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研究生(外文):Jyi-Tyng Shiue
論文名稱(外文):The Forecasting Quality of Implied Volatility─Evidence from Taiwan and U.S. Market
指導教授(外文):Huimin ChungWen-Liang Shieh
外文關鍵詞:implied volatilityorthogonalitytwo-stage-least-square methodhistorical volatility modelARCH(5) volatility modelGARCH(11) volatility model
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Fleming(1998a)使用S&P 100 指數選擇權去探討隱含波動是否為股票市場波動的一個不偏預測及隱含波動的預測誤差是否和市場上資訊集成正交關係。其實証結果顯示,隱含波動是一個有偏誤的估計式,而且總是有高估的現象。在不考慮隱含波動是一偏誤的估計式下,使用隱含波動的線性模型來預測市場波動具有不錯的結果。隱含波動的預測誤差和條件波動模型(包括歷史波動模型及GARCH(1,1)模型)具有正交的關係,也就是說隱含波動不能去解釋波動預測誤差的部份,歷史波動模型和GARCH(1,1)模型也不能去解釋。
Fleming(1998a) uses S&P100 index option to discuss whether implied volatility is an unbiased estimator of stock market volatility and whether the forecasting error of implied volatility and the market information set have orthogonal relationship. The empirical result indicates that implied volatility is a biased estimator , and it always produces higher estimation. Without the consideration that implied volatility is a biased estimator, using the linear model of implied volatility achieves a good result. The forecasting error of implied volatility and conditional volatility, including historical volatility model and GARCH(1,1) model, have orthogonal relationship. In other words, implied volatility model can''t explain the forecasting error of volatility, neither can historical model and GARCH(1,1) model.
The purpose of this thesis is to explain why implied volatility is a biased estimator. A possible reason is that there is a bias and measuring error in option pricing model. Another possible reason is that option market is inefficient. Even if option market is efficient, the price of option may deviate from theoretical price because of the trading cost and incomplete factor from market. The issuing cost of securities and the inefficiency of option market might explain that the implied volatility in Taiwan warrant market is a biased estimator.
Due to the measuring error of implied volatility deduced from Black-Scholes model, I adopt two-stage-least-square method to compare the ability of volatility forecasting and try to find out what is the best estimator of realized implied volatility. Furthermore, I also analyze the weekly and monthly data of S&P100 index option in order to understand the comparison result of each volatility model of U.S. option market.
In Taiwan warrant market, the weekly empirical result indicates that implied volatility doesn''t have any information about volatility forecasting. The implied volatility of S&P100 index option performs better than that of covered warrant in Taiwan market. Although modified by two-stage-least-square method, the implied volatility in Taiwan and U.S. market is still a biased estimator. In Taiwan warrant market, however, using ARCH(5) or GARCH(1,1) volatility model can make a better prediction than using implied volatility model. When daily data is used to construct realized volatility, ARCH(5) will be a better volatility forecasting model for most of the sample data in Taiwan warrant market.
第三節隱含波動的預測品質(forecast quality)21
第四節交易策略(trading strategies)25
第三節單根檢定(unit root test)與共整合關係的檢定47
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