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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):Exploration of Mother''s Concern and Needs, and Other Related Factors when Caring for a Discharged Burned Child
指導教授(外文):Yueh-Chih Chen
外文關鍵詞:burned childrenconcernneedssocial support
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Burn is generally an unexpected accident. It is extremely difficult for the burned children to adapt themselves to the new lives with observable scar on their bodies. Mothers are important caregivers after their children are discharged. It is no doubt that mothers are under great stress and have a lot of concern and needs. There are few researches in this field no matter in Taiwan or other countries. This study is therefore to explore the concern and needs of the mother having a burned child and all the related factors.
This is a descriptive and cross-sectioned study. The subjects were chosen by purpose sampling. There are 84 samples from two medical centers and a burned foundation in Taipei during the past two years. The data were obtained with structured questionnaires. The questions include "the Concerned scale of mothers", "Need scaled of mothers", "Social support scale for mothers", and "the basic information of the children and mothers". Data were analyzed by SPSS/PC and the statistic methods were based on ratio, mean, t test, one way ANOVA, Scheff''s post hoc multiple comparison, Pearson''s productment correlation and multiple regression.
According to the results, the average score of mother''s concern is 3.35 points (scores ranged from 1 to 5). The ranking of "Children aspect" is the highest and "Interpersonal aspect" lowest out of 4 aspects. Regarding to every single item that mothers concern about, "Children have hypertrophy scar" is the highest and "Cannot participate with the communal activity" lowest. The average score of mother''s needs is 3.6 points in the research. The ranking of "Home care aspect" is the highest and "Emotion support aspect" lowest out of 3 aspects. Regarding to every single item of mother''s needs, "Understanding the methods of prevention hypertrophy scar" has the highest point and "Need a baby-sitter to take care of burned child" gets the lowest one. It is also found that the score of mother''s self-perceived social support falls on 2.55 points. "Appraisal support" ranks the highest and "Tangible support" lowest out of 4 aspects. The survey shows there is no correlation between social support and mother''s concern and needs. However, there is a positive correlation between mother''s concern and needs. The essential factors that influence the mother''s concern are medical support, the psychological changing of burned children, mothers are elementary or high school graduate. Children''s significant burn and bad temper are also the essential factors that influence the mother''s needs.
The results may offer nurses information to understand the concern, needs, and related factors of burned children''s mothers. It also serves as a standard for nurses to provide help and support to mothers and to decrease mothers'' stress. In this way, the burned children will obtain appropriate care.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機………………………………………01
第二節 研究目的………………………………………03
第三節 研究問題與研究假設…………………………04
第四節 名詞界定………………………………………05
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 燒燙傷兒童……………………………………06
第二節 母親的關注與需求……………………………12
第三節 母親的關注與需求之相關因素………………18
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構………………………………………23
第二節 研究對象與場所………………………………24
第三節 研究工具………………………………………25
第四節 研究工具之信度與效度測定…………………29
第五節 資料收集過程…………………………………32
第六節 資料統計與分析………………………………34
第四章 研究結果
第一節 燒燙病童及其母親之基本屬性………………52
第二節 燒燙傷病童母親的關注與需求………………62
第三節 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之相關因素……68
第四節 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之影響因素……72
第五節 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之預測因子……94
第五章 討論
第一節 研究對象基本屬性分析………………………98
第二節 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求…………………102
第三節 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之相關因素……108
第四節 影響燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之因素……111
第五節 預測燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之重要 因子 119
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論………………………………………………121
第二節 應用與建議………………………………………125
第三節 研究限制與對未來研究之建議…………………133
第四節 研究心得…………………………………………135
中文部份……………………………………………………… 136
附錄1 量表內容效度專家名稱………………………………148
附錄2-1 同意書………………………………………………150
附錄2-2 母親關注量表………………………………………148
附錄2-3 母親需求量表………………………………………152
附錄2-4 母親社會支持量表…………………………………154
附錄2-5 母親基本資料………………………………………156
附錄2-6 燒燙傷病童基本資料………………………………157
圖3-1 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求及相關因素……………23
圖3-2 資料收集流程…………………………………………33
圖5-1 修正後的研究概念架構………………………………120
圖6-1 國內燒燙傷單位之醫院名稱及床位數目……………130
表2-1 燒燙傷體表面積估計…………………………………8
表3-1 各量表專家效度之得分情形…………………………30
表3-2 各量表之Cronbach''s Alpha值…………………………31
表3-3 基本屬性、母親關注、需求與社會支持之描述性統計36
表3-4 母親及病童基本屬性和母親關注與需求之差異性分析41
表3-5 社會支持與母親關注及需求之相關性分析…………50
表3-6 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求之逐步迴歸分析………51
表4-1 燒燙傷病童母親基本屬性之分佈……………………54
表4-2 燒燙傷病童基本屬性之分佈…………………………57
表4-3 燒燙傷病童未受訪者基本屬性………………………60
表4-4 燒燙傷病童受訪者與未受者之基本屬性比較………61
表4-5 燒燙傷病童母親關注總量表及次量表之得分情形…63
表4-6 燒燙傷病童母親之關注得分情形……………………64
表4-7 燒燙傷病童母親需求總量表及次量表之得分情形…67
表4-8 燒燙傷病童母親之需求得分情形……………………67
表4-9 燒燙傷病童母親社會支持總量表及次量表之得分情形70
表4-10 燒燙傷病童母親社會支持得分情形…………………70
表4-11 社會支持與母親關注及需求各層面相關分析………71
表4-12 母親基本屬性與母親關注之變異數分析……………78
表4-13 病童基本屬性與母親關注之變異數分析……………80
表4-14 母親基本屬性與母親需求之變異數分析……………88
表4-15 病童基本屬性與母親需求之變異數分析……………90
表4-16 燒燙傷病童母親關注與需求各層面相關分析………93
表4-17 燒燙傷病童母親關注相關因素之逐步迴歸分析……96
表4-18 燒燙傷病童母親需求相關因素之逐步迴歸分析……96
表4-19 研究結果驗證本研究假設摘要………………………97
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