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研究生(外文):Li-Jung Wu
論文名稱(外文):Distorted Gender Relations in Desire Under the Elms
指導教授(外文):Nanette Jaynes
外文關鍵詞:distorted gender relationsandrogynelovemale domination
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現象, 也因此大家都過著不快樂的日子. 在這個原本該是個溫暖避風港的家中
, 每位家族成員都仇恨彼此, 惟一目標只在爭奪農莊財產. 扭曲的性別關
係使得這個家男女間的相處沒有愛和關懷. 夫妻間的不瞭解, 父子間的猜
忌, 兄弟間為爭奪財產而較勁, 顯示這是個感情疏離的家庭.

表面上在凱伯特家中, 男性佔了極顯明的優勢, 而女人似乎是沒有聲
音的勞動者, 工作不但辛苦而且沒有經濟掌控權. 男人好似佔了上風, 其實女
人才是真正決定這個家命運的角色. 尤其是伊本已故的母親及艾比, 她們
一個是舞台上主角, 另一個在舞台上以非顯性形象出現, 皆帶給週遭很大
的影響力, 最後甚至改變了這個家庭.

其實同為生命個體的人們, 無須計較男女性別. 明白愛和分享的概念
, 讓人珍惜自已及週遭那些愛自己的人. 只有固執私慾的人, 才會永久孤單.

In Eugene O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms, the Cabot members
are alienated from each other. No one is happy in this family.
To the Cabot family, the only goal of their life is to grab the
farm. The distorted gender relations make the Cabots produce
hatred for each other and without love any longer. The alienated
relationship between husband and wife, the suspicion between
father and son, and the rivalry between brothers, show the
alienation in this family.

Superficially the Cabot family is controlled by men, and women
who work hard without attaining economic domination are laborers
without voices. As a matter of fact, the latter decide the fate
of this family and change everyone's lives, especially Abbie and
Eben's dead mother.

As a matter of fact, there is no difference between man and
woman, for we are humans. Love and sharing let people value
themselves and those who love them. Someone who insists on
absolute individual economic selfhood will be lonely forever.

Introduction. 1

Chapter I

Mastery of the Feminine in Nature 4
Woman as Object of Male Desire 8
Sexual Inequality 18

Chapter II
Elms 25
Minnie 33
Abbie 35

Chapter Three
Alienation 46

Conclusion 65

Works Cited

Works Cited
Primary Sources:
O'Neill, Eugene. Selected Plays of Eugene O'Neill. New York: Random House, 1967.

Secondary Sources:
Alexander, Doris. Eugene O'Neill's Creative Struggle. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State UP, 1984.

Cahill, Gloria. "Mothers and Whores: The Process of Integration in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill." The Eugene O'Neill Review 16 (1992).

Connell, R. W. "Gender Regimes and the Gender Order." The polity Redeer in Gender Studies. Cambridge: The Polity Press.

Kolodny, Annette. The Lay of the Land. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1984.

Liu Haiping. "The Invisible." The Eugene O'Neill Review 18. (1994):154.

Martine, James J. Critical Essays on Eugene O'Neill. Boston: G. K. Hall &Co, 1984.

Millet, Kate. Sexual Politics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963.

Mulvey, Laura. "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Davis Robert Con and Ronald Schleifer. N.Y.: Longman, 1986.

Narey, Wayne. "Eugene O'Neill's Attic Spirit: Desire under the Elms." Eugene O'Neill Review 16.1 (spring. 1992): 49-54.

New Testament. Hong Kong: The Gideons International. 1960.

Plumwood, Val. Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. New York: Routledge, 1993.

Porter, Laurin R. "Self and Other: The Problem of Possession in O'Neill's Historical Cycle." The Eugene O'Neill Review 18 (1994): 109.

Racey, Jr. Edgar F. "Myth as Tragic Structure." Modern Drama. (1962, May).

Rollyson JR., Carl E. "Eugene O'Neill: The Drama of Self-transcendence." Critical Essays on Eugene O'Neill.

Tichi, Cecelia. "The Revolution begins the World Anew." New World, New Earth. New Haven London: Yale UP, 1979.

Torrey, Jane. "O'Neill's Psychology of Oppression in Men and Women." O'Neill's Psychology.

Weiss, Samuel A. "O'Neill, Nietzsche, and Cows." Modern Drama 34. (1991): 495.

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