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研究生(外文):Chuan-Chih Liu
論文名稱(外文):A generalized effective stress constitutive model for Taipei clay
指導教授(外文):Chang-Yu OuWen-Lon Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Taipei claysoil modelanisotropyrate-dependentstrain softeningtertiary creep
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土壤組成律之推展區分為速率無關及速率相關二項,分別針對假設之均向及異向降伏面進行研究。MCC模式可依據彈塑性理論推導而得,為一基本且甚佳之有效應力模式,惟並未考慮初始異向性及受剪中之發展異向性。以旋轉橢圓球做為降伏面之型式,並依彈塑性理論及非諧合流定則推導之異向模式,則可合理模擬正常壓密至輕微過壓密狀態台北黏土異向性之行為及異向性強度,且可適度反應應變軟化之行為,惟此二模式均未考慮時間效應。於速率無關有效應力模式之架構下,藉助黏塑性之觀念、臨界狀態土壤力學理論中狀態邊界面之形成、Taylor之次壓縮理論及Bjerrum之延時假說,則可建立速率相關有效應力模式,可模擬土壤受力行為隨應變速率之變化,以及不排水、排水潛變行為,而相較於速率無關模式,僅增加次壓縮係數 及單位平均主應力下之孔隙比 二參數,應用上並不複雜。文中並針對採用之載重面型式加以修正,發展均向及異向二速率相關有效應力模式,更可合理預測台北黏土之依時行為。此外異向模式則有預測土壤之三次潛變之能力。
This research presents an effort to develop a generalized effective stress constitutive law for Taipei clay, which can be applied to deep excavation analysis in Taipei. The approach of this study follows the general considerations of material research. First, it is necessary to understand thoroughly the mechanical behavior of Taipei clay, based on advanced laboratory test results. Then the effective stress-strain relationship is formulated according to the existing mechanical theories and characteristics of soil behavior. Finally, predicted results are compared with reliable experimental data to evaluate the accuracy and limitations of the models. Test results indicated that Taipei clay is not a highly structured material and that Taipei clay has normalized behavior. All significant Taipei clay characteristics have been taken into account during model derivation, including anisotropic behavior, strength anisotropy, strain softening, coupled volumetric and deviatoric behaviors, and rate-dependent behavior. In addition, laboratory tests were conducted to confirm the properties of consolidation and secondary compression of Taipei clay. Yielding behavior was also thoroughly investigated.
In this study, rate-independent and rate-dependent soil constitutive models were derived, considering isotropic and anisotropic loading surfaces respectively. Among the rate-independent relations, Modified Cam Clay Model gives a fundamental effective stress constitutive relationship for idealized soil, which was derived from the theory of plasticity. However this model could not characterize the anisotropic properties. The proposed anisotropic model, adopting a distorted ellipsoid yield surface, is derived based on plastic theory and non-associated flow rule. It can rationally simulate the anisotropic behavior and strength anisotropy for normally consolidated and slightly overconsolidated Taipei clay. In addition, strain softening can also be described in the proposed model. Under the framework of the above rate-independent constitutive relationships, the rate-dependent effective stress soil models is established, considering the concept of visco-plastic, existing state boundary surface introduced by critical state soil mechanics, Taylor''s secondary compression theory, and Bjerrum''s delay hypothesis. Compared with rate-independent model, the rate-dependent only two additional soil parameters, the secondary compression index and the void ratio at unit mean effective stress , are used in. The rate-dependent soil behavior can then be predicted using these models, including shear responses varies with strain rate, undrained and drained creep, etc. In addition, the shape of loading surfaces, assumed in these models, was modified to rationally predict the time effect for Taipei clay. It should also be noted that the tertiary creep behavior of Taipei clay can be simulated using the proposed anisotropic rate-dependent soil model.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與目的
1.2 研究方法及內容
第二章 深開挖工程特性
2.1 開挖解壓
2.2 時間因素
2.3 初始狀態
2.4 施工因素
第三章 台北黏土力學特性
3.1 異向性
3.2 台北黏士組構型態
3.3 常化行為
3.4 應力應變行為
3.5 剪力強度
3.6 Ko狀態
3.7 透水特性
3.8 時間效應
3.9 總結
第四章 土壤塑性理論及降伏準則
4.1 引言
4.2 土壤線增量塑性理論簡述
4.3 降伏面
4.4 勢能面
第五章 速率無關有效應力模式
5.1 簡介
5.2 Modified Cam Clay 模式
5.3 考慮異向性
第六章 速率相關有效應力模式
6.1 前言
6.2 黏塑性觀念
6.3 考慮 MCC 均向載重面之依時模式
6.4 建議之依時均向有效應力模式
6.5 考慮異向性載重面
6.6 建議之依時異向有效應力模式
第七章 結論及建議
7.1 結論
7.2 建議
附錄 A 模式相關數學式推導
附錄 B 模式分析主要副程式
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