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研究生(外文):Shih-Yang Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand in Wastewaters Using Open Focus Microwave Digestor Coupled with Spectrophotometry
指導教授(外文):Tau-Being Hsu
外文關鍵詞:chemical oxygen demand(COD)microwave dugestiondigest reagentspectrophotometryflow injection analysis
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初步以金剛砂添加芘(20μg/g)作為模擬樣品,添加藥劑微波處理後,再以微波萃取裝置萃取得到殘餘芘含量。均質化模擬樣品(金剛砂中添加芘20μg/g)由微波萃取裝置MES 1000萃取後,經由F test及t test證實均質化效果良好。微波處理方面,使用家用微波爐713.6W、微波時間40分、Cu2O 0.3g、NaOH 10N 0.1ml及5ml水之條件下,於固相樣品中芘之平均去除率可達92.7%。

Ⅰ.A Study on the Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand in Wasterwaters Using Open Focus Microwave Digestor Coupled with Spectrophotometry
The traditional method for the determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in wastewaters is mainly to digest the organics by open reflux method and then to titrate the residual Potassium dichromate by ferrous ammonium sulfate. This process not only is time-consuming but also requires a large amount of reagent. Therefore, the goals of this study are to digest the organics in wastewaters using open focus microwave digestor and then to determine the COD values by spectrophotometry.
The four factors of mix-level orthogonal array design were used in this study to search the best condition for microwave diges-tion . Those four factors were microwave power, digestion time, sample/digestion reagent ratio, Ag2SO4 volume. The results were showed that the optimized digestion conditions were(1) microwave
power: 90W, (2)digestion time: 2 mins, (3) sample/digestion reagent ratio: 2.5/1.5 (v/v), (4) Ag2SO4 solution volume: 3.0mL.
In the beginning,the recovery of COD using potassium biphthalate(KHP) as standard were good by the microwave digestion , but poor for COD quality control sample. Therefore, the power of microwave was changed from 90W to 300W. For QC sample, average recovery was increased to 98.9%. The average recovery of the wasterwaters from different sources were good using the best microwave digestion if chloride concentration were below 1000mg/L and COD values were below 500mg/L in wastewaters. After digesting and centrifuging samples, samples were injected into flow injection analysis system and the results were comparable. The average COD recovery of the wastewaters from garbage leachate (diluted 4 times) were 94.1%.
Ⅱ. Decomposition of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil Using Microwave Energy
The aims of this study were to treat the organic compounds in soil by microwave irradiation then to detect residual compounds by microwave extraction and gas chromatography(GC).
The advantages of decomposing the organics in soil by microwave energy are easy operation and simple equipment. The treating process was to add Cu2O and NaOH into the microwave vessel containing pyrene spiked sand(60~45 mesh), followed by microwave irradiation.
First, the pyrene(20μg/g) was spiked into the sand before homogeneous test was completed, extracted by microwave-assisted extraction and the average recovery of pyrene was good, proven by F test and t test. Then, the parameters used for decomposing the pyrene in the soil were household microwave: 713.6W, treatment time: 40mins., reagent: Cu2O (0.3g), NaOH (10N 0.1mL) and water (5mL). Finally, the average decomposing efficiency of the pyrene was 92.7 %.

第一部份 以開放式聚焦微波消化法配合分光光度計
目 錄
表 目 錄Ⅷ
圖 目 錄
第一章 緒 論1
1-1前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧4
第三章 實驗材料、設備與方法31
3-1實驗藥品及試劑 31
3-1-3氯鹽標準溶液 32
3-1-5氯鹽測定試劑 33
3-2 實驗設備 34
3-2-1一般實驗設備 34
3-3實驗方法 40
3-3-3氯鹽測定流程 44
第四章 結果與討論 47
4-1 化學需氧量比色法檢量線之建立47
4-2 特性波長的尋求 47
4-3 微波條件的尋求 52
4-3-1微波加熱COD的初步效果 52
4-3-2微波條件的決定 53
4-3-3實驗條件及藥劑之驗證 55
4-4 檢量線之濃度上限 59
4-5 氯鹽干擾效應 59
4-5-1 重鉻酸鉀迴流法的氯鹽干擾效應59
4-5-2 初步微波條件的氯鹽干擾效應60
4-6 真實水樣之初步測試 64
4-7 APG盲樣標準品之初試 64
4-8 APG盲樣標準品再試驗 71
4-9 最佳微波條件對檢量線之適用性72
4-10 最佳微波條件之氯鹽干擾 72
4-11 不同來源水樣分析 74
4-11-1染整業水樣分析 74
4-11-2石化業水樣分析 79
4-11-3製酒業水樣分析 80
4-11-4食品業水樣分析 81
4-11-5垃圾滲出水水樣分析 82
4-11-6造紙業水樣分析 84
4-12 流動注入法分析 85
4-12-1實驗因子之考量 85
4-12-2流動注入法之檢量線 86
第五章 結論與建議 95
第六章 參考文獻 97
第二部份 以微波法處理土壤中多苯環芳香烴之初步研究
目 錄
第一章 緒 論102
1-1前言 102
第二章 文獻回顧105
2-3-1索式萃取方法 114
2-5-1移地處理 119
2-5-2現地處理 119
第三章 實驗材料、設備與方法 122
3-1實驗藥品與試劑 122
3-1-1 PYRENE 122
3-1-2有機溶劑 122
3-1-3管柱淨化藥品 123
3-2 實驗設備 124
3-2-1 一般實驗設備 124
3-2-2 氣相層析儀器和設備124
3-2-2-1氣相層析儀 124
3-2-2-2氣體 125
3-2-2-4層析管柱 126
3-2-2-5資料處理器 126
3-2-3 濃縮、淨化設備127
3-2-3-1 Kuderna-Danish(K-D)濃縮設備127
3-2-3-2淨化設備 127
3-2-4 微波萃取裝置 128
3-2-5 微波加熱系統 129
3-3實驗方法 132
3-3-1.器皿清洗 132
3-3-2微波功率測定 135
3-3-3微波萃取流程 136
3-3-4管柱乾燥淨化 138
3-3-5 K-D濃縮 138
3-3-6 GC/FID分析條件139
3-3-8 土壤處理流程 141
第四章 結果與討論 144
4-1 芘標準品之配製與檢量線之建立144
4-1-1標準品之配製 144
4-1-3檢量線之查核 146
4-2 GC分離芘之條件 146
4-3 微波功率測試結果 150
4-4 微波萃取條件之回收率討論150
4-5 金剛砂加入芘模擬樣品均質化驗證154
4-6 微波處理之初步成果 157
4-7 空白試驗 161
4-7-1 溶劑空白試驗 161
4-7-2 矽膠空白試驗 161
4-7-3 無水硫酸鈉空白試驗 162
第五章 結論與建議 166
第六章 參考文獻 167

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