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研究生(外文):Ming-Ching Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Treatment of Phenolic Wastewater in a New Gas-Induced Reactor for Ozonation
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chien Hsu
外文關鍵詞:gas-induced reactorphenolozonationozone utilization ratehydrogen peroxide
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在操作成本評估方面,以臭氧分解含酚廢水,在酚初始濃度約為600 mg/L與pH 9條件下,所需之成本最多約為 36.7 NT$/ton。

A newly developed gas-induced reactor was used in this study to investigate the behavior for the ozonation of phenol aqueous solution by means of O3 and O3/H2O2 processes. This paper investigated the decomposition effect of phenol, ozone utilization rate, and the variation of ADMI and TOC values during reaction, under the conditions of different pH values, phenol initial concentrations, ozone input concentrations and hydrogen peroxide dosages.
Experimental results of ozonation process demonstrated that there was clearly an uprising in the elimination of phenol with the increased in both pH value and ozone dosage, except for an occurrence of a restriction effect under pH 11. It was also found in this study that ozone utilization rate rose with the increase in pH value and still maintained at high values under various initial concentrations of phenol aqueous solution. A better treatment of TOC was attributed to the increase in both pH values and ozone input concentrations. During the reaction, ADMI value varied with the changes in pH value and ozone input concentration, and a higher ADMI value was resulted from the increase in pH value. Moreover, the increase in ozone input concentration could accelerate the occurrence of the maximum ADMI peak. In O3/H2O2 process, phenol decomposition, TOC removal, and ozone utilization rate were promoted by the proper addition of hydrogen peroxide. However, the improvement efficiencies of phenol decomposition and TOC removal showed a rapid decreased with increasing in pH value. Higher pH value or excess hydrogen peroxide dosage would not improve the ozonation but rather lower the treatment efficiency.
In operation costs, the highest cost needed for ozonation of phenolic wastewater at the phenol initial concentration of 600 mg/L and pH 9 is about 36.7 NT$/ton.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………4
2.1 臭氧與臭氧化反應……………………………………4
2.1.1 臭氧之一般性質……………………………………4
2.1.2 臭氧之製造…………………………………………7
2.1.3 臭氧自解反應機制及動力學………………………8
2.1.4 臭氧化反應之機制…………………………………12
2.2 臭氧/過氧化氫程序之反應機制………………………16
2.3 酚類有機化合物的一般性質……………………………18
2.4 酚之臭氧化反應機制……………………………………25
2.5 臭氧反應器種類………………………………………30
2.5.1 一般傳統反應器…………………………………30
2.5.2 本研究設備之基本構造及原理…………………31
第三章 實驗設備與方法………………………………………34
3.1 實驗設備………………………………………………39
3.2 實驗藥品與配製方法.…………………………………44
3.3 分析測定方法…………………………………………47
3.3.1 過氧化氫之定量……………………………………47
3.3.2 臭氧利用率…………………………………………48
3.3.3 總有機碳(TOC)分析…………………………………52
3.3.4 ADMI色度值 之分析………………………………53
3.4 實驗步驟………………………………………………55
3.4.1 預備實驗……………………………………………55
3.4.2 背景實驗……………………………………………60
3.4.3 以臭氧程序處理含酚水溶液實驗…………………61
3.4.4 以臭氧/過氧化氫程序處理含酚水溶液實驗………62
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………64
4.1 背景實驗…………………………………………………65
4.1.1 酚水溶液揮發解離實驗……………………………65
4.1.2 過氧化氫之穩定性實驗……………………………66
4.1.3 以過氧氫分解酚水溶液實驗………………………66
4.2 以臭氧程序處理酚水溶液……………………………71
4.2.1 pH之影響……………………………………………71
4.2.1.A pH值對臭氧分解酚水溶液效果之影響………72
4.2.1.B pH值對TOC去除之影響……………………83
4.2.1.C pH值對臭氧利用率之影響…………………88
4.2.2 臭氧進口濃度效應…………………………………93
4.2.2.A 臭氧進口濃度與酚初濃度劑量比對酚水溶液分
4.2.2.B 臭氧進口濃度對臭氧利用率…………………99
4.2.2.C 臭氧進口濃度對TOC值之影響………………102
4.2.3 反應過程中ADMI色度值變化情形………………105
4.3 以臭氧過氧化氫程序處理含酚水溶液之反應特性…116
4.3.1 酚水溶液濃度降解之動力分析……………………116
4.3.2 加入過氧化氫對酚水溶液降解之影響…………122
4.3.3 加入過氧化氫對於TOC去除之影響………………125
4.3.4 加入過氧化氫對於臭氧利用率之影響…………131
4.4 操作成本評估………………………………………135
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………136
5.1 結論……………………………………………………136
5.2 建議………………………………………………139
作者簡介 ………………………………………………………153

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