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研究生(外文):Chien-Hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The analysis and calculation of the BER performance and statical characteristics for wireless communication systems
指導教授(外文):Chien-Ching Chiu
外文關鍵詞:multipath effectintersymbol interferencebit error rateoutage probabilitygenetic algorithmcircular arc array antennasectored antennamillimeter wave channel
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  在室內環境,由於無線電波很容易受到遮蔽物的影響,這些遮蔽物如: 牆壁、天花板及傢俱等,使得無線電波將經由多重反射、繞射等路徑而到達接收天線,此現象稱之為多重路徑效應(multipath effect) 。由於此效應造成的符元干擾(intersymbol interference) ,使得通訊位元錯誤率(bit error rate)及失效率(outage probability)增加,亦即通話品質變差了。
  遺傳演算法則(genetic algorithm)在這裡是被用來把具有指向性的圓弧陣列天線(circular arc array antenna)組合成為一種具有扇形輻射場型的扇形天線(sectored antenna)。並且研究以這樣的扇形天線在室內無線毫米波通道(millimeter wave channel)的特性分析。
  根據我們所要設計的幅射場型以及陣列天線的擺設方式,究竟是要如何來調整,在這裡則是可以看成一種處理最佳化(optimization)的問題。所以,我們使用遺傳基因演算法則來解決這樣的問題。遺傳基因演算法則能夠同時地對每個維度的參數進行多點搜尋,避開掉入區域極值(local extreme)的危險,而找到最接近我們所要求解的答案。
  接下來,我們只要給定環境的發射、接收位置(transmitter-receiver location),則可以藉由改良後的彈跳式射線追蹤法(shooting and bouncing ray/image tracing techniques)來計算獲得該環境的通道脈衝響應(channel impulse response)。根據這些的通道脈衝響應,我們完成了扇形天線(sectored antenna)在二位元相移鍵控系統(binary phase shift keying, BPSK)、相位回復(phase recovery)以及時序(timing recovery)回復電路中的效能分析。根據數值結果顯示,這種經過設計所合成的扇形天線在室內無線毫米波通道中能夠有效地抑制多路徑(multipath)效應所造成的衰減(fading),並且明顯地提高系統的資料傳輸速率(data rate)。

Radio wave is easily effected by obstacles in indoor environments. The obstacles are walls, ceilings, furniture in indoor environment. These obstacles will cause multiple reflection and diffraction of the radio waves and the phenomenon is called as multipath effect. Due to this multipath effect, the intersymbol inference which increases the bit error rate and outage probability of the communication system occurred. As a result, the quality of communication becomes worse.
The genetic algorithm is used to synthesize the directional circular arc array antenna as a sectored antenna. Then, the performance of this sectored antenna in indoor wireless millimeter wave channel is investigated.
Based on the desired pattern and the topography of the antennas, the synthesis problem can be reformulated into an optimization problem and solved by the genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm will always converge to global extreme instead of local extreme and achieves a good approximation to the desired pattern.
Next, the impulse responses of the indoor channel for any transmitter-receiver location are computed by shooting and bouncing ray/image techniques. By using the impulse response of multipath channel, the performance of the sectored antenna on BPSK (binary phase shift keying) system with phase and timing recovery circuits is presented. Numerical results show that the synthesized sectored antenna is effective to combat the multipath fading and can increase the transmission rate of indoor millimeter wave system.

第一章 概論 1
第二章 通道模型與系統描述 4
  2.1 無線電波傳播通道分析 4
  2.2 毫米波通道特性分析 6
  2.3 彈跳式射線追蹤法 10
  2.4 基頻複數通道脈衝響應 12
2.5 二位元相位移鍵控系統 13
第三章 符元干擾與抑制的方法 20
  3.1 符元干擾 20
  3.2 分集技術 21
  3.3 可適性信號處理 23
  3.4 等化器 24
  3.5 回授決策等化器 25
3.6 等化分集技術 27
3.7 天線陣列技術 28
第四章 圓形陣列天線 37
  4.1 扇形天線 37
  4.2 圓形陣列天線之輻射場公式 39
  4.3 遺傳基因演算法則 41
  4.4 最佳扇形輻射場型分析 43
第五章 室內毫米波通信之失效率分析 57
第六章 結論 69
參考文獻 72

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