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研究生(外文):Kuei Yuan Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of Spray Pyrolysis Aerosol Reactor:Effect of Reactor Design on Product Yield
指導教授(外文):Yu Chen Chang
外文關鍵詞:spray pyrolysisreactor designproduct yieldthermophoresissheath flow
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Thermophoresis was suspected to be the prime reason for the significant loss of product powders in spray pyrolysis aerosol reactors. However, there is no published experimental evidence supporting this speculation yet. To answer this question, a lab-scale spray pyrolysis reactor capable of producing 1-2 grams per hour was designed and constructed. Preliminary runs were carried out to locate where particle losses occur throughout the reactor. The results showed particle losses at locations including the transport tube section between the ultrasonic generator and the diffusion drying section, flanges connecting reactor tubes, and the transport tube between downstream of the higher temperature pyrolysis furnace and the particle collection device. Possible deposition mechanisms at each of these locations were suggested and necessary correction measures were comprehended.
Quantitative determination of particle loss was made by directly collecting particles with pre-weighted aluminum foils covered on inside walls of the reactor at each of these locations. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to determine the actual amount of powders resulted from precursor solution consumed in each run. This result allows the calculation of particle deposition at each location and actual product yield on filter. Experiments were also conducted to examine the effect of using clean sheath gas around the hot aerosol out from the furnace to suppress thermophoretic deposition. After modifications, product yield increased significantly from 50% to 80%. Thermophoresis was found no the only relevant deposition mechanism in this type of system. When the liquid spray transport tube was not properly designed, a significant loss of the liquid droplets of several microns in size due to gravitational settling or inertial impaction may result.

第一章 緒論…………………………..……..………………………….1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………..…………………….…..4
2.1.2 擴散……………..……..…………………………………6
2.1.3 慣性衝擊………...……………………………………….8
2.1.4 熱泳動……………………………….………………….10
2.1.5 膠結………………………………….………………….13
2.2 噴霧熱分解粉粒體製程簡介.…………………………………14
2.2.1 先驅物溶液霧化………………..………………………14
2.2.2 先驅物溶液霧滴乾燥………..….…………..………….15
2.2.3 先驅物微粒裂解反應……………………….………….15
2.2.4 高溫微粒產物的冷卻輸送…………...………………...16
2.2.5 產物微粒由氣相分離…………………………………..16
2.2.6 抑制噴霧熱分解中熱泳沈積的過去研究………..……16
第三章 無塵套流抑制熱泳沉積原理………………………………….19
第四章 實驗方法……………………………………………………….23
4.1 實驗藥品及器材……………...……………………………..…23
4.2 分析儀器……………………………………………………….23
4.3 實驗系統與操作…………………………………………...…..24
4.3.2實驗方法與步驟……………………………………..….24 先趨物溶液配製………………………………25 反應器操作步驟………………………………25
第五章 結果與討論………………………………………..………….29
5.1 先驅物熱重損失率測定及測試微粒結構、粒徑測量………..29
5.2 法蘭包覆是否妥當……………………………………………..29
5.3 霧滴輸送管線的影響…………………………………………..35
5.4 高溫爐出口處沉積的改善……...………………………40
5.5 套流對冷卻輸送段沉積現象的改善…………………………..43
5.6 可視化流場觀察無塵套流對抑制微粒沉積的定性結果……..53
第六章 結論……………………………………………..…………….58
附錄A 微粒在標準狀態下(1 atm, 20℃)的性質……...……………….63

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