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研究生(外文):Kung Yao-Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Taguchi methodKevlarS/N RatioANOVAComposite Materials
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文中所探討的抗彈複合材料為芳香族聚亞醯胺(採用Kevlar 29纖維織布)之高分子複合材料。所選擇影響材料抗彈特性之可控因子有纖維排列方式、抗彈板層數、成型壓力等三個參數。每個可控因子又區分為三個水準。配合所選定因子水準數後,選擇L9(34)直交表設計配製9組因子水準組合之克維拉29抗彈試件。測得每組抗彈試件之Vp50值,因其品質特性為望大特性,依據望大特性目標損失函數計算出S/N比及ANOVA分析後,發現克維拉29抗彈板以具38疊層、0/90度排列型式、成型壓力100 Kg/cm2三因子水準組合下,具有最佳抗彈性能。而因子影響程度依序為層數>排列型式>成型壓力。其中成型壓力影響微乎其微,可忽略不計。
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the influence of parameters of ballistic resistance of composite materials with the Taguchi method by using the least number of experiment and cost. The orthogonal array of Taguchi method is used to organize the experiment and the ballistic resistance limit velocity Vp50 of composite material Kevlar 29 which is obtained according to the U.S. military standard of Vp50 ballistic test for armor “MIL-STD-662F”. The Vp50 test data are used to do the controllable factors(parameters) of signal to noise ratio(S/N) analysis in order to understand the influence of controllable factors of the materials. The contribution rate of each controllable factor is estimated by analysis of variance(ANOVA). The optimal factors are chosen and the finished Kevlar 29 plate is verified by experiment to be the best.
The ballistic resistance composite material explored in this thesis is the “Aramid” fiber of polymer matrix composite. The controllable factors include alignment mode, number of layers, and thermal pressure. Each of the factors consists three levels. We can use the L9(34) of orthogonal array to design this experiment and to build 9 different level testing samples. Once the value of Vp50 of each testing sample is obtained, we can do S/N ratio and ANOVA analysis by using the quality loss function of The-Larger-The-Better characteristics. It is found that the optimal factors of ballistic resistance material of Kevlar 29 plate were 38 layers, cross-ply laminate, and the thermal pressure of 100 kg/cm2. The most influence of controllable factors is layers, the second is alignment mode and the least is thermal pressure. The influence of the thermal pressure is so little that it can be neglected.
This study explored the parameters of ballistic resistance of composite materials by using Taguchi method. Not only we can obtain the influence effect of each controllable factor with least experiments, that is help to understand the ballistic resistance behavior of composite materials, but also we save both the cost and time of experiments in this research. This reliable and economical method should be considered by future researchers in choosing the experimental way.
1. 前言…………………………………………………………… 1
1.1. 引言………………………………………………………… 2
1.2. 抗彈複合材料……………………………………………… 4
1.2.1. 抗彈複合材料的發展…………………………………… 4
1.2.2. 高分子複合材料之抗彈特性
1.3. 文獻回顧
1.4. 田口實驗法的由來
1.5. 本論文構想緣起及目的
2. 田口實驗法
2.1. 田口式直交表應用與分析
2.1.1. 直交表的定義
2.1.2. 直交表的種類
2.1.3. 靜態特性S/N比
2.1.4. 變異數分析
2.1.5. 最佳化驗證實驗
2.2. 參數設計
2.2.1. 基本原理
2.2.2. 參數設計步驟
2.3. 田口法在複合材料之應用
2.4. 本論文應用田口式實驗法之步驟
3. 實驗設計及流程
3.1. 規劃實驗
3.1.1. 實驗目標
3.1.2. 材料、參數選定 材料選擇 參數選定
3.1.3. 品質特性目標損失函數9
3.1.4. 直交表選擇
3.1.5. 測試方法
3.2. 實驗執行
3.2.1. Vp50實驗設備
3.2.2. 測試試片製作
3.2.3. Vp50槍擊測試
3.2.4. 直交表實驗
3.3. 實驗測試數據
3.4. 驗證實驗測試數據
4. 實驗設備妥備
4.1. 設備改良緣由
4.2. 原破片模擬彈壓製設備及流程
4.3. 改良破片模擬彈壓製設備及流程
4.4. 效益分析
5. 結果討論
5.1. 直交表實驗測試數據分析
5.1.1. 望大特性
5.1.2. 實驗因子配置及實驗數據
5.1.3. S/N比回應表
5.1.4. 變異數分析
5.1.5. 最佳化因子選定
5.2. 驗證實驗及數據分析
5.2.1. 驗證實驗S/N比
5.3. 可控因子對抗彈材料之影響
5.3.1. 排列方式之影響
5.3.2. 層數之影響
5.3.3. 成型壓力之影響
5.4. 驗證測試數據討論
5.5. 檢討
6. 結論與建議
6.1. 結論
6.2. 建議
附錄A. 複合材料之定義與說明
附錄B. 田口式實驗法之定義與品質特性說明
附錄C. 標準直交表與交互作用配行表
附錄D. Kevlar 29抗彈測試試片之密度值
附錄E. Vp50彈道極限速度紀錄測試表
附錄F. F0.025,r1,r2表
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