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研究生(外文):Chi-Hung Shi
論文名稱(外文):Fuzzy-Grey Prediction on System Resources of IBM Mainframe Computers
指導教授(外文):Pei-Ching Lin
外文關鍵詞:GreyFuzzyData MiningPrediction
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OS/390是IBM電腦主機的作業系統,SMF(System Management Facility)則是OS/390上的一個系統管理工具,紀錄每項工作的重要資訊,並產生系統日誌。分析SMF資料可以了解系統的行為模式,讓系統工程師能分析並預測系統資源使用情形以提升系統效率。因為系統效率關係到一個企業的競爭力,所以如何提升系統效率殊為重要。
在本篇論文中提出以模糊灰色預測(FGP: Fuzzy Grey Prediction),來預測系統資源的使用趨勢。即以OS/390的系統日誌資料做資料發掘,依系統日誌中資料的規律性先做事先分類,並模糊化,再用灰色系統理論來預測出電腦系統資源的使用趨勢,以供系統工程師調整系統資源分配之用。
Data mining is quite generally discussed in the recent years. The data which stores in the computer increases. How to find useful information from these stored data becomes a very import mission, because successful data mining can create the enterprise’s commercial benefits and powerful advantages over its trade enemy.
The operating system performed in the mainframe of IBM is OS/390. SMF(System Management Facility) is the tool of system management for OS/390. It records the important information of every job to produce system log. By analyzing the data of SMF, the system engineer can realize the behavior model of OS/390 and predict the utilization of system resources in order to promote the system performance. The system efficiency is crucial to an enterprise’s commercial interests. Therefore, how to improve the system efficiency is quite important.
We mine the data of OS/390 system log to find its rule. And then the data can be classified and become fuzzy. Thereby, the system engineer can predict the utilization of system resources in order to allot the system resources.
According to the results of our experiments, the accuracy reaches as high as 90%, if we mine the data of computer system log with Fuzzy-Grey Prediction. Therefore, we can jump into the conclusion that Fuzzy-Grey Prediction is an efficient theory to predict the data on system resources of computer mainframe.
第一章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 OS/390簡介 3
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章相關理論討探 6
2.1 資料發掘 6
2.1.1 資料發掘的意義 6
2.1.2 資料發掘架構 8
2.1.3 資料發掘的應用 9
2.1.4 資料發掘的技術 10
2.2 灰色預測 11
2.2.1 灰建模 12
2.2.2 動態灰色預測 17
2.2.3 灰色理論的應用 19
2.3 模糊理論 20
2.3.1 模糊集合、隸屬函數、隸屬度20
2.3.2 模糊理論的應用 22
2.4 模糊隨機預測 22
2.4.1 建模 23
第三章 模糊灰色預測 27
3.1 事先分類 30
3.2 模糊化 31
3.3 模糊灰色預測 32
第四章 實驗與結果分析 34
4.1 實驗 34
實驗1: 34
實驗2: 36
實驗3: 37
實驗4: 38
實驗5: 45
4.2 結果分析 46
第五章 總結 48
5.1 結論 48
5.2 未來展望 48
附 錄 50
以4筆歷史資料做預測 50
參考文獻 57
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