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研究生(外文):Hung-Wen Wei
論文名稱(外文):The mechanical testing model of biodegradable screws:in vitro degradation
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Yug TsayCheng-Kung Cheng
外文關鍵詞:biodegradablemechanical testingin-vitro
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The strength magnitude and retention time of biodegradable fixation devices can be understood and improved by mean of in vitro degradation tests. However from the literature review, it is found that the testing procedure and controlled environment applied in various vitro tests are not the same. Because the development of biodegradable fixation devices is one of the strategies to promote the biotechnological industry in this country, the purpose of this research is to establish an in vitro degradation system to monitor the degradation of mechanical strength of a developed biodegradable screw.
Conditions set for In vitro degradation and mechanical tests refer to ASTM F1635 and paper reviews. The screws were manufactured by three kinds different of materials. They were put in several containers and immersed in PBS(pH=7.40.2). The temperature of buffer solution was maintained at 3720C and allowed shaking. Both of shear and three points bending tests were carries out to determine the relation between the mechanical strength and the degradation time of the screws. The resulting mechanical strength reported is an average of 5 samples. The present results indicate that the strength of PLLA screws decreased significantly among week 6 to week 7 and PLGA screws(raw material from UCL, ITRI) lost almost all of its strength at about the 4th week.
This study has established an in vitro degradation system to test the strength attenuation of a biodegradable screw. The developed system could be applied to help evaluation and developing biodegradable screws in our country.

目 錄
第一章 前言……………………………………………………………1
1-1.1高分子alpha羥基酸--Poly(hydroxy acids)………………….3
第二章 研究方法與材料……………………………………………..17
2-2 體外強度衰減測試模式…………………………………………...21
第三章 結果…………………………………………………………..36
第四章 討論…………………………………………………………..49
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………..62

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