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研究生(外文):Chin-Chuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Applied Interfacial Moisture Diffusion Model to Indoor Humidity Dynamic Analysis
指導教授(外文):Kee-Chiang Chung
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摘 要
The high humidity problems are very significant in Taiwan area. However, not many research focused on this kind of topics. Usually, the temperature control is common way to remain the thermal comfort of the people. Only some of the electric industrial factories are aware of the humid problems. The humid indoor climate will reduce occupant comfort and increase the probability of allergenic are pathogenic illness.
This research started from humidity control strategy and discussed the impact of humidity on human. A vapor transport model will be developed in this theses. This model included the differential permeability, moisture transport property, and moisture adsorption and desorption processes. A computer model was developed and simulated the variation of vapor and heat inside materials. In order to validate the simulation results, the comparison between prediction and others references was undertaken.
The model can assist designer to understand the indoor moisture contain and overcome the shortcoming of cooling load calculation. Also, we can apply this model to evaluate the possibility of using green materials to control the indoor humidity.
Keywords: Humidity﹐Permeability﹐adsorption﹐desorption
一、 概論
1.1 研究目的1
1.2 研究內容1
1.3 建材含水性對室內環境的影響2
二、 理論探討8
2.1 多孔材質中熱和水氣傳輸之基本原理8
2.2 混凝土內之水氣傳輸9
2.3 滲透和微分滲透10
2.4 微分滲透性之計算11
2.5 微分滲透性之統御方式12
2.6 等溫吸附方程式之推導14
三、 數值方法18
3.1 內部節點之有限差分方程式推導18
3.2 邊界點之有限差分方程式推導20
3.3 有限差分方程式之整合21
3.4 邊界表面之熱和水氣之通量計算22
3.5 模擬驗證與分析24
四、 應用分析34
4.1 固定外氣條件之模擬分析34
4.2 改變外氣條件之模擬分析34
4.3 室內吸附材質之濕度控制34
4.4 室內吸附材質配合外氣處理之濕度控制策略34
五、 結論45
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