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研究生(外文):Kun-San Lin
論文名稱(外文):Stusies on the susceptibility of tuber starch granules to alpha-amylase hydrolysis
指導教授(外文):Yung-Ho ChangTing-Jang Lu
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本研究針對樹薯、芋、甘藷、蓮藕、馬鈴薯及山藥等六種根莖類澱粉以細菌(Bacillus sp.)α-amylase(約0.455 U/mg starch)進行酵素降解,以探討澱粉對α-amylase的感受性差異。此外,亦分析降解前後澱粉之顆粒大小、顆粒外觀、顆粒內部結構、結晶結構、分子量分佈及分支鏈長分佈等性質的變化,以了解α-amylase對澱粉之作用情形,並進一步討論這些性質與降解速率間之相關性。結果顯示,澱粉結晶結構、降解型態、顆粒大小及直鏈澱粉含量對其降解速率均有影響性。根莖類澱粉受α-amylase作用之一級反應常數(k1)值以樹薯為最高(7.66×10-2),顯示其具有最快的降解速率;而以山藥澱粉為最低(0.12×10-2)。各澱粉之α-amylase感受性依序為樹薯>芋>甘藷>蓮藕>馬鈴薯>山藥。以A-型澱粉(樹薯及芋)對α-amylase的感受性較B-型(馬鈴薯及山藥)及C-型(甘藷及蓮藕)澱粉高。澱粉顆粒之降解型態可分成單一孔洞使顆粒內部掏空及形成多處凹槽但無顆粒中心掏空兩種現象;其中又以後者降解速率較慢。具相同結晶及降解型態之澱粉,以顆粒較小者具較高降解速率(如甘藷及蓮藕澱粉)。澱粉之分子量分佈結果顯示,降解過程中澱粉分子量分佈改變並不明顯;而分支鏈長則以短鏈部分之鏈長有明顯下降,且含量有上升之趨勢。推測α-amylase降解澱粉顆粒不僅會作用於非結晶區,其對結晶區仍有相當程度之作用。支鏈澱粉之短長鏈含量比(F3/F2)(r2=0.733, p<0.05)及短鏈部分(F3) (r2=0.741, p<0.05)則與k1值呈顯著正相關,顯示澱粉之支鏈澱粉的短鏈越多其對α-amylase感受性越高。
Starch granules of tapioca, taro, sweet potato, lotus rhizome, potato and yam were subjected to enzymatic degradation by α-amylase(0.455 U/mg starch) from Bacillus sp. Effect of α-amylolysis on starch granule size, morphology microstructure, crystalline structure, molecule weight distribution and branch chain length, and distribution was studied. Results indicated thatα-amylolysis susceptibility of starch was found affected by the starch X-ray pattern, granule size, amylose content, and enzymatic degradation pattern. The first-order constant(k1) of hydrolysis of starch was calculated and used as the index of susceptibility of granular starches toα-amylase hydrolysis. Among the starches studied, tapioca starch showed the highest value of k1 (7.66*10-2), and yam starch had the lowest value(0.12*10-2). Theα-amylase susceptibilities of tuber starches studied were tapioca>taro>sweet potato>lotus rhizome>potato >yam. A-type starches(tapioca and taro) were more susceptible to α-amylase than the B-(potato and yam) and C-type(sweet potato and lotus rhizome) starches. The degradation patterns ofα-amylolysis of these starches could be divided into two types. Alpha-amylase hydrolyzed tapioca, sweet potato, lotus rhizome, and potato starches by boring single holes into the granule, and then hydrolyzed the starch granule from the inside out. On the other hand, α-amylase attacked taro and yam starch granules mainly by hydrolyzing the surface of granule to form groove. For starches with the same X-ray pattern and enzymatic degradation pattern, the starch with smaller granule size showed higher susceptibility to α-amylolysis than the starch with larger granule size. The molecular distribution of starch during α-amylolysis was not significantly changed. Chain length of short chain(F3) of amylopectin decreased, and its content increased, duringα-amylolysis. This result indicated that α-amylase hydrolyzed starch granule not only on amorphous region but also on crystalline region. The coefficient of determination(r2) between the k1 value and the content ratio of amylopectin subfraction (F3/F2) is 0.733, and the coefficient for the k1 value and the short chain contents of starch amylopectin is 0.741. This result revealed thatα-amylolysis susceptibilities of starch was significantly correlated with its short chain contents of amylopectin (p<0.05).
中文摘要…………………………………………… i
英文摘要…………………………………………… iii
目錄………………………………………………… v
圖目錄……………………………………………… vii
表目錄……………………………………………… ix
前言………………………………………………… 1
文獻回顧…………………………………………… 3
一、澱粉之組成及結構…………………………… 3
(一)澱粉顆粒之組成及結構……………………… 3
(二)澱粉分子之微細結構………………………… 6
1.直鏈澱粉之微細結構…………………………… 6
2.支鏈澱粉之微細結構…………………………… 9
二、α-amylase水解澱粉顆粒之研究……………… 16
(一)影響水解速率之因素………………………… 16
1.澱粉組成分……………………………………… 18
2.澱粉顆粒大小…………………………………… 18
3.澱粉結晶結構…………………………………… 19
(二)澱粉降解型態………………………………… 20
材料與方法………………………………………… 22
一、材料…………………………………………… 22
二、方法…………………………………………… 22
(一)澱粉之分離純化……………………………… 22
(二)α-amylase水解處理…………………………… 23
(三)理化性質測定………………………………… 24
1.粗蛋白質含量…………………………………… 24
2.顆粒粒徑………………………………………… 24
3.掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察………………………… 24
4.掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察………………………… 24
5.X-射顯繞射圖譜………………………………… 25
6.直鏈澱粉含量…………………………………… 26
7.澱粉分子量分佈………………………………… 27
8.鏈長分佈………………………………………… 27
結果與討論………………………………………… 29
一、澱粉之粗蛋白質含量………………………… 29
二、澱粉之水解速率……………………………… 29
三、X-射線繞射圖譜……………………………… 33
四、澱粉之顆粒大小……………………………… 41
五、澱粉直鏈澱粉含量…………………………… 41
六、澱粉之顯微結構……………………………… 45
七、澱粉分子量分佈……………………………… 51
八、澱粉分支鏈長分佈…………………………… 52
結論………………………………………………… 76
參考文獻…………………………………………… 78
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