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研究生(外文):Chung-Lin Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):The Optimization of Design and Research on Shoes for Long-Time Standing Working Women
指導教授(外文):Associate Prof. Chih-Fu Wu
外文關鍵詞:EMGEVA soleHeel elevationToe springHeel wedge angle
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因此在本研究中主要係探討鞋墊材質硬度、鞋跟跟高、鞋尖翹度和後跟斜角等參數單獨及相互改變時,小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷值變化狀況,進而利用表面反應法(Response Surface Methodology,RSM) 建立其預測模式,尋找最佳化之鞋具參數。
本研究使用EMG(Electromyograph)光纖肌電儀來量測站立時對於小腿腓腸肌的肌電變化資料。實驗設計乃是以有穿過具有跟高鞋具的20位受測者和沒有穿過具有跟高的20位受測者,利用五種EVA鞋墊硬度(30、35、40、45、50),五種鞋跟高度(5 mm、25 mm、40 mm、55 mm、75 mm),五種鞋尖翹度(5.4 mm、7.5 mm、9 mm、10.5 mm、12.6 mm),五種後跟斜角(0度、7度、12度、17度、24度)相互搭配,以反應表面法(RSM)進行實驗規劃,排列出實驗組合,進行站立時小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷值分析。結果顯示,對於有穿過有跟高鞋具之受測者而言,其最佳化之鞋具參數分別為鞋跟跟高為32.4mm,鞋尖翹度8.9mm,後跟斜角3.5度,EVA鞋墊硬度為36.8,在這四個鞋具參數配合狀況下,其小腿腓腸肌之預測肌電負荷值為0.8883;對於沒有穿過有跟高鞋具之受測者而言,其最佳化之鞋具參數分別為鞋跟跟高為15.7mm,鞋尖翹度10.0mm,後跟斜角9.9度,EVA鞋墊硬度為30.0,在這四個鞋具參數配合狀況下,其小腿腓腸肌之預測肌電負荷值為1.3255。
When a person stands for a long period of time, it is the soles of the shoes that bear most of the weight of the body. As a result, the material of the inserts and the curved surface contacting the feet has great influence on the EMG of gastrocnemius. It has been proved that planter pressure could be brought down by changing the materials of the inserts, and the heels in certain elevation also help to reduce the discomfort of the plantar, calf and low back muscle after wearing shoes for a long time. However, so far there have been no quantitative studies about the toe spring and heel wedge angle of the curved surface of soles. Therefore, the objective of this research is to make a systematic study of the parameters of the insert material hardness, heel elevation, toe spring and heel wedge angle with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to set up the prediction model of the EMG of gastrocnemius and to obtain the parameters of optimization with Complex Method.
In this research, the changes of EMG of gastrocnemius are measured by Electromyograph. The experiment design is to test 20 subjects who have been wearing high-heeled shoes and 20 subjects who have never. They are tested in 5 different EVA sole hardness (30, 35, 40, 45, 50), 5 different heel elevation (5mm, 25mm, 40mm, 55mm, 75mm), 5 different toe spring (5.4mm, 7.5mm, 9mm, 10.5mm, 12.6mm), and 5 different heel wedge angle (0o, 7o, 12o, 17o, 24o) with RSM to analyze gastrocnemus EMG. The results are listed below: (1) The prediction model set up in this research is suitable; (2) The coefficient of the second degree of the heel elevation, heel wedge angle, and EVA sole hardness as well as the coefficient of the first degree of the sole material have great influence on those who have worn high-heeled shoes; however, for those who have never worn high-heeled shoes, the coefficient of the second degree of the toe spring is involved. For those subjects who have worn high-heeled shoes, the best shoe parameter combination consists in the heel elevation: 32.4mm, toe spring: 8.9mm, heel wedge angle: 3.5o, and EVA sole hardness: 36.8. For those who have never worn high-heeled shoes, the best shoe parameter combination lies in the heel elevation: 15.7mm, toe spring: 10.0mm, heel wedge angle: 9.9o, and EVA sole hardness: 30.
Keyword: EMG, EVA sole, Heel elevation, Toe spring, Heel wedge angle.
第一章、 緒論……………………………………………………1
1-1 研究動機………………………………………………………1
1-2 研究問題點……………………………………………………2
1-3 研究範圍和限制………………………………………………3
1-4 研究目的………………………………………………………4
1-5 研究流程與架構………………………………………………5
第二章、 鞋具與足部之關係分析………………………………7
2-1 鞋具之定義……………………………………………………7
2-2 鞋具之組成……………………………………………………7
2-3 足部相關病變…………………………………………………9
2-4 足部與鞋具之關係……………………………………………11
2-5 長時間站立之女用鞋具調查…………………………………12
2-6 鞋具對小腿肌電負荷之影響…………………………………14
2-7 鞋具對足底壓力之影響………………………………………15
第三章、 實驗規劃與最佳化設計………………………………17
3-1 鞋具設計之參數選擇…………………………………………17
3-1-1 鞋型尺寸的訂定……………………………………………17
3-1-2 跟高尺寸的訂定……………………………………………18
3-1-3 鞋尖翹度……………………………………………………19
3-1-4 後跟斜角……………………………………………………20
3-1-5 鞋墊材質……………………………………………………21
3-2 實驗規劃………………………………………………………21
3-2-1 實驗計劃法…………………………………………………21
3-2-2 田口法………………………………………………………22
3-2-3 表面反應法…………………………………………………22
3-2-4 實驗規劃……………………………………………………23
3-3 最佳化設計…………………………………………………26
3-3-1 Complex Method之邏輯……………………………………26
第四章、 實驗設計與計測………………………………………29
4-1 計測鞋具之設計………………………………………………29
4-2 足長與足弓高度量測實驗……………………………………30
4-2-1 實驗目的……………………………………………………30
4-2-2 受測者………………………………………………………30
4-2-3 實驗設備……………………………………………………30
4-2-4 實驗方法……………………………………………………31
4-2-5 實驗步驟……………………………………………………31
4-2-6 實驗流程……………………………………………………32
4-2-7 量測結果與統計分析………………………………………33
4-2-8 小結…………………………………………………………35
4-3 鞋墊材料物性實驗…………………………………………36
4-3-1 硬度試驗(HARDNESS TEST)……………………………37
4-3-2 密度試驗(DENSITY TEST)…………………………………38
4-3-3 小結…………………………………………………………39
4-4 站立時間訂定實驗…………………………………………39
4-4-1 實驗目的……………………………………………………39
4-4-2 實驗設備與環境……………………………………………40
4-4-3 實驗流程……………………………………………………41
4-4-4 實驗結果與分析……………………………………………42
4-5 小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷量測實驗……………………………43
4-5-1 實驗目的……………………………………………………43
4-5-2 實驗設備與環境……………………………………………44
4-5-3 實驗流程……………………………………………………44
4-6 小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷值預測模式驗證實驗………………50
4-6-1 實驗目的……………………………………………………50
4-6-2 實驗設備與環境……………………………………………50
4-6-3 實驗流程……………………………………………………51
第五章、 結果與討論……………………………………………53
5-1 小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷與站立時間之關係……………………53
5-2 小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷值之統計分析…………………………58
5-3 小腿腓腸肌肌電負荷之預測模式之驗證……………………64
5-4 鞋具幾何參數之最佳化分析…………………………………66
第六章、 結論與建議……………………………………………67
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