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研究生(外文):Dr-Jiunn Deng
論文名稱(外文):Priority-Based Access Control Scheme for Wireless Networks
指導教授(外文):Ruay-Shiung Chang
外文關鍵詞:prioritywireless network
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隨著通訊技術的發展,無線網路已成為電腦網路中日趨重要的研究領域,但是,大部份無線網路的媒體存取控制協定卻因缺乏優先等級或一套完整的存取控制策略而無法支援未來傳輸多媒體資訊的需求,在本文中,我們提出優先權的概念來支援多媒體資訊的傳輸,並分別為兩種不同的無線網路設計一套以優先等級為基礎的無線網路存取控制機制。在第一篇文章中,我們提出一種簡單、有效率且易於實作的方法來修改CSMA/CA協定使得在無線區域網路中的主機具有優先等級。在第二篇文章中,我們為DQRUMA協定提出一種以非搶先的優先等級為基礎的分散式存取控制機制,在競爭階段,我們採用第一篇論文中所提出的方法設計出多種不同的優先等級來支援BAHAMA網路中的主機移動性(user mobility),除此之外,我們所提出的以優先等級為基礎的傳輸策略和可調整的頻寬分配方式不但能提供多種的QoS保證同時還能維持極佳的頻寬使用率,最後,模擬實驗顯示出這兩種方法的確有非常好的表現。
Wireless network is a rapidly emerging field of activity in computer network. However, some medium access control (MAC) protocols for wireless networks can not support service discipline of integrated multimedia traffic since it does not include any priority and access control policy. In this thesis, we proposed two priority based access control schemes for two different wireless networks. In the first portion, we propose a simple, efficient and easy to implement method to modify the CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) protocol such that station priorities can be supported. In the second portion, we propose a distributed non-preemptive priority based access control scheme for DQRUMA (Distributed-Queuing Request Update Multiple Access) protocol. Under such a scheme, modifying the CSMA/CA protocol in the contention period supports many levels of priorities such that user mobility (handoff) can be supported in BAHAMA (Broadband Ad-Hoc Wireless ATM Local-Area Network). Besides, the proposed transmit-permission policy and adaptive bandwidth allocation scheme provide various QoS (Quality-of-Service) guarantees while maintaining high bandwidth utilization. Simulations are conducted to analyze these two schemes. The results show that these two schemes provide good performance in each wireless network.
1. Introduction………………………….………………………………...…………..1
2. Related Work………………………………………………………………………3
2.1 IEEE 802.11''s MAC Protocol…………………………………………………3
2.2 Wireless ATM…………………………………………………………………5
3. A Priority Scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Method……………..…..…..6
3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………....……..6
3.2 Preliminaries…………………………………………………………...…..……8
3.3 Enforce Priorities for DCF Access…………………………………...……......13
3.3.1 Shorter IFS………………………………………………………………..13
3.3.2 Shorter random backoff time………………………………….…..………14
3.4 Simulation and Performance Evaluation………………………………...…….16
3.4.1 Simulation Model……………………………………………………..…..16
3.4.2 Simulation Results……………………………………………………..….18
3.5 Conclusions…………………………………...……………………………….22
4. A Non-Preemptive Priority Based Access Control Scheme for Broadband Ad-Hoc Wireless ATM Local Area Networks……………..………………………..23
4.1 Introduction……………………………………………..……………………..23
4.2 Preliminaries……………………………………………...……………………26
4.2.1 The Network Model of BAHAMA………………….……………………26
4.2.2 DQRUMA Protocol………………………………….……………………27
4.3 Proposed Non-Preemptive Priority Based Access Control Scheme…………..30
4.3.1 Enforce Priorities Protocol for Request Access…………………………..30
4.3.2 The Packet Transmit-Permission Policy………………………….………32
4.3.3 The Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Strategy……………………………38
4.4 Simulation and Performance Evaluation………………………………...…….40
4.4.1 Simulation Model……………………………………………..…………..40
4.4.2 Simulation Results……………………………………………...…………42
4.5 Conclusions…………………………………………………...……………….45
5. Conclusions…………………………………………………….…………………46
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