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研究生(外文):LU JEN KUEI
論文名稱(外文):Fed-batch fermentation of Agrobacterium radiobacter for D-amino acid production
指導教授(外文):C.K. Lee
外文關鍵詞:Agrobacterium radiobacterFed-batch fermentationhydantoinaseamidohydrolase
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D-對位-氫氧苯基甘氨酸( D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine ; D-pHPG )是一種D型氨基酸,此種氨基酸可與6-aminopenicillanic acid(6-APA)反應合成半合成抗生素Amoxicillin,以酵素法製造D-pHPG可分為兩個步驟:首先將D-對位-氫氧苯基乙內醯 ( D-p-hydroxyphenylhydantoin ;D-pHPH )經由D-乙內醯水解(D-hydantoinase)水解,生成中間產物N-氨甲醯基-D-對位氫氧苯基甘氨酸(N-carbamoyl-D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine ;D-CpHPG ),D-CpHPG再經由第二步驟N-氨甲醯基-D-氨基酸氨基水解(N-carbamoyl-D-amino acid amidohydrolase)水解生成D-pHPG。
Agrobacterium radiobacter菌體同時含有D-hydantoinase及amidohydrolase兩種酵素,可直接將pHPH轉化為D-pHPG。本論文的目的是希望利用饋料批式發酵獲得大量高活性的A. radiobacter菌體,用以生產D-pHPG。首先以實驗設計法找出最佳之培養基組成用以培養A. radiobaacter,並以pHPH與大豆水解液做為誘導劑,分別研究此兩種誘導劑對於此兩種酵素之誘導效果,再以先決饋料模式進行饋料批式高密度培養A. radiobacter,得到最大菌體濃度為19.48g DCW(dry cell weight)/l菌體,比活性為0.279 µmole/hr.mg cell。
此外為了增加菌體反應的穩定性,將培養所得之菌體以聚乙烯亞胺凝聚,再加入戊二醛交聯,最後再加入chitosan增加交聯程度以此法做簡單的菌體固定化。在高基質濃度 4%(w/v)pHPH下固定化菌體可將pHPH轉化為D-pHPG,重覆反應10次後pHPG轉化率仍可達58.5%。
D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine (D-pHPG) is a D-amino acid which can be used to prepare semisynthetic antibiotics Amoxicillin. D-pHPG can be produced by two enzymatic steps. The substrate D-p-hydroxyphenylhydantoin (pHPH) is stereo-specifically hydrolysed by D-hydantoinase to the N-carbamoyl-D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine(D-CpHPG). CpHPG can be further converted to D-pHPG by a second enzymatic step catalysed by an N-carbamyl-amino acid amidohydrolase.The bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter can produce both D-hydantoinase and the N-carbamoyl-amino-acid amidohydrolase.
The aim of this thesis is to develope an optimized complex medium for A. radiobacter and to evaluate pHPH and soy bean hydrolysate as inducers for the both enzymes. Fed-batch fermentation using a pre-determined feeding profiles was carried out for high cell density fermentation of A. radiobacter . The higest cell concentration obtained was 19.48g DCW/L with specific activity of 0.279 µmole/hr.mg cell .
In order to reuse the D-hydantoinase and amidohydrolase of the A. radiobacter cell a simple cell immobilization method was proposed. The cells suspension was floculated with PEI and further cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and chitosan After ten repeated batch reaction ,the immobilyed cell still can convert 4% (w/v)pHPH into D-pHPG with 58.5% conversion.
目 錄
中文摘要……………………………………………..……………… I
表目錄…………………………………………….…. …………….XI
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………6
2.1 D-乙內醯水解及N-氨甲醯基-氨基酸氨基水解………………………………………………………..6
2.2 D-對位-氫氧苯基甘氨酸之生產製程………………..10
2.3培養基與誘導劑對菌體轉化生產D-pHPG活性的影 響………………………………………………………14
2.4.3葡萄糖效應(glucose effect)……………..……………20
2.4.4饋料批式達到高細胞密度之培養……………………21 2.5菌體固定化…………………………………………………24
第三章 實驗材料、設備與方法………………………………………25
3.3.2菌種保存………………………………………………28保存於 -70℃冷凍櫃及液態氮中…………...28平板培養基中保存…………………………..29
3.3.4 Latin Square 實驗設計法…………………………..30
3.3.10 菌體誘導效應分析……………………………….33
3.3.13 A. radiobacter生長曲線的測定………………….35
3.3.14 葡萄糖濃度之測定法(DNS法)………………….36
3.3.15 HPLC分析方法…………………………………..36
3.3.17總氮( Total nitrogen, TN )…………………………37
3.3.19 自由態菌體轉化pHPH生產D-pHPG穩定性測試…………………………………………………...38
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………………...40
4.3 A. radiobacter批式培養之生長曲線……………………49
4.6自由態與固定化A. radiobacter菌體轉化pHPH生產D-pHPG之穩定性比較…………………………………….73
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………..74
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