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論文名稱(外文):Growth of TaNx Films by RF Sputtering Using NH3/Ar or N2/Ar gas mixtures and Comparsion on Diffusion Barrier Applications
中文關鍵詞:氨氣/氬氣氮氣/ 氬氣磁控射頻濺鍍氮化鉭擴散障壁層薄膜積體電路銅製程二極體漏電流
外文關鍵詞:NH3/ArN2/ArMagnetron rf SputteringTaN Diffusion Barrier FilmsCu Metallization of IC ProcessingDioideLeakage current
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本研究是以 NH3/Ar或 N2/Ar之混合氣體在Si基材上用磁控射頻濺鍍(Magnetron rf Sputtering)成長TaNx薄膜。 以Cross- sectional TEM及SEM量測TaNX膜厚進而求得其成長速率,以XPS 及AES量測TaNx薄膜之化學組成以求得其N/Ta值, AES的 Depth Profile可看出整個TaNx薄膜之縱深化學組成分佈,以XRD及TEM觀察TaNx薄膜之結晶形態及微結構, 以AFM及SEM觀察TaNx薄膜表面形態,以Plan-view TEM 及 AFM 量測TaNx之grain size及grain density,以四點探針量測薄膜之電阻。以量測經過RTA熱處理之Cu/TaNX/n+np+二極體的漏電流(leakage current)用來判斷TaNx障壁層的熱穩定性。
實驗發現:沉積速率、化學組成、晶體結構及電阻係數,與反應氣體種類及反應氣體/Ar流量比都有關。以NH3/Ar濺鍍成長TaNX較以N2/Ar濺鍍成長TaNX容易此乃因NH3反應性較N2高。隨著NH3/Ar或N2/Ar流量比的增加其TaNX結構由BCC-Ta →FCC-TaN →nanocrystalline-TaN。以NH3/Ar濺鍍成長的TaNX較以N2/Ar濺鍍成長的TaNX grain size大且電阻係數低。TaNX薄膜其熱穩定性和組成及結構較有關,和反應氣體種類較無關。較高N/Ta可使整個Cu/TaNX/n+np+二極體結構熱穩定性較佳,但N/Ta太高將使得電阻係數過高,所以當N/Ta約等於1時為一熱穩定性好,電阻係數亦不高之適當比例。

This study was about the growth of TaNx films on the Si substrate by rf sputtering using NH3/Ar or N2/Ar gas mixture. The deposition rate was measured by Cross-Sectional TEM and SEM. Using XPS and AES could obtain the N/Ta of the TaNx thin films. The uniformity of the whole of the TaNx thin films could be nuterstood by AES Depth Profile. The crystal morphology and fine structure could be observed by XRD and TEM. The flatness could be judged by AFM and SEM. The grain size and grain density were by Plan-view TEM and AFM. The resisivity was measured by Four-point probe. Measuring the leakage current of Cu/TaNx/n+np+ diode which were treated by RTA thermal annealling was to distinguish the thermal stability of the TaNx diffusion barrier.
As the result of the study : The deposition rate, composition, crystal structure, and resisivity were concerned with the reactive gases sources and the gaseous flow ratio. The growth of TaNx films by RF sputtering using NH3/Ar is more reactive than the ones using N2/Ar. As the flow ratio of reactive gases increasing, the structure of the TaNx films were changing. BCC-Ta →FCC-TaN →nanocrystalline-TaN. Growth of TaNx films by RF sputtering using NH3/Ar gas mixtures had larger grain size and low resisivity. The thermal stability of TaNx films were dependent on composition and crystal structure, but none of the gas source. The higher ratio of N/Ta, the better thermal stability of Cu/TaNx/n+np+ diode structure. But if the ratio was too high and then the resisivity become larger. When the N/Ta was about 1, the films had good thermal stability and medium resisivity.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
圖表索引 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 實驗設備與程序 11
2.1實驗設備 11
2.1.1磁控射頻濺鍍系統 11
2.2分析儀器、材料及藥品 14
2.3實驗程序及條件 22
2.3.1 TaNX薄膜之製備 22
2. 3.2 Sputter測漏方法 24
2.3.3二極體的製作及leakage current分析25
2.4電子顯微鏡的試片製作 34
2.4.1電子顯微鏡的cross section試片製作31
2.4.2電子顯微鏡的plan view試片製作 35
第三章 結果與討論 37
3.1 TaNX薄膜的成長 37
3.2 TaNX薄膜的成長動力 68
3.3 TaNX薄膜在積體電路銅製程上之應用 73
第四章 結論 87
參考文獻 88
作者簡介 93

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