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論文名稱(外文):Genetic Algorithm based Fuzzy PID controller Design
外文關鍵詞:Genetic Algorithmsingle fuzzy rule learning methodhybrid self tuned fuzzy PID controllerscaling factor
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The theme of this thesis is to propose a new method of designing a fuzzy PID controller named the hybrid self tuned fuzzy PID controller. Since the PD controller tends to increase the speed of system response while the PI controller tends to improve the steady state response, both fuzzy PI and PD controllers are integrated with respective scaling factor in the proposed fuzzy PID controller. The respective scaling factors of both the Fuzzy PI and PD controllers are adjusted by the fuzzy inference rules. Therefore, four sets of fuzzy rules are to be designed for the fuzzy PID controller including the rules for fuzzy PI controller, fuzzy PD controller, fuzzy scaling factor of fuzzy PI controller and fuzzy scaling factor of fuzzy PD controller, respectively.
The Genetic Algorithm is applied to automatically design these fuzzy rules. In order to save the number of fuzzy rules to be learned, a genetic algorithm based single fuzzy rule learning method is proposed. The fuzzy rule is learned rule by rule based on the unit step response of the controlled system.
It will be shown that the proposed fuzzy PID controller designed by the genetic algorithm based single fuzzy rule learning method greatly improves the transient response as well as the steady state response. It also will be shown that the proposed fuzzy PID controller outperforms the controllers proposed by the research in the field.
摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目次 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機及目的 1
1.2文獻探討 2
1.3內容大綱 8
第二章混合型自調式模糊PID控制器之設計與應用 9
2.1理論基礎 9
2.2控制系統流程之規劃 17
2.3模擬結果分析與比較 17
第三章 混合型自調式模糊PID控制器於恆溫恆濕控制系統之應用(一)32
3.1恆溫、恆濕控制問題分析 32
3.1.1 傳統恆溫恆濕控制方式 32
3.1.2 問題分析 33
3.2實驗系統架構介紹 34
3.3恆溫恆濕控制系統控制流程規劃 38
4.1數學等效近似模型 58
4.2模糊控制器設計 59
4.3控制系統程式流程規劃 60
4.4模擬結果分析 65
5.1問題分析與數學模型 68
5.2理論基礎 71
5.2.1基因法則 71
5.3模糊控制器之規劃 75
5.3.1 基因編碼 75
5.3.2 基因演算步驟與程式流程 75
5.3.3 模糊控制系統架構 76
5.4實驗結果分析與比較 77
5.4.1模糊規則庫與歸屬函數之相關設定 77
5.4.2模擬結果分析與比較 81
第六章結論與未來發展方向 137
參考文獻 139
附錄 145
A乾溼球溫度及相對濕度轉換公式 145
B電控節流閥設定 148
C例二歸屬函數示意圖 151
授權書 157
作者簡介 158
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