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研究生(外文):Yu Li-Ping
論文名稱(外文):The Experimental Study on Peer Mediation Program of Elementary School
指導教授(外文):Shyuu Yuung-Shi
外文關鍵詞:Peer Mediation ProgramMediation SkillsNegotiationSocial Conflict
  • 被引用被引用:49
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二、不同性別的成員在應用調解技巧能力上有顯著差異,即女生在應 用調解技巧的的能力分數顯著優於男生。
三、不同性別與不同實驗處理之交互作用在應用調解技巧能力上呈現 顯著水準。
四、同儕調解方案對增進實驗組學生的應用調解協商技巧能力上沒有 顯著效果。
五、實驗組成員及全校教師均喜愛並贊同實施同儕調解方案,肯定其 成效。
六、實驗組學生實際調解人際衝突事件成功率很高,並已達協商之高 層次策略。
 The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the experiment on the peer mediation program of elementary school students.First to explore the affect on peer mediation program for the elementary school students.First,I explore how the peer mediation program influences the improvement of 6-grade students'' negotiation skills when they try to be a peacemaker or when they try to deal with the social conflicts.Furthermore,by exploring the response of the experimental students and the faculty, some ideas are suggested as the reference for the educational department.
The study sample are the 6-grade students from Chia-Shi elementary school in Hsin Chu city,the total 28 students are assigned evenly to an experimental group(including 7 boys and 7 girls)and a controlled group(including 7 boys and 7 girls).
This study used an equal-group experimental design .The experimental group members participated in 10 sessions of the peer mediation program for 3 months The total amount of training time is 400 minutes.In contrast,the controlled group members joined regular activities.Later,the members from these two groups took the same test about ''mediation skills'' and''the ability to apply mediation skills''.Besides,there are 5 instruments,namely''Mediation Skills Total Recall Measure'',''Social Conflict Scenario Measure'',''Students Opinion Questionnaire'',''Teachers Opinion Questionnaire'',''Mediation Report''.The approach of the two-way covariance analysis was used to measure the effects of the experiments.
Here are the main points in this study:
1.The experimental group members showed significant effects of improved mediation skills,that is,the experimental group members had much more achievements in the mediation skills than the controlled group members.
2.The mediation ability of the male and the female is obviously different from each other.In other words,girls'' ability to apply mediation skills is much better than boys'',which is proved by the scores of the tests.
3.The interaction between different genders and different groups showed significant effects in the ability to apply mediation skills.
4.The peer mediation program didn''t show significant effects in the ability to apply mediation skills.
5.Both the experimental group members and the school teachers liked the peer mediation program and approve its effects.
6.Besides the admirable proportion of the successful mediation in dealing with social conflicts,the experimental group members reached a high level of mediation skills.
According to the main points,here are some suggestions as reference:
1.To extended the peer mediation program since it has good effects.
2.To increase the teaching hours.
3.To have both boys and girls in the program.
4.To go with environmental decoration.
5.To attempt class teaching.
6.To examine the number of the times,the style and the improvement in mediating confict successfully.
7.To research delayed effect.
8.To give suggestions for the future studys.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題與研究假設 4
第三節 名詞釋義 6
第四節 研究限制 8
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 人際衝突的理論和研究 11
第二節 同儕輔導的理論和研究 23
第三節 同儕調解方案的理論和實施成效 29
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計 45
第二節 研究對象 47
第三節 研究工具 48
第四節 研究步驟 53
第五節 資料處理 55
第四章 結果與討論
第一節 實驗處理後的效果分析 56
第二節 學生意見調查表、教師意見調查表、衝突調解報告書、觀察 心得的分析 65
第三節 結果討論 75
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現 81
第二節 結論 83
第三節 建議 83
壹、 中文部分 87
貳、 英文部分 89
附錄一 同儕調解方案教學活動設計及教材 92
附錄二 調解和協商技巧整體回憶測驗 131
附錄三 人際衝突事件情境測驗 132
附錄四 意見調查表(學生部分) 133
附錄五 意見調查表(教師部分) 134
附錄六 衝突調解報告書 135
表 次
表2-1 人際問題解決策略分類表 16
表2-2 調解時使用的技能表 39
表2-3 校園衝突調解員訓練課程課程大綱 41
表3-1 等組前後測實驗設計 45
表3-2 同儕調解方案實驗教學之樣本分配 47
表3-3 同儕調解方案之內容綱要 49
表4-1 不同實驗處理與性別在「調解和協商技巧整體回憶測驗」前後 測之平均數及標準差 57
表4-2 不同實驗處理與性別在「調解和協商技巧整體回憶測驗」後測 之共變數分析摘要表同儕調解方案之內容綱要 58
表4-3 實驗處理後不同實驗處理之「調解和協商技巧」調整後平均數 58
表4-4 不同實驗處理與性別在「人際衝突事件情境測驗」前後測之平 均數及標準差 61
表4-5 不同實驗處理與性別在「人際衝突事件情境測驗」後測之共變 數分析摘要表 62
表4-6 實驗處理後不同實驗處理之「應用調解協商策略」調整後平均 數 63
表4-7 實驗處理後不同性別學生之「應用調解和協商策略」調整後平 均數 63
表4-8 可用樣本背景資料次數分配表 68
表4-9 衝突調解報告書統計一覽表 72
圖 次
圖2-1 雙向度模式 15
圖2-2 處理衝突的雙向度模式 18
圖2-3 第三者顧問的模式 20
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