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研究生(外文):Jiang-Duh Fang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Application of Smart Photonic Logic Gates
指導教授(外文):Wen-Ching Chang
外文關鍵詞:Smart Photonic Logic GatesDirectional CouplerLithium NiobateOptoelectronic DeviceSwitching VoltageErbium Doped Fiber AmplifierCrosstalkPhase Retardation
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本智慧型光電邏輯閘由於可適用於多輸入運算,故可應用在WDM網路上。除了在WDM網路上執行所有的基本運算之外,更朝向加強資料的正確性努力。如CRC-32錯誤更正的研究,以硬體的方式完成Jitter detection技術,這將是光電元件設計在系統應用上之一大突破。最後朝向設計波長轉換器,可有效的讓波長再利用,大為提高光纖網路的效能。再配合陣列波導式WDM模擬,三維波導折射率分析,將可瞭解智慧型光電邏輯閘在WDM網路之行為與特性。相信對於國內寬頻光電通信網路中元件設計與技術之發展將有極大助益。

A novel smart photonic logic gate system, including NOT, AND, OR, XOR gates, direct type OR with multiple inputs has been proposed for the first time. It takes many advantages of the linear device operation, facility of the multiple inputs, and being easy to realize logic functions as compared to the conventional photonic logic gate systems. The main components on these smart photonic logic gates includes the integrated optical waveguide directional couplers, optoelectronic (OE) devices, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs), 50/50 optical couplers, delay lines, and a built-in DFB laser. The design consideration of the waveguide directional couplers, such as switching voltage, electrode gap, coupling length, operating wavelength, would be studied in detail in this thesis.
In chapter 1, the substrate materials of directional couplers would be concentrated on LiNbO3 technologies because of its low propagation loss and high electrooptic coefficients. In chapter 2, the components of smart photonic logic gates would be designed and then integrated by using semiconductor technologies such as gallium arsenide, indium phosphide. The operating characteristics of the optoelectronic devices which include UTC-PD, PIN/HBT, and MSM-PD, would be also investigated in order to integrate the whole components in the photonic logic gates.
In chapter 3, the characteristics of the photonic logic gate systems, such as guided mode (TE or TM), operating wavelength, such as switching voltages, propagation and dielectric losses, crosstalk, will be investigated by using the two and three dimensional beam propagation method (BPM).
In chapter 4, the operation limitation of the smart photonic logic gates, such as operating frequency, the numbers of maximum and optimal inputs, the max numbers of cascade stages, and device dimension, would be also considered and proved to be informative. Moreover, the architecture and their characteristics of the smart photonic ring oscillator, left and right shift register, SR, JK, D type, and T type flip-flop would be studied.
In chapter 5, the major work would be focused on the application of the smart photonic logic gates on the WDM network. For example, the jitter detection on hardware technology and CRC-32 data correction are expected to increase the performance in the WDM network. In the near future, it is believed that this smart photonic logic gates system should be of great interest in the design of wideband optical communication network.

Chapter 1 Characteristics of Metal Diffused Lithium NiobateOptical Waveguides 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Influence of Metal-indiffusion on Lithium Niobate 4
1.2.1 Characteristics of LiNbO3 Crystal 4
1.2.2 Fabrication Techniques of Lithium Niobate Optical Waveguides 5
1.2.3 Influence of Metal-indiffusion on Lithium Niobate 7
1.3 Linear Electrooptic Effect 9
1.3.1 Propagation of Light in Anisotropic Crystal 9
1.3.2 The Index Ellipsoid and Birefringence 10
1.3.3 Electrooptic Effect 11
1.4 Coupling-Mode Theory of Directional Coupler 16
1.5 Preferred Electrode Arrangements 19
1.5.1 Crystal Orientation versus Electrode Arrangements 19
1.5.2 Switched Directional Coupler with Alternating Δβ 19
1.6 Device Fabrication 21
1.6.1 Wafer Cleaning 21
1.6.2 Photolithography 22
1.6.3 Metal Indiffusion 23
1.6.4 Polishing Process 24
1.6.5 Electrode Pattern 26
References 27
Figures and Tables 34

Chapter 2 Design of Smart Photonic Logic Gates 39

2.1 Introduction 39
2.2 Smart Photonic Logic Gates Configurations 43
2.3 Directional Coupler 46
2.4 Optoelectronic Devices 50
2.5 Comparison with Six Optoelectronic Devices 53
2.6 Numerical Analysis of Directional Coupler 54
2.7 Conclusion 57
References 58
Figures and Tables 62

Chapter 3 Application of Smart Photonic Logic Gates - Ring Oscillator and Flip-Flop 80

3.1 Introduction 80
3.2 Smart Photonic Ring Oscillator 82
3.3 Smart Photonic SR Flip-Flop 88
3.4 Conclusion 93
References 95
Figures and Tables 97

Chapter 4 Limitation of Characteristics on Smart Photonic Logic Gates 105

4.1 Introduction 105
4.2 Device Structure and Layout 107
4.3 Design Consideration of Multi-input Logic Gates 110
4.4 Limitation of Cascade Stages 113
4.5 Conclusion 114
References 115
Figures and Tables 117

Chapter 5 Future Work 123

5.1 Smart Photonic Logic Gates Using Semiconductor Techniques 124
5.2 Application of Smart Potonic Logic Gate systems on WDM 126
References 128

Chapter 6 Conclusions 130
Appendix A An Efficient Multicast Protocol for Multichannel Dual Bus Network 133

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