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研究生(外文):Kuan-Jen Tsao
論文名稱(外文):A Replica Control Protocol for Distributed Systems with Byzantine Faults
指導教授(外文):Ge-Ming Chiu
外文關鍵詞:B-masking read-write coteriecoteriedata consistencyenhanced relaxed difference setenhanced relaxed difference pairquorumreplica control
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Replica control has been an important issue for many applications in distributed systems. Replicated data objects not only provide high availability but also improve the performance of the system. One of the well-known replica control techniques is based on the employment of quorums, which are formed by grouping the replicated data objects in such a way that the consistency of the system can be ensured.
While many quorum-based protocols have been proposed for replica control, they are mostly restricted to tolerate faults that are fail-stop. Unfortunately, faults may be presented in more malicious manner. For example, some faulty processors may response to a request with an erroneous information without being detected. These faults are normally called Byzantine faults, On the other hand, existing protocols that are designed to handle Byzantine faults have some or all of the following drawbacks: 1. load is not evenly distributed among the replicated data sites, 2. do not apply to an arbitrary number of sites, and 3. do not allow the system to adapt to the read/write ratio of the systems.
In this thesis, we propose a replica control mechanism that can tolerate the Byzantine faults. The mechanism is based on the concept of enhanced relaxed difference pair, which is an extension of the enhanced relaxed difference set. In particular, we present a simple and efficient model for identifying enhanced relaxed difference pairs. This model eliminates the necessity of the time-consuming exhaustive search. It generates b-masking read-write coteries that are practically useful for an arbitrary number of sites in a distributed system. Unlike the previous methods, the model allows the flexibility of choosing appropriate read-write coteries that are most suitable for the target environment. Our mechanism is symmetric such that each site assume the same responsibility for the read/write operations with the existing methods.

第一章 緒論1
第二章 相關研究6
2.1 多數決定演算法6
2.2 演算法7
2.3 樹狀法團演算法7
2.4 階層式法團控制機制8
2.5 循環式法團機制8
2.6 拜占庭法團系統9
2.7 拜占庭法團方法10
第三章 拜占廷法團複製控制機制13
3.1 系統模式13
3.2 複製控制法團群14
3.3 加強的鬆弛差集16
第五章 效能分析29
第六章 結論與未來工作34
6.1 結論34

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