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研究生(外文):Chi-Yuan Lo
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating the performance of chicken-egg remote auction and improving it''s operations with the case of Tainan Chicken-egg Marketing Cooperation
指導教授(外文):Jing-Jung Chen
外文關鍵詞:eggremote auctionProbit and Logit modelcomputer simulationperformance
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根據有關雞蛋價格形成之研究的學者指出,要改善台灣蛋價之形成方式最好的方法是回歸到自由競爭市場,成立雞蛋的拍賣市場, 87年3月2日台南縣雞蛋運銷合作社在農委會、農林廳與資策會的協助下,成立雞蛋拍賣中心,開始進行雞蛋拍賣的工作。本研究透過拍賣制度的比較、拍賣績效的評估、參與意願的調查及電腦模擬拍賣中心的運作,以評估台南縣雞蛋運銷合作社雞蛋拍賣的營運績效及改善方向。
Recent developments and researches of the formation in egg price have recognized that the best way are return to complete competitive egg market by establishing an auction market. Tainan chicken-egg marketing cooperation setup an egg auction center in March 1998 with the assistance of the Provincial department of Agriculture and Forestry, Institute for Information industry and Council of Agriculture. At the same time this center started the egg auction trade. This study evaluates this auction center’s performance through the comparison of different auction method, evaluating the auction performance, surveying the willingness of participation to egg auction center and simulating the operation of this auction center.
The auction rules used in Tainan chicken-egg marketing cooperation auction center is the same as pork auction market in Taiwan by using English auction rules with sales made to the highest bidder except the bases of price and goods collection. In contrast, the Egg Clearinghouse Inc. (ECI) in United States trades those egg-marketing contracts by double auction or matchmaking. Meanwhile, evaluating the performances of Tainan egg auction center with its profit index and personal productivity both are negative. Since the base price in auction center was following every day egg wholesale prices in newspaper, therefore, the egg prices did not correlated to the grading and the quality of eggs. Moreover, examining the trader’s willingness of using the egg removal auction conducted by the questionnaire investigation. The Probit and Logit regression models also used for testing how the factors affect the willingness of using the egg removal auction from egg traders. Results shows that there are three factors, ”reducing the inconvenience of using computers”, “increasing the confidence of receiving payment”, and” ensuring the trader can buy or sell the amount of egg in which they wanted”. In other words, these three factors can increase the willingness of using egg removal auction from egg traders. The results from computer simulating of the egg auction center shows that the bottleneck of the operation from this center is the number of traders. Since a smaller numbers of trader makes the equipment using rate too low. Result also shows the increasing of traders in the simulation model can decrease the failure of matching bids.
第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………………1
第一節 一般說明 …………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的與範圍 ……………………………………………3
第三節 文獻查考 …………………………………………………6
第二章 理論基礎與分析方法 ……………………………………………12
第一節 拍賣類型、理論及其績效評估 ………………………12
第二節 參與雞蛋遠端拍賣之意願問卷調查與分析方法 ……21
第三節 電腦模擬 ………………………………………………26
第三章 不同拍賣制度之比較 ……………………………………………32
第一節 我國農產品批發市場拍賣制度 ………………………32
第二節 國外農產品市場的拍賣制度 ………………………35
第三節 美國雞蛋票據交換所 …………………………………50
第四章 目前臺灣雞蛋遠端拍賣制度 ……………………………………54
第一節 台灣雞蛋的運銷作業與價格形成 ……………………54
第二節 台南縣雞蛋運銷合作社及其雞蛋遠端拍賣之作業流程 68
第五章 台南社雞蛋拍賣績效之評估 ………………………………………74
第一節 現行拍賣制度的問題……………………………………74
第二節 拍賣之利潤率與生產力…………………………………78
第三節 決價之波動情形…………………………………………81
第六章 遠端拍賣系統之參與意願與影響因素 …………………………90
第一節 調查樣本之特性 ………………………………………90
第二節 參與遠端拍賣意願影響因素之分析 …………………105
第三節 蛋雞業者參與遠端拍賣接受性之質量模型 …………114
第七章 電腦模擬 …………………………………………………………122
第一節 拍賣系統的變數與系統資料 …………………………122
第二節 模擬模式的描述 ………………………………………126
第三節 拍賣系統瓶頸分析 ……………………………………127
第八章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………………129
第一節 內容摘要 ………………………………………………129
第二節 結論 ……………………………………………………131
第三節 建議 ……………………………………………………133
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