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研究生(外文):Huang Ren-Hung
論文名稱(外文):The efficiency of paragraph layouts on visual search and reading
外文關鍵詞:layoutvisual searchreading
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The text layout will result in different performance because of the visual perception, physiological reaction and cognition of human beings while reading. From the ergonomics standpoint, the readability improvement of the paragraph layout, such as effects of the line length and the semantic segmentation arrangement, were investigated in this study. We intend that it will be recommended as guidelines of the paragraph layout design in order to facilitate visual search as well as reading.
The result of experiment one revealed that:(1)No significant differences were found in visual search accuracy when different line lengths were used. We conclude that searching accuracy of the passage does not vary as a function of the layout, indicating that people maintain a constant level of searching accuracy by varying their searching rate. (2)A significant difference was found in searching rate between the use of the line length of 32 characters and 14 characters. We conclude that the optimum line length for visual search is longer than for general reading. (3)Compared with the general section display, one single sentence displayed as a section itself was found no significant differences in visual search performance. No or little comprehension demands during visual search can account for this result.
The result of experiment two indicated that:(1)No significant differences were found in general reading comprehension when different line lengths were used. We conclude that reading comprehension of the passage does not vary as a function of the layout, indicating that people maintain a constant level of reading comprehension by varying their reading rate. (2)A significant difference was found in general reading rate between the use of the line length of 22 characters and 14 characters. (3)Compared with the general section display, one single sentence displayed as a section itself was found no significant differences in general reading performance. Much comprehension demands during general reading can account for this result because of little help of the layout.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 5
1.3研究步驟 7
1.4研究範圍與限制 9
1.4.1研究範圍 9
1.4.2研究限制 9
第二章 文獻探討 10
2.1可讀性 10
2.2視覺作業歷程 11
2.2.1字彙辨識 11
2.2.2閱讀 13
2.2.3視覺搜尋及其與閱讀之比較 17
2.3影響版面呈現之變項 20
2.3.1空間運用 21
2.3.2行長 23
2.3.3語意分割 27
2.4小結 31
第三章 研究實驗 35
3.1.1實驗目的 35
3.1.2實驗材料 35
3.1.3受試者 36
3.1.4實驗控制變項 36
3.1.5實驗因變項 37
3.1.6實驗自變項 37
3.1.7實驗設計 38
3.1.8實驗程序 39
3.1.9分析方法 40
3.2實驗二:文章段落之閱讀績效測試 41
3.2.1實驗目的 41
3.2.2實驗材料 41
3.2.3受試者 44
3.2.4實驗因變項 44
3.2.5實驗自變項 45
3.2.6實驗設計 45
3.2.7實驗程序 46
3.2.8分析方法 47
第四章 實驗結果與討論 49
4.1.1行長對視覺搜尋績效之影響 49
4.1.2段落大小對視覺搜尋績效之影響 52
4.1.3行長與段落大小之交互作用 54
4.2.1行長對閱讀績效之影響 57
4.2.2段落大小對一般性閱讀績效之影響 59
4.2.3行長與段落大小之交互作用 60
第五章 結論與建議 62
5.1結論 62
5.2建議事項 63
參考文獻 66
附錄一 版面(一) 74
附錄二 版面(二) 75
附錄三 版面(三) 76
附錄四 版面(四) 77
附錄五 版面(五) 78
附錄六 版面(六) 79
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附錄八 不同行長相對應閱讀速率之Tukey事後比較81
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