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研究生(外文):Jinn-Ho Lin
論文名稱(外文):Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Openings Loaded through a L-Shape Column
指導教授(外文):Ing-Jaung Lin
外文關鍵詞:punching shear strengthslabs with openingsL-shape columncritical section
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有關含開口鋼筋混凝土版貫穿剪力強度之預測,目前係根據ACI 318-95規範第11.12.5節之規定計算,然而其規定係根據一般強度含開口鋼筋混凝土版在矩形柱載重作用下之試驗結果推演而得。對L形柱載重作用下含開口鋼筋混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度,雖然仍可依據ACI規範所規定之方法進行計算,但目前並無有系統之試驗資料檢核其適用性,因此有進一步探討之必要。
本研究共製作20個試體進行試驗,以探討混凝土強度、拉力鋼筋比、柱斷面之長寬比及開口類型等四種參數,對L形柱載重作用下含開口鋼筋混凝土版貫穿剪力強度之影響。依據本研究所得之試驗結果及前人研究之試驗結果分別探討ACI 318-95規範、BS 8110規範及前人研究之建議公式是否適用於L形柱載重作用下含開口鋼筋混凝土版貫穿剪力強度之計算。本研究並進一步提出一簡潔之建議公式,可合理的預測含開口之高強度或一般強度混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度。

The punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs with openings is currently calculated using the provisions of Section 11.12.5 of ACI 318-95. However, the provisions of Section 11.12.5 of ACI Building Code are primarily based on test results of reinforced low-strength concrete slabs with openings loaded through a rectangular column. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the applicability of current ACI Code when applied to high-strength concrete slabs with openings loaded through a L-shape column.
In this study, twenty specimens were tested to investigate the punching shear behavior of reinforced concrete slabs with openings loaded through a L-shape column. Variables included in this study are the concrete strength, the flexural reinforcement ratio, the aspect ratio and the type of openings. Based on test results in this study and results presented in previous studies, an equation which can more reasonably predict the punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs with openings is proposed.

第一章 緒論………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景……………………………………………………1
1.2 文獻回顧……………………………………………………2
1.3 研究方法與目的…………………………………………..11
第二章 試 驗…………………………………………………12
2.1 試驗計劃…………………………………………………..12
2.2 試體材料…………………………………………………..12
2.2.1 鋼 筋…………………………………………….12
2.2.2 水 泥…………………………………………….12
2.2.3 骨 材…………………………………………….13
2.2.4 強塑劑…………………………………………...13
2.3 試體製作…………………………………………………...13
2.3.1 模板製作………………………………………..13
2.3.2 放 樣…………………………………………….14
2.3.3 混凝土拌合與澆置……………………………..14
2.3.4 試體之養護……………………………………...14
2.4 試驗設備…………………………………………………..15
2.5 試驗步驟…………………………………………………..15
2.5.1 準備工作………………………………………..15
2.5.2 試體安裝………………………………………..15
2.5.3 試驗過程………………………………………..16
第三章 試驗結果………………………………………………18
3.1 前 言………………………………………………………18
3.2 載重與變位的關係……………………………………….18
3.3 試體裂縫分佈情形……………………………………….19
第四章 討 論…………………………………………………21
4.1 前 言………………………………………………………21
4.2 各預測公式的比較……………………………………….21
4.2.1 ACI 318-95 公式………………………………21
4.2.2 BS 8110 公式………………………………….23
4.3 本研究之建議公式……………………………………….25
第五章 結 論……………………………………………….28
符 號 說 明…………………………………………………….30
參 考 文 獻…………………………………………………….32

1. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-95) and Commentary (ACI 318R-95)," American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1995.
2. British Standards Institution BS 8110 : The Structural Use of Reinforced Concrete in Building, Part 1, 1985.
3. ACI Committee 363, "State-of-the-Art Report on High-Strength Concrete," ACI Journal, July-August 1984, pp. 364-411.
4. Talbot, A.N., "Reinforced Concrete Wall Footings and Column Footings," Bulletin No. 67, Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois, March 1931, pp. 114.
5. Graf, O., "Test of Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Concentrated Load Applied Near One Support," Deutscher Ausschuss fur Eisenbeton (Berlin), No. 73, 1933, pp. 26. (in German)
6. Forsell,C. and Holmberg, A. "Concentrated Load on Concrete Slabs, " Betong (Stockholm),Vol.31,No. 2,1946, pp. 95-123.
7. Richart, F.E. "Reinforced Concrete Wall and Column Footing, " ACI Journal,Vol.50, No. 2and 3,Oct. and Nov. 1948,pp. 97-127.and pp.237-260.
8. Hognestad, E. , "Shearing Strength of Reinforced Concrete Column Footings," ACI Journal, Vol. 50, No. 3, November 1953, pp. 189-208.
9. Elstner, R.C. and Hognestad, E., "Shearing Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs," ACI Journal, Vol. 53, No. 1, July 1956, pp. 29-58.
10. Whitney, C.S. , "Ultimate Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs, Beam and Frame Members without Shear Reinforcement," ACI Journal,Vol. 54,Oct. 1957, pp. 265-298.
11. Moe, J., "Shearing Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs and Footings under Concentrated Loads," Development Department Bulletin D47, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, I11., April. 1961, pp. 130.
12. ACI-ASCE Committee 326, "Shear and Diagonal Tension : Part 3-Slabs and Footings," Vol. 59, No. 3, March, 1962, pp. 353-396.
13. Mowrer, R.D. and Vanderbilt, M.D., "Shear Strength of Light-Weight Aggregate Reinforced Concrete Flat Plates," ACI Journal, Vol. 64, November, 1967, pp. 722-729.
14. Roll, F., Zaidi, S.T.H., Sabnis, G.M. and Chuang, K., "Shear Resistance of Perforated Reinforced Concrete Slabs," SP-30, Cracking, Deflection and Ultimate Load of Concrete Slab System, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, pp. 77-102.
15. Vanderbilt, M.D., "Shear Strength of Continuous Plates, "Journal of the Structural Division,ASCE,Vol. 98,No. ST5,May 1972, pp.961-973.
16. Hawkins, N.M., (Chmn.), "Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Member-Slabs," by the Joint ASCE-ACI Task Committee 426 on Shear and Diagonal Tension of the Committee on Masonry and Reinforced Concrete of the Structural Division, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. ST8, August 1974, pp. 1543-1591.
17. Hawkins, N.M., Fallsen, H.B. and Hinojosa, R.C., "Influence of Column Rectangularity on the Behavior of Flat Plate Structures," SP-30, Cracking, Deflection and Ultimate Load of Concrete Slab Systems, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, pp. 147-176.
18. Marzouk, H. and Hussein, A., "Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Slabs," ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 88, No. 6, November-December 1991, pp. 701-713.
19. 林欽仁, " 高強度混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度 " ,國立臺灣工業技術學院工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國81年6 月。
20. 林世隆, " 高強度混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度 " ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國82年6 月。
21. 吳憲綜, "含開口時高強度混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國84年6 月。
22. 王眾賢, "柱形狀對高強度混凝土版貫穿剪力之影響" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國85年6 月。
23. 張國榮, "柱形狀對含開口鋼筋混凝土版貫穿剪力之影響" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國85年6 月。
24. 陳嘉明, "圓形柱載重作用下鋼筋混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國86年6 月。
25. 沈文禧, "圓形柱載重作用下含開口鋼筋混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國86年6 月。
26. 陳建安, "L形柱載重作用下鋼筋混凝土版之貫穿剪力強度" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國87年6 月。
27. 劉醇儒, "臨界斷面周長與有效深度比對鋼筋混凝土版貫穿剪力之影響" ,國立臺灣工業技術學院營建工程技術研究所碩士論文, 民國88年6 月。

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