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研究生(外文):Huang Jui-Yin
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Industrial Specialisation Trend of Taiwan & Southeast Asia (1989 to 1998)
指導教授(外文):Lin Juo-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Southeast AsiaIndustrial SpecialisationTrade Specialisation CoefficientTSCExport Comparative AdvantageECAHigh-Tech ProductsMid-Level Technological ProductsLow-Level Technological ProductsProduct Cycle Model
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從世界各國經貿關係的發展歷程來看,貿易總是最早發生,隨著貿易快速成長,投資行為跟著被誘導出來,透過國際貿易及國際投資,產業分工也在不斷的展開與轉變﹐台灣與東南亞國家最近十年貿易和投資數字的大幅成長,雙方進出口比較利益勢必出現不少變化,產業分工型態必定出現不少的調整。本論文希望透過台灣與東南亞貿易﹑台灣對東南亞投資以及貿易特化係數(Trade Specialization Coefficient , TSC) 的分析,了解台灣與東南亞國家一九八九年至一九九八年十年間產業分工的型態、產業分工的變化以及產業分工的變動趨勢,進而掌握台灣與東南亞十國,哪些產業具有競爭優勢?哪些產業競爭優勢已經逐漸喪失,進而提出結論與建議。
From the perspective of the global history of economic and trade development, trading activities have always surfaced first; along with the course of which, investment behaviour follows suit. Given the prevalence of international trade and investment, industrial specialisation has continued to foster and transpire. Judging from the much escalated trade and investment figures of Taiwan and Southeast Asia in the last decade, many changes invariably have taken place in the export and export comparative advantages for the two parts, and many adjustments in the industrial specialisation format would have been naturally made. Through the analysis of Taiwan and Southeast Asia''s trade, Taiwan''s investment in Southeast Asia and the trade specialisation coefficient, the essay seeks to examine the industrial format, changes and trend of industrial specialisation during the period from 1989 to 1998 for understanding the competition advantages of Taiwan and the ten nations in the Southeast Asian region. Further attempts are directed studying these nations'' current competitive industries and the ones that have lost their competitive edge. In closing, conclusion is drawn, and suggestions presented
In examining the industrial specialisation of the five nations, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, the study discovered that in the area of low-level technological products, Taiwan had nearly lost all export comparative advantage (ECA)to Malaysia and Indonesia by 1989 (TSC<0), and to Thailand by 1992. However, the island remains rather stable and strong for the last decade when compared with Singapore and the Philippines.
In the area of mid-level technological products, Taiwan remains ECA to Singapore and Thailand. For Indonesia, other the year 1998, due to the impact of financial crisis, the first nine years showed strong ECA. To Malaysia, Taiwan lost ECA by 1991, and to the Philippines by 1997. In comparison with Thailand, although the ECA change curve over the years has lingered in the area of TSC>0, there is an apparent trend of sharp decline.
High-tech products (not including petrochemical products) yield greater ECA to Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. For Singapore and Indonesia, other than the year 1998, due to the impact of financial crisis, the other nine years all enjoyed favourable stance with degrees of differences. Although Taiwan has not lost its ECA to Malaysia and Thailand, but the niche had plunged after 1995. In addition, the East Asia''s financial crisis has exerted greater impact on Taiwan''s high-tech ECA, greater than the mid-level and low level categories.
The changes of industrial specialisation among Taiwan and the five nations of Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Brunei, and the relation with Vietnam have gradually deviated from the form of trade governed industrial specialisation along with the increase of Taiwan investment. Meanwhile, the industrial specialisation of Taiwan, the four nations of Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Brunei remains to be dictated by trade.
Based on the above, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the principle of industrial specialisation must be adjusted according to the market function''s competition results at all times; (2) the nationals'' industrial development and the skipping international investment might mean that Taiwan shall not have the priority to the product technologies released by the developed nations; (3) information/electronics industry is the focus of Taiwan and Southeast Asia; (4) the development of the product cycle model varies according to nations; (5) conventional industries shall have room for development.
Under the aforementioned conclusions, the study proposes the following suggestions: (1) industrial specialisation must be adjusted according to the market function''s competition results at all times; imperative to stay abreast of the competitor nations'' policy changes and the update on international investment intended for the competitor nations; (2) strive to be part of international corporations'' industrial specialisation schemes as well as technical transfer and capital; (3) the government''s facilitation focus should be directed at other uprising industries other than information/electronics industry; (4) never underestimate any nation''s competitiveness potential; (5) persistence in innovation and the establishment of effective overall industrial development strategy are the keys to maintain competitiveness.
第一章 緒論 01
第一節 研究動機與目的 01
第二節 研究範圍與限制 03
第三節 研究方法與架構 07
第四節 研究命題設計與命題假設 15
第二章 理論探討與文獻回顧 20
第一節 產業分工相關理論探討 20
1、 產業分工理論概說 20
2、 產品循環理論 22
第二節 台灣與東南亞國家產業分工相關研究文獻回顧 28
第三章 台灣與東南亞國家產業分工變動背景研究 30
第一節 台灣投資與貿易相關政策及環境變動 30
第二節 星、馬、印、泰、菲投資與貿易相關政策與環境變動 34
第三節 越、柬、緬、寮、汶投資與貿易相關政策與環境變動 47
第四章 台商赴東南亞投資及台灣與東南貿易變動分析 50
第一節 台商赴東南亞投資變動分析 50
1、 依照當地國政府統計 50
2、 依照經濟部投資審議委員會統計 57
第二節 台灣與東南亞國家貿易整體變動分析 59
第三節 台灣與東南亞各國進出口前十大產品分析 64
第五章 台灣與東南亞產業分工變動分析 80
第一節 HS 二分位碼九十八項產品產業分工變動分析 80
第二節 電子產業分工變動趨勢分析 135
第三節 紡織業產業分工變動趨勢分析 143
第六章 研究發現與結論 148
第一節 研究發現 148
第二節 結論與建議 160
參考書目 171
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