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研究生(外文):Jong-Rong Tsay
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation on Work Fatigue and Physiological Effect for Telecommunication Operators - Indoor Works
指導教授(外文):I-Fang MaoMei-Lien Chen
外文關鍵詞:telecommunicationfatiguephysiological examinationsergonomicsmagnetic field
  • 被引用被引用:7
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研究結果顯示,電信室內作業中的話務人員及櫃臺人員工作後的眼睛疲勞盛行率高達88%及81%,口乾分別為70%及56%,但兩者的疲勞形態不同,話務人員為一般型,櫃臺人員為精神工作型;而機房人員不論工作前、後自覺疲勞症狀的盛行率都較話務人員及櫃臺人員低。生理變化方面,三組受測人員在工作後的心率比起工作前皆有顯著的降低(P<0.05),尤其是話務人員(-9.11±8.86 b/m);同樣話務人員在其他生理變化上亦表現較櫃臺人員與機房人員強烈,其工作後的舒張壓是顯著的升高、閃爍融合閾值變好、近點距離增長、右手握力及拇指與食指&中指的指尖力變小(P<0.05)。在工作環境品質上,電信室內工作環境均屬於舒適的水準,比較值得注意的是,機房作業環境在5Hz及30Hz的電磁場強度部份地區高達170mG以上。
By the development of Hi-tech industry, telecommunication has become the most promising service trade in Taiwan next to the computer industry. And people working in this trade are increasing quickly.
The purposes of the study are to realize the condition of the work fatigue and physiological performance of telecommunication indoor workers in our country, and to discuss the relative factors, which cause workers fatigue. The results can be the references of regulation amending and employees protecting.
Two hundred and seven subjects were participated in the study including 114 operators, 42 engineers, and 51 tellers. We focus on 160 subjects who are below 45 years old. Questionnaires were used to collect the subjective symptom of fatigue and visual & musculoskeletal symptom of fatigue in VDTs operation before and after works. Physiological examinations were taken at the same time. Working environment were examined during working hours at afternoon.
The results show the prevalence of "eyes fatigue"in the operators and tellers are up to 88% and 82%﹔"thirst" prevalence are up to 70% and 56%. The types of fatigue are different between operators and tellers. The operators are general type fatigue, but the tellers are mental type fatigue. The prevalence of subjective symptom of fatigue in the engineers is much lower than operators and tellers not only pre- work but also post- work. In the physiological tests, the heart rates of three groups decrease significantly (p<0.05) after works, especially in operators (-9.11±8.86 b/m). The operators are increased on diastolic blood pressure, near point distance and decreased on flicker, right hand strength of grasp, thumb, and forefinger & middle finger significantly (P<0.05) after works. It should be noticed that magnetic field intensities in the engine room are over 170 mG on 5 Hz and 30 Hz.
The main cause of fatigue in the operators is using computers for a long time ﹔in the tellers are unstable workload and higher working stress. We should make an effort in these causes to improve the fatigue conditions of telecommunication indoor workers.
目錄 Ⅰ
圖目錄 Ⅲ
表目錄 Ⅳ
中文摘要 Ⅵ
英文摘要 Ⅷ
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 電信作業研究的重要性 5
第二節 電信作業的相關危害 5
第三節 疲勞定義與測量方法 9
第三章 材料與方法 13
第一節 研究對象說明 13
第二節 研究對象的選取 14
第三節 測定項目 15
第四節 統計分析 22
第四章 結果 24
第一節 受測勞工基本資料 24
第二節 受測勞工個人健康狀況 25
第三節 電信作業人員自覺症狀調查結果 26
第四節 受測勞工生理反應分析 30
第五節 環境品質測定結果 33
第六節 工作環境條件及作業負荷評量結果 35
第七節 人體工學評量結果 36
第八節 疲勞類型分析 37
第九節 疲勞相關因素之逐步複回歸分析結果 37
第十節 年齡分層之比較結果 42
第五章 討論 44
第一節 基本資料、生活習慣與個人健康狀況之分析討論 44
第二節 疲勞自訴症狀之探討 45
第三節 疲勞生理測定之分析討論 46
第四節 作業負荷、工作管理方式及工作環境討論 47
第五節 疲勞來源的相關因素探討 50
第六節 年齡因素之討論 51
第七節 綜合討論 52
第六章 結論與建議 53
參 考 文 獻 57
附件一 99
附件二 100
附件三 101
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