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論文名稱(外文):Soldering character of tin-lead alloy coating larer
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在電子工業上大量使用錫鉛焊接材料。我們必需對焊接條件有充分的瞭解,才能使電子元件獲得更好的焊接能力(Solderability)與潤濕力(Wetting Force) 。而當焊接元件的焊點品質得以確保時,此時才能獲得良好的焊點強度。
本論文利用沾錫天平儀(Wetting Balance)及螢光膜厚測量儀(X-Ray Fluorescence)兩種儀器及可靠度工學的量測系統分析(Measurement System Analysis)、實驗計劃法(Design of Experiment)與田口式品質工程(Taguchi Methods)等方法來了解錫爐溫度、助焊劑、蒸氣老化、浸入深度、沾錫時間等焊接條件間的相互關係,並尋求最佳的製程條件,使得產品上零件腳獲得良好的沾錫力量與沾錫厚度的均一性。
首先我們探討沾錫天平儀及螢光膜厚測量儀的重測性(Repeatability)與再製性(Reproducibility),使用量測系統分析的Long Method方式來進行,以確保量測工具的穩定性佳,變異性小。
研究第一階段使用實驗計劃法L827直交配列表(Orthogonal Array)來選定實驗次數與條件,發現影響焊錫性因子有:浸入深度、浸入時間,助焊劑三項。
第二階段是用田口式品質工程方法,將錫爐溫度與蒸氣老化時間加入第一階段發現的浸入深度、浸入時間,助焊劑三個因子中成為五個因子,使用L827直交配列表,尋找出影響焊錫性的時間與力量之相互關係,然後再用沾錫後之沾錫力的望大(The-Larger-the-Better)特性分析及沾錫後之沾錫厚度望大且均一的特性等分析,尋找出最佳的製程條件為:錫爐溫度2450C,SM/NA[R Type]助焊劑,蒸氣老化0小時,浸入深度2.5mm,沾錫時間5秒鐘可得到沾錫力量望大特性與沾錫厚度均一性的結果。

The electronic industry is the single largest user of tin-lead solder materials. As such, it is important that this industry have a comprehensive understanding of solder properties and application issues in order to maximize solderability and wetting force. Solder point integrity can be ensured only once quality is assured.
This thesis study employs two principal instruments, the wetting balance and x-ray fluorescence, and three methodologies, measurement system analysis, design of experiment, and the Taguchi methods, to determine interrelationships between solder, steam aging, penetration depth, and application dwell time and determine ideal process conditions. Doing so will ensure users achieve optimal balance between solder wetting force and solder layer thickness.
Prior to do experiment, we assessed the repeatability and reproducibility of wetting balance and x-ray fluorescence instruments. The long method of measurement system analysis was employed to confirm a high level of stability and reliability of instruments used.
The first stage of research employed an L827 Orthoganal Array to determine the number and conditions of tests needed to identify factors influencing solder performance factors. Factors identified include depth of solder penetration, application dwell time, and flux type.
The second stage, using the Taguchi Methods, subjected the three factors of penetration depth, application dwell time, and flux type to the additional two factors of solder temperature and steam aging. The L827 Orthoganal Array was employed to identify the link between the two soldering properties of application dwell time and wetting force. Subsequently, we analyzed the applied solder based on a balance between the-larger-the-better bonding strength analysis and the-larger-the-better application thickness analysis to determine the optimal process conditions. This was determined in our research to be 245oC, using SM/NA [R Type] flux type, with steam aging of 0 hour, an application penetration depth of 2.5mm, and an application dwell time of 5 seconds. Such conditions ensured maximum wetting force with equivalent layer thickness.

第一章 緒 論1
第二章 基本理論7
 2-1 表面能與潤濕7
 2-2 焊錫能力14
 2-2-1 焊錫能力的定義14
 2-2-2 潤濕、非潤濕、縮錫14
 2-2-3 影響焊錫性的因素18
 2-2-3-1 介面輔助層18
 2-2-3-2 介面合金化合物19
 2-2-3-3 焊錫材料成份25
 2-2-3-4 老化31
 2-2-3-5 助焊劑37
 2-2-3-6 表面張力42
 2-3 沾錫平衡43
第三章 實驗部份49
 3-1 品質設計的實驗計劃法49
 3-2 實驗素材選擇50
 3-3 儀器設備50
 3-3-1 沾錫天平儀50
 3-3-2 螢光膜厚測量儀51
 3-3-3 金像顯微鏡53
 3-3-4 微切片的製作53
 3-4 操作流程54
 3-5 製作流程56
 3-5-1 連續性電鍍流程56
 3-5-1-1 電解脫脂56
 3-5-1-2 水洗56
 3-5-1-3 酸活化56
 3-5-1-4 鍍錫鉛合金56
 3-5-1-5 後處理57
 3-5-2 實驗計劃法之階段實驗57
 3-5-2-1 量測系統分析(MSA)57
 3-5-2-2 實驗計劃第一階段59
 3-5-2-3 實驗計劃第二階段59
 3-5-2-4 實驗計劃第三階段60
第四章 結果與討論61
4-1 量測系統分析61
4-1-1 沾錫天平與螢光膜厚測量儀之量測系統分析65
4-2 實驗計劃第一階段─尋找影響製程的參數79
4-3 實驗計劃第二階段─尋求製程條件之影佳組合92
4-3-1 Solder後,沾錫厚度的望大特性分析109
4-3-2 Solder後,沾錫厚度的望大特性分析113
4-3-3 Solder後,沾錫厚度的望大SN比特性分析116
4-3-4 Solder後,沾錫力量的望大SN比特性分析117
4-3-5 第二階段實驗計劃的結果討論118
4-4 實驗計劃第三階段─進行驗證119
第五章 結 論121
第六章 參考文獻123

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12.Analytical Chemistry, Edited by R. Kellner, J.-M Merment, M. Otto, H.M. Widmer, 1997.
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16.Principles of X-Ray Fluorescence Coating Measurements, by: Nkolas E. Yanaki, Ph. D., CMI International, Elk Grove Villaye, Illinois, USA.
17.Solder Joint Reliability Theory and Applications, Edited by John H. Lau, 1991.
18.Surface Mount Technology, Second Edition, Ray P. Prasad, Consultancy Group, Portland, Oregon, 1997.
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