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研究生(外文):Kuo Fang Shan
論文名稱(外文):The disquisition on the trend of China''s Renminbi exchange rate under the Asian financial crisis.
指導教授:魏 艾
指導教授(外文):Wei Ai
外文關鍵詞:Mainland ChinaForeign exchangeRenminbiFEACsFinancial crisis
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This paper is describing the Mainland China''s management framework of foreign exchange reserves by using the analysis of historical orthogenesis.
Before the regime reform in 1978, there are few interactions between the bulwarks of China and the capitalism countries. The foreign exchange policy isn''t considered but little discussing in the trade business with the socialism countries. After the regime reform, China evolved the economy by ushering in the foreign direct investment (FDI) and the advanced technology. The Renminbi exchange rate problem came up and became the first thing to solve in all price reforms. China''s management framework of foreign exchange reserves acclimated the foreign trade business exserting the trade inside settlement exchange rate in the cost base. By 1986, foreign trade corporations in China were allowed to buy back a certain amount of their foreign exchange earnings based on a retention quota-a move that led to the establishment of foreign exchange adjustment centres (FEACs), where enterprises could adjust their retention quotas. China then began using a dual exchange rate system, with the government fixing an official exchange rate and the FEACs determining market rates or swap rates. The foreign exchange retention and quota system were abandoned in January 1994 and the dual exchange rates converged. This resulted in the official exchange rate depreciating from 5.8 RMB/USD to the FEAC market rate of 8.7 RMB/USD, representing a 33% decline. The convergence of the two rates significantly increased the efficiency of foreign exchange management by the monetary authority. The People''s Bank of China (PBoC), China''s central bank, continues to closely monitor the unified managed floating rate to smooth out any large fluctuations. China effectively made an effort to clarify its guidelines on establishing the market economy when it unified the dual exchange rates in early 1994. The new regulations also paved the way for the convertibility of the Renminbi for current account transactions, scheduled to take effect by the end of 1996, four years ahead of the original schedule.
By the numbers, China is a bastion of stability amid Asia''s economic turmoil: Its currency is stable, its foreign reserves are huge, and its trade surplus is rising. But look closely, and China''s apparent economic strength drains away. Foreign investment in China is falling, and the trade surplus is expected to dwindle next year as exports slow and imports rebound-trends already aggravated by the turmoil elsewhere in Asia. Add in China''s delay in economic reform and rising unemployment, and the nation is facing its most volatile mix economic malaise since the late 1980s. For while its neighbors'' woes may make Beijing more cautious about opening its financial markets-full convertibility of the Renminbi has been put off until well into the next century-China''s problems are driving it to undertake structural reforms as bold as any in Asia. China will not relax controls on capital account transactions in the near future.
Under "one country two system", the integration of the Renminbi and Hongkong dollar will be the vital issue in the next century in China. The monetary integration will follow the economic integration. How to pull up the difference of the recognition of the economics and politics to a community will depend on the China''s lasted effort on the regime reforms. Not only the people between the straits but also the people all over the world would expect the success of the China''s reforms.
壹. 緒論
貳. 文獻探討
第一節 理論基礎
第二節 文獻回顧
參. 中國大陸外匯管理體制─改革開放之前
第一節 國民經濟恢復時期(1949─52年)
第二節 社會主義建設時期(1953─79年)
第三節 人民幣匯率與物價問題的討論
第四節 人民幣與社會主義國家貨幣
肆. 現行外匯管理體制─改革方向
第一節 外匯貿易內部結算價
第二節 外匯留成制度
第三節 外匯調劑市場
第四節 外匯黑市問題
第五節 人民幣匯率走勢分析
伍. 人民幣的可兌換
第一節 外匯管制與自由化
第二節 人民幣自由兌換
陸. 亞洲金融風暴
第一節 亞洲金融危機的沉潛
第二節 亞洲金融風暴的成因
第三節 亞洲金融風暴的影響
第四節 金融風暴的弔詭與思考
柒. 金融風暴下的人民幣匯率問題
第一節 中國大陸總體經濟情勢
第二節 人民幣匯率走勢分析
第三節 金融風暴對中國大陸的體檢
第四節 港幣與人民幣問題的探討
捌. 結論
玖. 參考書目
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