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研究生(外文):Min-Chuan Kao
論文名稱(外文):An Improvement on Location Tracking Strategies for Personal Communication Services
指導教授(外文):Ru-Sheng Liu
中文關鍵詞:通信服務系統HLR/VLR 資料庫位址追蹤移動軌跡
外文關鍵詞:PCSHLR/VLRMoving Patterns StrategyLocation Tracking StrategiesPersonal Communication Services
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“Location Tracking Strategies” is an important issue for Personal Communications Services (PCS). Usually, callee’s location may vary from time to time. Therefore, in mobile communications’ environment, the system must keep track of callee’s location all the times to transfer information to the required callee correctly.
This thesis proposes a “Moving Patterns Strategy (MP)” for PCS with the following steps. First, the local system will collect user’s history moving data, find the periodic users through statistic method, and generate the forecasting location for any time period. Then the caller and callee may exchange their forecasting data properly within communications period. Using this strategy, the time for call delivery may be shorted, and overall system’s performance may be prompted due to decreasing the frequencies of querying HLR database.
On the implementation, we will study user’s history moving data, design a general algorithm to figure out its periodic rules. Next, a protocol will be presented to combine MP strategy into PCS. Then, we will simulate our system to verify its functions and possible benefits.

“Location Tracking Strategies” is an important issue for Personal Communications Services (PCS). Usually, callee’s location may vary from time to time. Therefore, in mobile communications’ environment, the system must keep track of callee’s location all the times to transfer information to the required callee correctly.
This thesis proposes a “Moving Patterns Strategy (MP)” for PCS with the following steps. First, the local system will collect user’s history moving data, find the periodic users through statistic method, and generate the forecasting location for any time period. Then the caller and callee may exchange their forecasting data properly within communications period. Using this strategy, the time for call delivery may be shorted, and overall system’s performance may be prompted due to decreasing the frequencies of querying HLR database.
On the implementation, we will study user’s history moving data, design a general algorithm to figure out its periodic rules. Next, a protocol will be presented to combine MP strategy into PCS. Then, we will simulate our system to verify its functions and possible benefits.

書 名 頁 i
英文摘要 ii
目 錄 iv
表 目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 位址追蹤之問題描述 2
1.1.1 終端設備的可移動性 2
1.1.2 使用者的可移動性 4
二、 背景知識與相關研究 7
2.1 參考模型 7
2.2 相關位址追蹤策略 10
2.2.1 Always-Update 10
2.2.2 Never-Update 12
2.2.3 Fixed Location Area Strategy 14
2.2.4 Fixed Reporting Center Strategy 17
2.2.5 Time-based Update 19
2.2.6 Movement-based Update 21
2.2.7 Distance-based Update, DBLA 23
2.2.8 Forwarding Strategy 25
2.2.9 Multi-layer Strategy 27
2.2.10 Adaptive location tracking strategy 28
2.2.11 Caching Strategy 29
三、 系統設計與架構 31
3.1 研究內容 31
3.2.1 資料結構 33
3.2.2 估算MP之演算法 33
3.3.1 MP策略之位址更新程序 37
3.3.2 MP策略之呼叫程序 38
3.4.1 AT Stationary level 40
3.4.2 AT Mobile level 42
四、 系統實作與評量 43
4.1 位址追蹤策略之比較 43
4.1.1 MP vs. FLA Strategy 44
4.1.2 MP vs. Caching Strategy 45
4.2 數值分析 46
4.3 實驗部分 48
4.3.1 MP vs. FLA Strategy 48
4.3.2 MP vs. Caching Strategy 51
五、 結論 53
5.1 結論 53
5.2 未來展望 54
六、 參考資料 55

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1. 劉寶鈞(民86)。中央大學虛擬教室(NCUVC)簡介。遠距教育,1, 15-16。
2. 劉寶鈞(民86)。中央大學虛擬教室(NCUVC)簡介。遠距教育,1, 15-16。
3. 蔡文煥(民80)。小組討論在解題活運中運作之探討。國教世紀,27(3),6-12。
4. 蔡文煥(民80)。小組討論在解題活運中運作之探討。國教世紀,27(3),6-12。
5. 趙美聲、黃仁竑(民86)。寬頻網路即時群播之實例探討:談中正大學先導系統之研發與推廣。資訊與教育,58,30-38。
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7. 張世忠(民86)。討論教學的技巧與發現。科學教育(師大),205,2-8。
8. 張世忠(民86)。討論教學的技巧與發現。科學教育(師大),205,2-8。
9. 陳嘉彌(民86)。網路互動是遠距教學策略之構念與其可行性(上)。教學科技與媒體,34,42-46。
10. 陳嘉彌(民86)。網路互動是遠距教學策略之構念與其可行性(上)。教學科技與媒體,34,42-46。
11. 陳姚真(民88)。互動性距離、學習結果的先決變項及其因果效應之研究-以中美兩項個案研究為例。隔空教育論叢,11,63-127。
12. 陳姚真(民88)。互動性距離、學習結果的先決變項及其因果效應之研究-以中美兩項個案研究為例。隔空教育論叢,11,63-127。
13. 陳年興(民87)。全球資訊網整合式學習環境。資訊與教育,64, 1-13。
14. 陳年興(民87)。全球資訊網整合式學習環境。資訊與教育,64, 1-13。
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