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研究生(外文):Chung-fu Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Design Evaluation Framework in Product Development Activity
指導教授(外文):Ming-chyuan Ho
外文關鍵詞:design evaluationproduct developmentevaluation framework
  • 被引用被引用:11
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This study is based on the case study and in-depth interview, establishing a framework with hierarchy and affecting factors for design evaluation in product development.
The main findings are : (1) the framework of design evaluation consists of evaluation core(including items, measurement and criteria) and affecting factors(including substantial, managerial, and environmental). The evaluation must chose the items and define them according to the affecting factors, then measure the items and make a judgement and decision; (2) six items for design evaluation including creativity, athletics, human factors, cost, material and technical feasibility. The interval scale is used to measure the items, and the decision is made through discussion; (3) the affecting factors can be divided into three hierarchical layers, including the highest level of environmental factors(time and social context), then the managerial level(corporate resource and design planning), and the substantial level (people, process and product); (4) in all possible design evaluation items, some of them are defined as the affecting factors, some of them are concluded into the six items. The unique definition of items by affecting factors may cause different final results of design evaluation.
一﹑緒 論
1-1 設計貢獻
1-2 設計與企業表現
1-3 台灣產業的轉型
1-4 研究動機與目的
1-5 研究方法架構與論文章節
2-1 設計評價的本質
2-2 評價活動的分類
2-3 產品開發過程
2-4 相關評價方法
2-5 評價現況
3-1 個案訪談
3-2 訪談案例一:聲寶家電
3-3 訪談案例二:光陽工業
3-4 訪談案例三:山葉機車
3-5 訪談案例四:裕隆汽車
3-6 訪談案例:巨大工業
3-7 訪談案例六:美利達工業
3-8 產品設計評價模式架構
4-1 個案研究
4-2 個案分析討論
4-3 深入訪談
4-4 綜合討論
4-5 設計評價模式架構修正
4-6 其他發現
5-1 結論
5-2 評價架構的運作
5-3 後續研究與建議
附錄一 : 訪談問題表
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