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研究生(外文):Chih-Hao Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Strategies and Patterns of Reasoning in Wireless Communication Environment
指導教授(外文):Ay-Hwa Andy Liou, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:Inference RulesIntelligent AgentPilot AgentWireless Communication
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無線通訊環境日趨成熟,行動資訊(Mobile Information)對日常生活的影響漸受矚目。雖然目前無線通訊裝置已具備有計算能力,但尚無法如個人電腦一般,在網際網路上能提供使用者各種的服務。另一方面,由於多數無線通訊裝置在使用上過於複雜,運用智慧型代理員以簡化使用者的操作將可提高無線通訊裝置之實用性。因此在智慧型代理員的設計上,研究發展適切的推論策略與形式,以提供使用者其所需要的適當輔助是應被注意的。
本研究將傳統智慧型代理員的觀念應用於無線通訊環境中,就推論的策略與形式發展出一種機制-斥候代理員(Pilot Agent)。其運作是將推論的實際動作交由伺服器端執行,代理員在客戶端僅使用少量資源進行使用者習性觀察、資訊的傳輸和遞送、以及將推論結果適當的表現出來。此機制既具備個人電腦強大又有效率的運算及推理能力,又可適時輔助一般使用者運用行動資訊遂行其需求,以達成隨時掌握資訊的目地。

While the environment of wireless communication gradually mature, the influences of mobile information were marked recently. Wireless communication devices may deal with some simple computations, but still cannot offer various services to users like PC does at the Internet. Moreover, most wireless communication devices were too complex to use, applying intelligent agents may simplify users' operation and make them easy to use. Thus, it is important to pay attention in designing intelligent agents to offer apposite help to users by researching and developing proper strategies and patterns of reasoning.
This research applies the concept of traditional intelligent agents to wireless communication environment, and develops a scheme in strategies and patterns of reasoning-Pilot Agent. The reasoning actions under this scheme were actually performed by inference server, while the agent at the client-end merely proceed observation of users' aptitude, and transmitting and delivery of information. The agent also presents the inference results properly by using sparing memory of client-end devices. This scheme preserves the powerful and effective capabilities of computing and reasoning of PC, and assist users to accomplish their demands with mobile information to achieve the purpose of dominating information anywhere anytime.

第一章、 緒論1
1-1 研究動機2
1-2 研究目的4
1-3 研究範圍4
1-4 研究限制5
1-5 論文架構6
第二章、 文獻探討7
2-1 智慧型代理員7
2-2 斥候代理員11
2-3 JESS12
第三章、 系統架構14
3-1 運作模式14
3-2 推論伺服器架構16
3-3 斥候代理員架構18
第四章、 推論策略及型式與規則運作22
4-1 推論策略22
4-2 規則運作25
4-3 建議型態40
第五章、 範例介紹42
第六章、 討論48
第七章、 結論與未來研究方向51

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