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研究生(外文):Jiunn-Tay Shih
論文名稱(外文):Preliminary Study of the Fragility Curve
指導教授(外文):Rwey-Hua Chen
外文關鍵詞:fragility curvesbuilding capacity curvesdemand spectrumdamage
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美國及日本為了建立防災體系,積極從事地震災害的評估,希望能夠預估強烈地震來臨時,所造成之各類型損害,包括社會、經濟、生命財產以及公共設施等直接與間接的損失。其中建築結構之損壞是導致生命財產損失之重要因素,故對建築物之損害評估為相當重要之研究課題。建築物之易損性曲線(fragility curve),亦稱為破壞度曲線,是用以描述建築物遭受地震時之受災程度,並將建築物之損害狀態量化。目前國家地震中心由美國引進HAZUS97軟體,正著手依據台灣本土性資料建立HAZ-Taiwan,評估地震災害損失;而本土化之建築物易損性曲線,為評估建築物地震災害損失之基礎。本文探討易損性曲線之各種求取方法,包括HAZUS97所用之等值靜力分析、非線性動力分析與震災資料統計等方法。並以等值靜力分析方法,利用多段直線模擬新建台北市鋼構造建築物(韌性抗彎矩構架與偏心斜撐構架)之能耐曲線(capacity curve),並利用台北盆地之結構反應譜轉化為耐震需求頻譜,初步計算相應之易損性曲線。
Fragility curves can be used to describe the probabilities of slight, moderate, extensive and complete damages to building structures under seismic loads. This study reviews three different methods in deriving fragility curves, including empirical methods, nonlinear dynamic methods and nonlinear static methods.
Preliminary estimates of the fragility curves of steel special moment-resisting frame buildings and steel eccentrically brace frame buildings in Taipei area are presented in this study. The derivation is based on an equivalent-static method. This method adopts a piecewise linear function to simulate the building capacity curve, and transforms code-specified Taipei earthquake response spectrum into the demand spectrum. The intersection of the building capacity curve and the demand spectrum represents the maximum response of a building under seismic load. After considering the uncertainty in the building capacity curve and the demand spectrum, one can determine the probability that the maximum displacement will be greater than the spectral displacement corresponding to a given damage state. Fragility curves can then be constructed by considering different levels of seismic loads.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 震災資料統計分析方法5
第三章 等值靜力分析方法8
3.2.1 建築物能耐曲線之分類9
3.2.2 建築物建造年代對建築物能耐曲線之影響9
3.2.3 建築物能耐曲線之求取10
3.2.4 特殊用途建築物之能耐曲線評估12
第四章 非線性動力分析方法20
4.3.1Park and Ang指標24
第五章 評估台北市鋼構造建築物易損性曲線40
5.2.1 建築物能耐曲線控制點之求取41
5.2.2 建築物能耐曲線之建立44以三次曲線模擬45以二次曲線模擬46以多段直線模擬46以一直線模擬47
5.2.3 建築物能耐曲線之函數型式與不確定性47
5.4.1 耐震需求頻譜之調整方法55
5.4.2 交點狀況及分佈之推求56
5.4.3 易損性曲線之求取60
第六章 結論與建議65
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