一、 中文書目
Ellen Winner著:陶東風等譯。創造的世界-藝術心理學( Invented Worlds — The Psychology of the Arts)。台北:田園城市文化,民國86年。
查顯良。國民小學中年級學生繪畫空間表現特質之多重個案研究。國立嘉義師範學院國民教育研究所碩士論文,民國85年。李琛玫。國中一般能力資優生、美術資優生與普通生之視覺空間認知能力研究。國立彰化大學特殊教育學系碩士論文,民國85年。Anne Anastasi著:黃安邦譯。心裡測驗( Psychological Testing)。台北︰五南,民國80年。
W. Lambert Brittain著:陳武鎮譯。幼兒創造力與美術( Creativity, Art, and the Young Child)。台北︰世界文物出版,民國80年。
林玉山。皮亞傑認知發展理論與兒童繪畫發展之探討。國立台灣師範大學美術研究所碩士論文,民國79年。Ronda Kellogg著:夏勳譯。兒童畫的發展過程。台北︰世界文物出版,民國77年。
Rudolf Arnheim 著:李長俊譯。藝術與視覺心理學( Art and Visual Perception)。台北:雄獅圖書公司,民國74。
二、 英文書目
Bartel, Kazimierz. (1986) Observations on drawings of children and illiterate adults. British journal of developmental psychology, 4, 331-333.
Bremner, J. G., & Moore, S. (1984). Prior visual inspection and object naming: two factors that enhance hidden feature inclusion in young children’s drawing. British journal of developmental psychology, 2, 371-376.
Christou, C., Koenderink, J., & Doom, A. J. (1995) Surface gradients, contours and the perception of surface attitude in images of complex scenes. Perception, 25,701-713.
Golomb, C.(1992) The children’s of a Pictorial World. Urbana, CA: University of California.
Colbert, C. B., & Taunton, M. (1988) Problems of representation: preshool and third grade children’s observational drawings of a tree dimensional model. A journal of issues and research, 29(2), 103-114.
Cox, M.V. (1986) Cubes are difficult things to draw. British journal of developmental psychology, 4, 341-345.
Chen, M. J. (1985) Young children’s drawings of solid objects. in Freeman & Cox (Ed.),Visual Order, 157-175.
Crook, C. (1984). Factors influencing the use of transparency in children’s drawing. British journal of developmental psychology, 5, 221-229.
Deregowski, J.B. & Strang, P. (1986) On the drawing of a cube and its derivatives. British journal of developmental psychology, 4, 323-330.
Fein, D. & Lucci, D., & Waterhouse, L. (1990) Brief report: fragmented drawings in autistic children. Journal of autism and Developmental disorders, 20(2), 263-269.
Freeman, N.H. (1986) How should a cube be drawn? British journal of developmental psychology, 4, 317-322.
Heller, M. Calcaterra, J., Tyler L., & Burson, L. (1996) Production and interpretation of perspective drawings by blind and sighted people. Perception, 25, 321-334.
Hinton, R.A.L. (1991) Use of tactile pictures to communicate the work of visual artists to blind people. Journal of visual impairment & blindness, 85(4), 174-75.
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Kennedy, J.M. (1984) Drawings by the blind: sighted children and adults judge their sequence of development. Visual arts research, 10(1), 1-6.
Kennedy, John. M. (1983). What can we learn about pictures from the blind? American Scientist, 71, 19-26.
Kennedy, John. M. (1980). Blind people recognizing and making haptic pictures. In M. Hagen (Ed.), The Perception of Picture. Vol. 2. New York: Academic Press.
Lee, M. & Bremner, G. (1987) The representation of depth in children’s drawings of a table. The quarterly journal of exiperimental psychology, 39A, 479-496.
Norman, J.F., & Todd, J.T. (1996) The discriminability of local surface structure. Perception, 25, 381-398.
Nicholls, A.L.,& Kennedy, J.M. (1993) Foreshortening and the perception of parallel projections. Perception & psychophysics, 54(5), 665-674.
Nicholls, A. L., & Kennedy, J. M. (1992). Drawing development: From similarity of features to direction. Child Development, 63, 227-241.
Pizlo, Z., & Salach-Golyska, M. (1995) 3-D shape perception. Perception & Psychophysics, 57(5), 692-714.
Shimizu, Y., & Saida, S., & Shimura, H. (1993). Tactile pattern recognition by graphic display: Importance of 3-D information for haptic perception of familiar objects. Perception & Psychophysics, 53(1), 43-48.
Willats, J. (1977). How children learn to draw realistic pictures. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29, 367-382.