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研究生(外文):Shiao-Shing Ma
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship of Journal Productivity and Citations : in the Case of the Literature in Semiconductor
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yueh Tsay
外文關鍵詞:ProductivityBradford''s LawObsolescenceImpact factorHalf-lifeCited Half-lifeCiting Half-life
  • 被引用被引用:8
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本論文乃是以半導體產業之發展為主軸,並以書目計量學為研究方法,探討半導體文獻之期刊生產力,及期刊生產力對於文獻的引用與被引用所造成的影響。研究中蒐集1978年至1997年INSPEC資料庫中載刊半導體相關文獻之期刊,並以此期刊書目樣本檢索期刊引用報告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)中所計算的(1)期刊被引用次數(total cites)、(2)期刊影響因素(impact factor)、(3)期刊被引用半衰期(cited half-life)及(4)期刊引用半衰期(citing half-life)之四項數值,根據蒐集所得的數據進行分析與觀察,並採用皮爾森相關(Pearson Correlation)、斯皮爾曼相關(Spearman rank correlation)兩種統計方法進行相關性的檢測。
The main purpose of the research is to discuss the productivity of journals and its impact on the citation of documents in the field of semiconductor. The samples of the journals are gathered from INSPEC database between 1978 and 1997, then retrieved the data of (1) total cites, (2) impact factor, (3) cited half-life, (4) citing half-life of JCR in the base of the bibliography samples. In the research, it adopt the Pearson Correlation and Spearman Rank Correlation to examine the relationship between the journal productivity and citation.
The thesis retrieved 1877 journals with the documents in the field of semiconductor. And after compared with the JCR database, we''ve got 672 journal bibliographies both contained in the INSPEC database and JCR database.
In term of the research of journal productivity, the Bradford''s law may apply in this case, and the result reveals that the research field of the semiconductor is spread extensively, and mutually. The results of the comparison with the journal productivity and citation are : (1) total cites - the journals of higher productivity also receive the higher citation counts. On the contrast, journals of the lower productivity receive the less citation counts. (2) impact factor - it cannot observe the characteristics between journal productivity and impact factor clearly, but it still can be conclude the relationship by the ways of statistics testing. It is to say that, the higher productivity will lead to the higher valuable journals. (3) cited half-life - the productivity will speed up the obsolescence of the documents. In another word, the number of the documents a journal published will influence the obsolescence. (4) citing half-life - most journal articles still tend to cite the older references, so the productivity will not affect the currency of the reference totally. In conclusion, the citation of a article received, the effect and the obsolescence will be influenced by the productivity of journals, but the age of a reference will all be depend on the citers.
第一章 緒論...............................1
第一節 研究背景...............................1
第二節 研究目的...............................3
第三節 研究問題...............................4
第四節 研究範圍與限制............................4
第五節 預期貢獻............................. 5
第六節 名詞解釋............................. 6
第二章 文獻探討............................. 9
第一節 期刊生產力.............................11
壹﹑布萊德福定律 ................... ......... 11
貳、文獻引用關係 ............................ 17
第二節 文獻老化.............................20
      貳﹑文獻老化之理論研究 ......................... 24
參﹑文獻老化研究之爭議 ........................ 29
第三節 文獻老化與文獻成長之關係...................... 30
第三章 研究設計與實施................................ 41
第一節 研究工具.............................. 41
一﹑INSPEC資料庫........................ 41
第二節 研究進行之步驟........................... 45
第三節 研究假設.............................47
第四節 統計檢測.............................48
第四章 研究結果與分析........................ 50
第一節 樣本基本特性之分析........................ 50
一﹑半導體文獻之分布....................... 50
二﹑布萊德福定律應用....................... 51
第二節 期刊樣本之分析........................ 56
一﹑期刊樣本與期刊引用報告資料庫收錄情況之分析.......... 56
二﹑期刊樣本特性之分析...................... 59
第三節 期刊被引用次數分析........................ 62
一﹑期刊生產力與被引用次數之比較............... 62
二﹑被引用次數期刊之分析..................... 65
第四節 期刊影響因素分析........................ 69
一﹑期刊生產力與影響因素之比較............... 69
第五節 期刊被引用半衰期分析....................74
一﹑期刊之文獻生產力與被引用半衰期之比較............. 74
第六節 期刊引用半衰期之分析........................ 81
第七節 期刊生產力與期刊引用報告數值之相關性檢測.............. 87
第八節 綜合討論.............................93
一﹑期刊生產力之分析....................... 93
二﹑期刊生產力與期刊引用報告數值間的關係............. 94
三﹑期刊特質之分析........................ 96
第五章 結論與建議.................................. 99
第一節 結論................................ 99
第二節 建議................................ 101
第三節 未來研究之建議........................... 102
參考書目..................................... 103
附件一 期刊清單 ................................ 111
附件二 半導體之文獻數與期刊數分佈情況 ....................... 150
附件三 期刊生產力與被引用次數一覽表 ....................... 158
附件四 期刊之被引用次數與生產力一覽表....................... 172
附件五 期刊生產力與影響因素一覽表 ......................... 187
附件六 期刊之影響因素與生產力一覽表 ....................... 201
附件七 期刊生產力與被引用半衰期一覽表....................... 216
附件八 期刊之被引用半衰期與生產力一覽表...................... 229
附件九 期刊生產力與引用半衰期一覽表 ....................... 242
附件十 期刊之引用半衰期與生產力一覽表 ...................... . 257
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