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研究生(外文):Chung-Chi Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Economic Design of Asymmetric Cumulative Sum Charts —An Application of Quadratic Loss Function
指導教授(外文):Dr.Chung-Yu Pan
外文關鍵詞:AsymmetricCumulative Sum ChartsQuadratic Loss FunctionEconomic Designtwo assignable causes
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管制圖為品質管制領域中重要的工具,可以幫助操作員迅速的判斷製程的偏移。累積值管制圖(Cusum)是管制圖中的一種,其對製程偏移有高敏感度的優點,特別適合於製程具高精密度之產業。本文即以非對稱性累積值管制圖為製程監控工具,以Duncan[7]的 管制圖經濟設計模式為基礎,發展出雙重非機遇因素影響製程之管制圖經濟設計模式。文中應用Taguchi[35]二次損失函數來計算社會損失成本,如此可將「規格一致化」與「品質一致化」作區別,較採單一固定值之傳統品質觀念,更合乎現代品質評價與消費導向。本模式假設製程中有兩非機遇因素存在,兩因素間有相互加成或抵消製程偏移之效果,因而更符合現實環境。在相同的製程參數下,本模式可解釋單一非機遇因素模式;即單一非機遇因素模式為本模式之特例。
The control chart is an important tool in process monitering, and it helps operators to evaluate the process is in control or not. Cumulative Sum Chart which is one of the modification of Shewhart control charts are sensitive in detecting the variations of process and are suitable for the high-technology industry nowadays. In this research, the Cumulative Sum Chart is used for supervising the process. An economic design of asymmetric cumulative sum chart which is based on Duncan’s[7] model have been developed. The Quadratic loss function which was defined by Taguchi[35] is utilized in the model developed as well. Thus, and it can distinguish "equivalent standard" from "equivalent quality" and is more appropriate to modern quality of evaluations and consumers oriented. It is assumed that there are two assignable causes exist in a process. These two assignable causes either enlarge or relieve the effect of shifting in a process, and are consistent with realities. When apply the same process parameters the single assignable cause model is a special example of the model developed.
第一章 緒論1
1.3 研究範圍與限制3
1.4 研究方法與步驟4
第二章 文獻探討5
2.2.1 Shewhart管制圖的經濟設計9
2.2.2 Cusum管制圖的經濟設計10
2.2.3 多重非機遇因素12
第三章 理論模式的建立17
3.1 模式之基本假設17
3.2 製程週期時間18
3.3 社會損失成本20
3.4 時間模式21
3.4.2 單一非機遇因素模式下,不符合管制狀態的時間定義21
3.4.3 雙重非機遇因素模式下,不符合管制狀態的時間定義22
3.5 成本模式28
第四章 本研究發展之程式36
第五章 成本分析42
5.1 雙重非機遇因素對模式的影響42
第六章 結論與建議50
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