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研究生(外文):Wei-Tzer Huang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the Definitions of Voltage and Current Unbalance Factors
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Hsiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:unbalance ratiounbalance factorline lossdistribution transformerpower capacitor bank
  • 被引用被引用:23
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The major purpose of this thesis is to examine the definitions of voltage unbalance factor. After carefully reviewing the related standards, research reports, journals and others, two types of definitions of voltage unbalance factor were found, one based on the magnitudes of phase voltages and the other on the symmetrical components of the phase voltage, and three common used definitions were detected. The relationship between these three definitions was explored in general and then the comparison between them was made according to their capability of evaluating the impact of the voltage unbalance, such as increment of system loss, interference of communication systems, malfunction of protective relays, etc. The advantages and disadvantages of these definitions can therefore be assessed based on the comparison results. Some unbalance cases were used to demonstrate the difference of them. The difference should be properly emphasized. The misuse of the definitions may lead to incorrect conclusions and increase significantly the investment cost of electric power engineering.
誌 謝III
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.2 研究方法2
1.3 研究貢獻3
1.4 論文架構3
第二章 電壓、電流不平衡率之定義與規範5
2.1 前言5
2.2 不平衡率之定義及其相關標準與規範6
2.3 電壓不平衡率定義之彙整與分類13
2.5 本章結論17
第三章 各種不平衡率定義與三相電壓、電流大小及相角之關係19
3.1 前言19
3.2 三相電壓與各種電壓不平衡率定義之關係20
3.3 電壓不平衡率第一類與第二類定義之關係39
3.4 本章結論44
第四章 不平衡率定義與線路損失之關係46
4.1 前言46
4.2 輸電線的線路損失46
4.3 三相電壓不平衡對線路損失之影響50
4.4 三相電流不平衡對線路損失之影響59
4.5 本章結論69
第五章 應用分析與探討71
5.1 前言71
5.2 配電變壓器繞組連接法對配電系統不平衡之影響分析71
5.2.1 配電變壓器繞組連接法72
5.2.2 配電變壓器的數學模型與特性分析74
5.3 配電饋線上之電力電容器組事故對配電系統不平衡之影響分析81
5.3.1 電力電容器組的組成82
5.3.2 電力電容器組的連接方式82
5.3.3 數理分析83
5.3.4 範例饋線分析86
5.4 本章結論100
第六章 結論及未來研究方向102
6.1 結論102
6.2 未來研究方向103
附 錄108
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