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研究生(外文):Hsiao Chen Liang
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis of Squeeze-in Stability of Deep Excavation
指導教授(外文):Ou Chang-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Deep ExcavationStabilitySqueeze-inCohesionFriction angle
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本文之目的為探討開挖工程中各種內擠穩定性分析方法之適用性。傳統的穩定分析計算方法雖然簡單,但往往在一定的安全係數之下,不同的人計算所得的擋土結構深度有相當大的差異。究其原因可能是(1)傳統的穩定分析方法常以粘土層平均剪力強度進行分析(2)目前對於土壤與擋土結構間之凝聚力與摩擦力尚無一合理的估算值。因此,本研究採用粘土不排水剪力強度之正規化行為取代平均剪力強度,並考慮不同的凝聚力與摩擦角進行穩定分析。並將分析結果與實際的工程案例的現場監測資料比較。由研究結果顯示,以全土壓力法與Burland Method分析內擠穩定性均可獲致合理的分析結果。研究結果亦顯示,以Caqout and Kerisel土壓力係數分析時,凝聚力考慮為0.67 與牆摩擦角考慮為 時,可求得與實際狀況相符之安全係數;若以Coulomb土壓力係數分析時,凝聚力考慮為0.67 與牆摩擦角考慮為0.67 時,亦可求得與實際狀況相符之安全係數。

The purpose of this study is to investigate the suitability of various squeeze-in stability analysis methods in deep excavation engineering。Conventional stability analysis methods are straightforward but different people normally yield different results. This is perhaps attributed to the facts that (1) Average undrained shear strength is often adopted in the analysis,and (2) It is lack of estimating the cohesion or friction between the wall and surrounding soil。Therefore,this study will use the normalized undrained shear strength instead of average undrained shear strength as well as various values of cohesion or friction between the soil and wall during the analysis。The analysis results are thus compared with those from field observation。It was found that the overall earth pressure method and Burland method obtain the reasonable results。By using 0.67Su as undrained shear strength and f' as the friction angle of the wall,Caqout and Kerisel method also obtains the reasonable coefficient of the earth pressure。If 0.67Su as undrained shear strength and 0.67 f' as the friction angle of the wall are considered in the analysis , Coulomb method obtains the reasonable coefficient of the earth pressure,too。

摘要 ………………………………………………………………………….I
目錄 ………………….…………………………………………………………………..IV
圖目錄 ……………………………………………………………………..VIII
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究動機與目的1
1.2 研究內容3
第二章 文獻回顧4
2.1 內擠破壞型式分析方法之相關研究5
2.1.1 全土壓力法5
2.1.2 淨土壓力法7
2.1.3 尺寸因子法8
2.1.4 強度因子法8
2.1.5 Burland法9
2.2 上舉破壞型式分析方法之相關研究12
2.3 土壓力與擋土壁摩擦力之關係12
第三章 穩定性分析方法之探討15
3.1 計算模式之建立15
3.1.1 側向土壓力的考慮方式15
3.1.2 地下水壓力的考慮方式17
3.2 分析參數之探討19
3.2.1 粘土層分析參數之探討19
3.2.2 砂性土層分析參數之探討21
3.3 內擠破壞型式之探討26
3.3.1 全土壓力法26
3.3.2 淨土壓力法之探討31
3.3.3 Burland法之探討33
3.3.4 綜合討論36
第四章 案例分析38
4.1 案例介紹38
4.1.1 內擠分析之案例介紹38
4.2 案例分析45
4.2.1 內擠破壞型式之分析結果45
4.2.2 分析結果討論50
4.3 結論52
第五章 結論與建議53
5.1 研究結論53
5.2 研究建議54
參考文獻 55

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