的程度之得分及排行
表4-5-1 護理人員基本屬性、對性衛教觀點與提供性衛教準備度之相
表4-5-2 護理人員教育、宗教及提供性衛教準備度與問題的發生頻率
表4-5-3 護理人員基本屬性、對性衛教觀點及性衛教準備度與問題的
表4-5-4 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題發生頻率的逐步迴歸分析59
表4-5-5 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題困擾程度之逐步回歸分析59
表4-5-5 護理人員提供病患性衛教面臨問題需要協助的程度之逐步回
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